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NGC Rocks!!

I have handed out my fair share of thorns, now it's time for a rose. On Tues, February 13th. NGC received my latest submission. 10 coins on the modern tier for crossover grading. Current turnaround is 22 working days. I do not know what possessed me to look at my submission today, but I did, and I was absolutely flabbergassed to see that my coins are already scheduled for grading. I don't know what I did right this time, or which of the coin gods were looking upon my submission... whatever t

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

We dont need the coin police...

We need to educate... Regarding the world of third party graders, we need to educate. We need to educate ourselves first. We need to have as much information (without sensory overload) possible to make our own decisions about TPG's. We should have some experience with TPG's ourself, combined with the experiences of others. Some data on current pricing as related to specific coins and coins graded by specific TPG's. All this and more in order to make our own informed decision. After making t

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

3M Grading Service

Mikey's Maa-ve-lus Money No more than 5 coins can be submitted at a time, no more than 1 submission per week/per person(entity). Flat cost of $25.00 per coin. Personal service, speedy turn around as first in- first out (FIFO). No tiers, no long waits, no mistakes (mechanical) and no excuses!! Send lots of money and some coins to: Mikey's Maa-ve-lus Money... 12345 Downthedrain Lane, Somewhere, America, 00000. I think I am onto a brain storm here!!! My brain hurts like heck, but man.. I tel

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: What's wrong...

Besides the picture being turned on its side and the Statue of Freedom is losing her brains on top of the Capitol Dome.... This coin is a silver dollar, not the 50c that is noted on the holder. I love really old dated coins...this is dated 1507, 500 years old today!! Lets all sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY... sorry, got carried away... Hungary under Polish reign (I believe... but I have been known to be wrong) DSC01528.J

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

The squeaky wheel gets the grease...

...grease makes us quiet... now I have to be nice ! Dear Journal. I recently posted an entry about the lack of customer service at Heritage Online Auctions. Yesterday I received a letter of apology for their lapse in service PLUS a coupon for $25 off a future invoice. Heritage is at least trying to keep this customer and it is very much appreciated. Respectfully, Michael Cooper coupon2.JP

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Revenge, a dish best served cold....

I know, it is not in keeping with Christmas, but it sure felt good!!! Dear Journal, last week I won a small auction lot at Heritage Internet. Now, while I have received some very nice coins from Heritage, their customer service really SUCKS!! I will pay for an auction in my usual timely manner, and it is usually two weeks or MORE before they get around to shipping my winnings. They expect payment within 7 days, but wait WEEKS to ship... doesn't quite seem right to me. I have mentioned this

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

How about a new grading service ???

No...no... not another company... get real -- there is only ONE grading service company... maybe two... Haven't we all had a coin or three body bagged for a reason we didn't agree with?? Haven't we ALL received coins graded less than what we thought it should?? (and in fairness, we have had coins graded HIGHER too, but that is not the point of this diatribe) I would like to see an optional, fee paid, service called "Summary Grading". This would include, again, for a fee, 4 digital pics, 2 ob

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Could we add one more "Awards" category??

How about a "People's Choice" award.... This Collector's Society forum is a great place to be. The forum itself is free to all. Paid members (such as myself) get a few extra "bennies". We can input our collections with photos and descriptions and share our treasures with the world, all from the safety of our homes. We can share the exciting trips we made to obtain each of these little metal chunks, and we ourselves get to relive that adventure whenever we sign on. We can add those photos, to

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Good news...bad news.... Dont you HATE that!!

The good news is WAAY better than the bad :-) Having paid for another year to be in the CCS, I again received a certificate for 5 earlybird gradings. A 1936 quarter was body-bagged for improper rev cleaning. While that was a bummer it was really no big loss. A '43d quarter received a less than stellar grade, AU58. It will soon reside in the collection of my youngest daughter. A '41s Merc did fairly well, garnering a MS64. while I thought it was FB it did not get the designation. My '41d Merc

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Ike Proof Dollars

My set is complete this year.... I only tried to complete one set this year, even though I started many more. Isn't that the way it always is. My eyes seems to be larger than my buget can afford. That being said, I am very happy to have finished my Ike Proofs. Currently ranked number 7. I recently redid the photos and descriptions. Even if they dont win a prize, which will likely be the case, I am very happy with the coins, the pictures and the history lessons that go with them. Sharing the

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Designation Review... or not!

0 for 7... I didn't think I could mess up THAT bad!! I recently submitted 7 coins for review. I think I am a fair judge of quality, strike, cameo ect. I went through every coin in my collection and picked out the ones I thought would have a serious chance of receiving a cameo/star/both designation. Well... I went 0 for 7. They are all coming back exactly as sent. To me, it would seem as there was no review at all, as I am just not that bad at grading. I may be bad, but not THAT bad!! Bu

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Are we updating scores??

I hope so... I am trying to see potential scores for coins I am considering adding to my sets... every coin I have tried to check tonight returns a message "No Coins Assigned To This Slot"... very interesting...

