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Entries in this journal

Going to stop using Ebay/PayPal

This monopoly has jerked me over for the last time. I remember when Ebay and PayPal were seperate companies. Both of the companies treated you fairly, because they wanted your continued business. Now, they are a combined company and they have gotten so large now they can screw over anybody they want, and they don't care. Case and point. On June 6, one of my auctions ended, final selling price, a whopping 6 bucks and change. 3 bucks to ship (because paypal/ebay require proof of shipping),

Ebay has good and bad, just like everything else...BUT

It seems to be getting worse, for sellers!! That should tick off a bunch of people, and I am always good for shaking up the status-quo. My mission in life. :-) I do not have the track record of my good friends Jackson and JimL, in the 3000+, but I am well over 1500, so I am no insufficiently_thoughtful_person either. Jax and Jim will both tell you the same thing, that Ebay restrictions have gotten to the point when I sell something on the Bay.. heck, I might as well send it to the customer

Top "NGC" Proof Ike's

Although NGC won't recognize it. I guess I am crying over spilt milk, but it is afterall my milk. If you look at the top sets in the Proof Ikes, you will see that the top 4 places (actually 5 spots because #4 is tied) all have PCGS coins. As a matter of fact, the top 4 consist SOLELY of coins in PCGS holders. The set just above mine only has 4 NGC coins. The reason for this anomaly is that NGC has only graded 1 proof Ike as Proof 70, EVER... so in order to have the number 1 or 2 slot, you w

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration


The NumisGod is smiling on me!! My prize collection (well...someday I hope to win a prize for it) is my Eisenhower Proof Dollars. Currently sharing the number 6 spot. Well, my numisfriends, that is soon to change. I will be moving up to a solo position, perched in the number 5 slot. WOOHOO!! I know this doesn't seem like a real big deal, as there are only 11 coins in the set, but let me tell you... some of them are pretty spendy and very hard to get. The Proof-70Ultra Cams are almost imp

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Merry Christmas

A trivia contest. Win a fortune!! OK... it's not a fortune, but it is a numismatic prize. Here is the contest. Britannia has been a recognized symbol on British coinage for literally centuries. Look at the pictured coin. A precursor of Britannia, if you will. Tell me when (approx) and where this coin circulated. Correct answers will be placed into a drawing that I will hold Christmas Day. Send your response to me through this forum. All entries will receive an acknowledgment fr

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

In response to Sarah's Coins

Perhaps some common sense or cents! Lawsuits have been filed against Ebay and motions for restraining orders and injunctions and all the legalese because as much as Ebay would like to create a monopoly (which is in fact what they were trying to do) and control (or limit) the sale of certain slabs, monopolies are illegal (except government monopolies like the US Mint and the US Postal Service). SO they try to cut their losses (common sense) until such time as they are big enough, like the gover

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

fed up with ngc

cancel my membership tired of this ap-cray. once again, I cannot get into the order status database. Keeps saying it is not avail. I tried sending amessage to ngc through the contact link... who knows if they get it. You have to enter in a unique security number they provide, because Lord knows they dont want spam, but they sure send it to us... so...I guess I have to post here... cancel my membership....send my coins, ungraded back to me, as I have already paid the return fees, and re

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

More money...Less service

Even NGC has joined the ranks of short changing the customer. I recently decided to renew my paid membership, but because I had taken a break from the ranks of the paid membership, they charged me $109 for a year, vs the standard $99 for a regular renewal. Since paying that money i have tried to see my order status, and everytime I try (with 1 exception), I get the message "Database is not available". It was this way all of the last weekend, because I tried 7 or 8 times to see the status...s

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Two Sides to Every Coin...

Not All is Tinsel in Tele-Trade Town I too have had dealings with Tele-Trade. Perhaps enough time has gone by to give them another chance, but not enough to forget. Tele-Trade charges, what, 15% commission with a minimum $9.00 per coin, then they tack on some pretty hefty shipping and insurance charges, so you can imagine my surprise when two back-to-back shipments were shipped with insuffiecient postage, thus they arrived "POSTAGE DUE". I had to go to the post office and pay TT's delelict c

The Winner is.....

I need a drum roll please...............     Namvette68I was mildly surprised, that only 2 people responded (by email) to my trivia contest. The answer being "Electrolytic Cleaning". Namvette guessed reverse electrolysis, which is close enough in my book to make him a winner. Besides... it was my contest and I make (change) the rules. So.. Namvette, email me your mailing address and I will get you a nice shiney new roll of 2009-D Lincon Cents out to you.What surprised me even more though,

A Penny For Your thoughts... Part 2

Trivia Time Again... I am going to give away 2 rolls of the new Lincoln Cents. The first roll will be broken and I will give 1 of the new pennies to the first 50 people who email me their name and snail mail address. I will confirm your "reservation for a penny". Then you must snail mail me a stamp and I will have your new penny out in a jiff. Now some of you will think "Dude... thats 42 cents to get one penny!!" Well... if you have been looking for these, and have had no luck, think, ho

A Penny for Your Thoughts...

... But not one of my new 2009 Lincolns. It practically took an act of congress to get my 2009 cents, but it finally happened. I live close to Salt Lake City, and these new pennies were nowhere to be had. I went to Wells Fargo, the largest bank in Utah, they said "nope...no can do". Apparently we have a surplus of pennies already so the Fed in Denver won't send us any. So I went to my other bank, Zion's Bank, and basically I told the same thing. Fooey!! I was able to contact the CEO of

I tried to be quiet... I really did...

