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Entries in this journal

Alas! there IS help for you troubled collectors....

... and I, The Great One (I am a legend in my own mind) am here to help you. Yes, my dear friends. I understand your pain. I understand your dillemna. I know the anxiety you feel when you spy that beautiful coin that harkens to join your collection. I know the disapproving eye given by your spouse as you sign on to Paypal and send payment for that coin you won on ebay this morning. I know the agony of having an empty spot in your coin set. I know... I FEEL the pain. Yes, my dear friends, I c

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: Pulled Entry

Thank you for the explanation. While this is on the public forum, I direct this response to Island Antiques. I do not in any way pretend to speak for our collecting community. I am just sharing my opinion and those who MAY think like me. I, like many of us fellow collectors have had a bad experience with one or even more of the third party graders. Personally, I will never send any more of my coins to PCGS, for my own reasons. That is not to say I dont like PCGS coins, as I have several in m

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Thank you Clay

Great tip! By golly, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Clay mentioned that we can, indeed, delete out own journal entries. I followed his directions and by golly he was right. Many thanks for that tip. As for Island Antiques, seeings how the rest of his journals are intact, we can hope that he has had a positive contact with NGC and they will come to a mutally beneficial agreement. This is a great hobby and we as a family do not want to see hard feelings. Respectfully Michael Cooper

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Numismedia Prices = Fair Market Value...

Who are they trying to kid, or worse, rip-off? I dont know about you but I like to try and keep tabs on my collection. I try to upgrade when I can make a reasonable purchase and I always watch the values of the coins in my entire collection, not just registry coins. Have you noticed a major drop in NM values?? I sure have. I have several of the Statehood Quarters in PF70UC and in the last 6 weeks or so, some have dropped in NM price by over 50%. Just before Christmas the Alabama quarter

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

PQ !

What it usually doesn't mean... PQ is actually a term used by dealers. It means "Premium Quality" and believe me the "Premium" will be in the price you pay for the not-so-good "Quality". A long time ago, when God was a kid, somebody said "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". You, the collector and potential buyer need to decide for yourself what exactly IS "premium quality". This decision will (or at least should) change from coin to coin too. Use your lense and have a good reference book w

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Totally Awesome !!!

That so many people are uploading pictures. Several weeks ago I kind of went on a tirade about current sets without any pictures. A few very nice collectors emailed me back telling their situations, and some were actually valid reasons. I have all but two up, and so now I have decided to try something different. I figure a slab is a slab. I want to see the coin and maybe a little hisotry and description. To that end I have done things a little different, actually, it is now a work in progr

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

I jumped the gun, sorry...

... but fees are still going up, Yeah Baby!! When I logged into the system at about 5pm last night, the awards were not posted. They were however posted a little bit later, so NGC did as they said they would and I jumped the gun. Mea culpa, mea culpa. As for the second part of my post, grading fees are going up per the NGC website, www.ngccoin.com, attached is an excerpt ... Effective January 15, 2006, NGC will be implementing a new fee structure for some of its services. Fees for Office W

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Did anybody notice....

No registry awards today.... AND We will be paying more for less. Registry awards were supposed to be posted today, January 4th. but that didnt happen. Later this month we will be paying more for less service on grading fees. Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong?? MWC

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: 15 Most Wanted

We cannot share this dream.... ...And perhaps it was meant that way. DM spins a great yarn and I enjoy reading them. With over 670,000 registry points, DM has certainly had some great finds and over the years has gained a world of experience and has even more amazing stories to share. This, however is not the point, because, as I mentioned earlier, I enjoy reading the adventures and the ongoing quest of DM. So, I will put this as eloquently as I can..... ... WHERE THE HELL ARE THE PICTURES

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

A Happy and Prosperous New Year

Here's hoping... That all my fellow collectors experience great turn-around times, better than expected grades, an awesome registry set and one (can't be greedy) ultimate find. In the coin pictured, the main coin while a proof beauty, the coin featured within the coin is the one I would like to have. BVI 1985 $

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Another holiday

For the subjects of the Realm... Boxing Day, if I remember correctly, is celebrated the day after Christmas. Also, if I remember correctly, it is when the master of the house and the servants trade places for a day. Unfortunately for me, I happen to be both master and servant, so I guess that means tomorrow I will have a split personality. I have a beautiful Australian half dollar from 1966. It is a raw coin but beautiful nonetheless. I hope you like the picture. Australia

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration


The sound of the above title should be a clue here.... We all have headaches now. Lets call a truce to the hostilities. This is supposed to be a "Happy Holiday Season", not to mention a friendly forum. Respectfully Michael W. Cooper This coin, graded XF40 by NGC (cert # 2085138-009) is dated 1623. From Poland is a ? Taler. I hope I look this good when I am 382 years old. Poland 162

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

I feel a little responsible for the hostilities....