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: DIsparity

The coins graded by PCGS are VASTLY superior... or perhaps ... a fool and his money are soon parted. who knows..I think the latter over the former. I also think that people who buy these common coins in PCGS holders for huge premiums have more dollars than sense (or cents). I am quite certain that I'll receive nasty grams from those PCGS owners who would disagree. I have some PCGS coins on this site but I can tell you I did't pay multiples over NGC just to get an over-rated slab that has a

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Buy the coin?? Buy the holder??

Buy what makes you happy!!! That is the key !! There are all kinds of opinions out there as to wether we should buy the coin or the holder. It would seem if you are looking at a really nice coin in an off TPG slab, then buy the coin because the slab and associated company is worthless... BUT if you are looking at a lesser graded coin in a PCGS slab... well BUY it NOW and then pay extra bucks to have it regraded on the chance it will move up. When it doesnt, send it to NGC (and pay yet more

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Correct me, please, if I am wrong...

Ceti Alpha V... Was destroyed when it blew itself up?? In Trek 2 TWOK I remember when Khan was telling Checkov what had happened. They were on CA4 thinking it was CA5... Please check your star charts... you could be in a totally different system, maybe even the Twilight Zone... oops wrong show!! Below is a very nice ASE MS68 UPDATE!!! I have been corrected. Ceti Alpha 5 was laid waste due to an extreme orbital shift.. Laid waste but not quite destroyed. It would appear that I am in th

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Dear Diary....

wait...wait... diaries are for GIRLS!!! Journals can be used by anyone... so... Dear Journal... It would seem as though all is NOT well in journal land. Some people complain about other collectors who ask questions. They tend to think that if you use this journal forum that you should be the end-all authority in coin collecting knowledge. They think asking questions is a waste of time, afterall, they already know everything and do not feel like sharing that information. Then we seem to have

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Re: Journal Use

A Journal can have all kinds of information, trivia and notes.... Jeff S. seems to be upset that people use the journal to ask questions. What I find kind of humorous is that in his post he himself asks TWO questions..... hmmm.... a double standard perhaps. Just thought I would mention that... God forbid I might actually ask a question!! Respectfully (well almost) Michael Cooper 1963 25c P

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Photo illiterate...

No need to be photographically challenged. (is that PC or what...) While I will not claim to have the best images on this site, I'd be willing to wager I may very well be in the top TWO... ok maybe three. If you would like me to email you what I do, please let me know. If enough people respond, I'll make it a general post. Just click on my coin gallery and see what you think. I have been told that this dime is either a 1942/1942 or a 42/41. Sent it to PCGS. They kept my money but refu

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

My personal experiences with some of the other TPG's

This is just my opinion of course... This is a link to a guide I wrote on eBay. http://search.reviews.ebay.com/members/lilchpin The coin pictured below is a real beauty. NGC has only graded 14 of these 2004's as PL and only 5 as MS68PL, none higher. PCGS does not even list a PL designation for this coin. Is this awesome or what!!?? 2004 1c MS

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

There are THREE price guides...

and the first two dont count... When the times comes to think about selling your treasures, you are going to be in for one heck-of-a-surprise!! We have all heard about the PCGS price guide and we know how far out of whack it is. Prices are as high as the clouds. Then we have the NGC values derived from Numismedia. Those prices are supposed to be more in line with real world buying and selling. But when you go to sell your coin to one of these companies "PAYING HIGHEST PRICES" well... they us

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Do you want it fast or do you want it right??

This coming from the king of complainers.... Let me tell you... I have ripped NGC more than once, both on and off this site... I have been their king of complainers. Having said that I would rather NGC take a little extra time and get it right rather than be fast and have slip-shod service. It is helpful to check CURRENT turnaround times before sending your coins. You also need to remember that those turnaround times do not include weekends (sat/sun). Today on the NGC site CURRENT turnaroun

If you want us to answer questions...

you might turn on your mail... DHT... we cannot answer your questions unless you turn on your mail... except here on the main page. Perhaps you noticed, not many people have responded here on the main page.... NMV are working fine for me. You need to be signed in to get values.

Re: First Strike

Wrong answer Munkey... ... I would have PM'd you the following information, but as you have contact from me turned off, guess I have to answer this way. The US Mint has a first strike "program". Coins struck within the first 30 days, regarless of the number, are considered first strike coins. Coins released from the mint during this time have papers issued from the mint stating it is a first strike coin. The grading service (PCGS & NGC) MUST have this paperwork in order to label the co

Did I miss something...

Perhaps I momentarily left the planet... Bill, I cannot help but notice the individual resumes you posted, mostly for ICG graders... but at the end of your rather lengthy post you have a picture of a PCGS graded coin... whats up with that?? Did I miss your point?? Enquiring minds want to know!! :-)

Mintage Figures

try... Numismatic News. About 3 bucks for 1 issue. Always has the latest mintage figures for all of the released state quarters. Collect.com which is part of FW publications (as is NN) should have the same info and probably for free. 2005s Sac