But this is just BEGGING me to say something... All one has to do is try to read and make sense of anything posted in a very recent journal and they will instantly know the person making the post has an inside track of who is stupid. Some smart person a while back, maybe a million years ago or something like that, once said, " A wiseman speaks because he has something to say... a FOOL speaks because he has to say SOMETHING!" OK... color me in the latter, but at least I know it and admit it

Two Additions & One Upgrade

A very nice start to a year I didn't think I'd do much. I have a set registered in the Proof Quarters, 1950-1964. The first of the year saw my ranking in that category as number 46, which is well down towards the bottom of the totem pole. Recently though, I had the opportunity to add two very nice quarters to my set, and I upgraded one other. I added a beautiful 1953 Proof 68 and a 1959 Proof68Star. Both are just beautiful. The upgrade was, I believe, quite spectacular. I had a 56 Proof 67

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

The Good, The Bad...

The Unethical... There is that age old saying "you have to take the good with the bad." Bad...Stroke (and subsequent week in hospital); Good.. My friends at NGC (thank you Jaxson for being especially awesome); Bad..furnace went out (new cost me $1300 bucks, could have bought some nice coins with that..); Good... I did buy a couple of new coins that I have added to my Proof Washington Quarters, 1950-1964, current ranking is somewhere in the twilight zone, around 46 or something like that, but

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

This is really messed up...

Beware Paypal... an Ebay company Any of my fellow numismatists who have tried to recently buy or sell a coin (or 30 in my case) will know that Ebay requires payment in the form of a credit/debit card, preferrably through their own payment clearing house, called PAYPAL. I have had an account with Paypal since 2001, and for the most part it has been (major) problem free. Well... this past week I had 30 auctions end, and of couse I am basically forced to have paypal as my only form of payment,

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

whats happened to the chat boards

cant logon Did NGC change the chat boards to paid members only?? When trying to access the chat boards now, there is no option to logon anywhere on the screen. the threads all come up, and if you try to reply, you get an error message saying you have to be logged on.... BUT there is no option ANYWHERE to logon. so... I tried sending a message to NGC and you get the standard hurry up and wait ap-cray... finally, you get an auto generated message saying you need to send them all the info and

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

The Season of Thanks...

often, more than we realize. This time of year, we all take stock of what we have and will, in some very small way, say "thanks". The question is, do our actions live up to our words? Do we really mean what we say, when we say "Thank You"? I try to thank God first and always, but I must admit I am not always on top of that. It has been a rough year. I changed jobs, and while I took a pay cut, I love the job. I felt God telling me at the time, "Don't worry about the money". Economic interes

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

My NGC Family is ***AWESOME***

Many Thanks for your kindness We all have moe than one family. We have our family at home, extended family members, our "work" family, our "social" family and NGC is no different. As collectors we share a common bond, the love and joy of our hobby. On this site it is natural to become friends, even close friends, with people we have never met. As "family" though, we share both the good times and the not-so-good. We let our family know when we get that elusive coin to complete a set. A spe

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

A loss beyond words...

Hope on the horizon Dear Journal, Sunday morning, October 12, my youngest son, Elijah, aged 7 passed away. The hardest thing I have ever done was to sit down last night and write the obituary for my little boy. Parents shouldn't have to do things like that. Today, while at the funeral home makeing the funeral plans, I found myself wanting to send a coin with my son. I wanted this coin to have special meaning. As I pondered which coin it might be, I thought of my dear frined on this forum,

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Case in Point

Do I need to say more....(yes... I know...some of you are saying "PLEASE DON'T")...sorry. I was really ticked when I read the last post from Herr Dinger (Donger), telling the world not to buy coins from ebay. This statement alone would prove the lack of knowledge he claims to possess. I have been a buyer/seller of coins on ebay for about 9 years. My feedback as of today is 1101, with a total feedback of 1442, which translate into a repeat business of 24%. In all of that I have received onl

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Boy.. am I in a mean mood today...

to be educated or blissfully ignorant...hmmm. Dear Journal, I had to laugh at two recent posts. These coming from somebody who touts to be especially educated in numismatics. At first I thought, "This person cannot even spell, let alone be super educated as this person claims". Then I realized he is a foreigner, and just didn't bother to check the accuracy of his translation. So then I thought, "Well... how educated can they be that they don't check their work...hmmmmm". Then again, you ha

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: 500 years in the making.

That is a beautiful coin. this is 500 years MADE!! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful coin. It indeed hallmarks the wonderous accomplishments of man this past half millinia. Sure makes you wonder what is to come in the next 500 years. I just wanted to share this little gem, from Poland. This is dated 1508, ? groschen, so it literally is 500 years made. I love to dream and wonder, who might have carried this in their pockets all those many years. The stories it could tell. Have a

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: My massive july in review

you're right..... I do not want to know....unless you spent a million bucks this last month, it is not worth our time knowing...unless you spend a million a month...I say get a life...get some real coins!! My bad... I just couldn't resist giving one a dose of their own medicine. This coin is worth a million dollars...or least I think it should be, afterall, it is the only one I have, and I say it is worth that. YOU might have a different opinion AND you MIGHT be right. :-) Mike p.s.

Coin Photography Workshop

As we speak (ok...type). Thought I would share some pointers for those interested. As coin collectors it is only natural to want to show off our coins. This can be a real pain as alot of us keep our coins locked in a safe deposit box. Some have their coins stashed away at home in a nice safe, as do I. But in either case it can be a pain to drag them out. This is where coin photograpy can be a real blessing. Once imaged and saved, we only have to clickey-click the mouse a couple of times an