So... I will jump right on in... Last week I made a posting titled "Say Cheese Please" simply asking my fellow (and fellowette (trying to be politically correct)) collectors to image their treasures and share thier stories of their collections. While several others have either email me personally (imzadissir@aol.com) or made additional journal posting stating they have added more images/stories, it would also seem as though I sparked other conversations regarding the inclusion of PCGS coins a

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Why not LCam or CamObv

because..... Ok... that's not a great reason, but I think I have one. A coin is either full cameo or it is not. If Lcam or CamObv is allowed then where does it stop. Why not ?Cam or even ?Cam or how about 10%Cam or JBCam (just-barely) we could even have CWB (Cam-wanna-be). No we cannot go there. It is either full cameo or not. I do not have a problem with the designation of Deep (Ultra) Cameo vs Cameo as the designation still refers to the entire coin not just a portion of it. If this requ

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

The Last Day...

For my journal entry... ...into the Collectors' Society Inter-gallactic Hall of Fame or something on that order, so if I want to win one of those highly coveted icons next to my name, this had better be a doosey. Actually I think I will opt for the million dollar cash prize (paid one dollar a year for a million years). Winning would only mean that I, like any good irishman (Cooper is gaelic for "barrelmaker"), have been kissin' on that blarney stone 'n been giv'n the gift of a silver tongue.

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Say Cheese Please

Please, image your coins! The beauty of this registry is that we are able to show off our coins... to strut our stuff.. brag. To have some pride in our selected hobby. We are able to do this in a secure environment, knowing that our collection is safe, where we want it to be. And even though you may keep it under lock and key, or perhaps it is just sitting under your bed, you are able to show what you have accomplished.   Many of our fellow members have images of some of thier coins and

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

A rose instead of a thorn.

Ok... all roses have thorns (I think) but these are really really small. Johnny' Cartwheels is indeed correct in the position the grading services have to take. One of possible ownership. Secretly, I wonder if Johnny is (part)owner of NGC for pointing this out, but that's ok too, because as I said, he is correct. But, this is the rose, not the thorn. NGC is, in my humble opinion, the best of the grading services for a number of reasons that I have already stated in other postings, so I wont bo

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: Troubles with crossover

Who can I blame? I guess it is me for wanting it graded in the first place. A couple of years ago I had an 1883 Liberty nickel (no cents)graded by Anacs as MS63. Well, wanting to add it to my registry, I sent it to NGC. Came back as a no grade, altered surface. So, my questions are, 1. Did Anacs really screw up and miss an altered surface or.. 2. Did NGC have a momentary hallucination. Either way, I lose and not much recourse.

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

1904 Barber Dime

The flip side...actually the obverse. To my surprise there was actually a little interest in my barber dime. I have been asked to privide a scan of the obverse, so here it is. Without magnification, this dime looks pristine, but as you can see under magnification, Lady Liberty has been marred for life. This is a proof dime that is still a real beauty (unless under a mag.) and with a mintage of only 670, yes, well under a thousand, there are very few to go around. When I bought this dime, I k

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

One of the nicest Barber Dimes you'll ever see...

Too bad it cannot be graded! :-( Attached is my scan of a beautiful 1904 Barber Dime housed in my collection. I would love to be able to add this to my registry, but, alas, I cannot. Somewhere in its 101 year history, somebody decided to spiff it up a little, and I cannot understand why.. Proff condition, it simply did not need to be cleaned. It was and you can see the hairlines under magnification. Too bad. But I wanted to show off this beauty, so here it is.

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Maybe they'll cancel my membership!

This is a copy of my letter to Ms. Pierce. Customer Service for NGC. Hello Ms. Pierce, If you have taken the time to notice, you will see that in the last week or so, several people have posted journal entries reliving not-so-great experiences with NGC's grading process. Each of these authors have received email back from others that have thier own horror stories. Somewhere along the line, your paying customers are going to say ENOUGH!! We, your paying customers, you know, the people who sign

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Modern is Premium

Most grading tiers running far behind... Yes, my friends, <a href="http://you ca">you ca</a>n send in your coins for the upper grading tiers only to wait for an eternity (<a href="http://minus">minus</a> a day.. didnt want to exagggerate too much) to get your graded coins back. Recently I sent in to NGC to invoices. The first was for "Modern Service" at $11.00/coin (less my member discount), the second was for "Early Bird" service at $30.00/coin (less discount). The sec

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

In re: PCGS v NGC

BUY 'em up qwik ! There really is no reason for the huge price difference between PCGS and NGC coins. Personally I think NGC is better (else I should be in the "other" registry, which I am not). NGC doesn't seem to base thier grading on the number of coins that a person or company submits, nor do they try to curry favor by giving higher grades to favorite customers. Just goes to show that people who pay these unreasonable price differences just have more dollars than sense (or cents). Now s

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration