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NGC Journals

Re:...Let's Broaden the Base...

I have to strongly disagree I have to disagree with ANACS or ICG being added to the registry because their grading techniques just do not measure up with PCGS and NGC. I think if they add these two companies to the registry we would have people next time wanting some other named company like capital coin grading company to come in also (and we all know they just look at it with naked eye and then throw a dart to see whether it will grade MS-66 or higher no matter how it looks), I mean where do



Response to Query about Coin Insurance

Are you aware of the ANA-endorsed Coin Insurance offered in association with Hugh Wood Inc.? Someone asked about a good coin insurance program and I answered via member contact. Got to thinking maybe there are others who would like the information below. Hugh Wood Inc., 45 Broadway, New York, NY 10006 Tel: 1-888-277-6495 ANA@hughwood.com Offers an ANA-endorsed coin insurance program, insurer is AXA ART INSURANCE CORPORATION. I elected the GOLD option, coverage is $170,000 - only h



Understanding turn around time

Follow up from yesterdays E-mail Fellow collectors, I do understand NGC getting swamped with submissions. I do understand that it's now going to take longer. I can also understand the price increase because of the aforementioned. Yes, NGC is a great coin grader. If you want the service, your gonna pay for it. If you want to service, your gonna wait for it. I really don't have a problem waiting an extra week, but it still sticks in my head that I could of had my submissions a week ago, li



Turnaround Times

I think that volume is the magic word... ... especially with Modern and Early Bird. They can hire more world class graders, but I think it boils down to the volume of submissions coming in. I mean, I'd be lying if I said that I don't check my status every day to see if they've come out yet. 500 world class graders and probably hundreds, maybe even thousands of submissions per day (NGC also accepts foreign submissions, remember?) probably still can't get it all done unless maybe you force th

Allan C Ong

Allan C Ong

Ahoy matey!

My ships hold is not full yet. I have registered a new Signature SET, called Shipwreck coins. When my coins are recovered please feel free to view them.   Oneyedmark



What, ultimately, does a few days matter???

Play with your family, go out to dinner, relax a little... I send stuff in to NGC frequently, and i too eagerly wait to see what my mod comms rate--i just got 28 back, and 2 were 70UCs, the time before that i had five ms70s out of 20. both times NGC was about a week or so longer than they should have been, once even a week more than the estimated turnaround time. i each morning and evening i'd check their status, and find out that they were still in the system....but then, when they were don



My 2? on turnaround times...

I do not want NGC to sacrifice quality for timeliness. Lets start off by saying that, yes, I would like to get my submissions back faster just like anyone else. Yet I for one would rather wait an extra week if the alternative would be an inferior product. NGC has good QC (yes they make mistakes but they are few and far between) but to increase the speed of the "production line" would have a detrimental effect on quality. That is a given and is beyond dispute. Look at it this way, you coul



Stated Turnaround Times

A suggestion... but you'll never be able to send in coins to NGC again I dont want to try and stick it to any of the grading companies (except maybe PCGS), I just want what we all want, and that is simply the service we have paid for. Now, if you follow the following suggestion, there is a better than average chance that the grading company will not let you submit any more coins, however, the up side is, like most any other enterprise, the grading companies really LIKE getting money, so maybe

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

NGC Customer Service

Reply INSTEAD OF Forward I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this. And she's in customer service? I, like the rest of you collectors, TRIED to be understanding with the extended turn around times, and wanted a somewhat small compensation. Read the E-mail trail that I had from customer service. Start from the bottom for it to make sense. Ms. Kesten,   Thank you for the positive reinforcement (and your customer service?) Please FORWARD THIS to Scott   Sincerely   Pam



More on the cool site this is

I'm still lovin it but...... I'm still lovin it but Wednesday night I was staying up much too late messin with my coins and trying to make some sense of the whole mess when, in a fit of extreme coordination, I turned and knocked my laptop off of the desk. 30 minutes later it stopped working, much to my dismay. Now, I must share the desktop with my wife who is employed and I am going through withdrawal I am utilizing the down time by organizing, cataloging, culling, and deciding what I am no



A milestone for my Peace $ set...

6 more to go... I have added one more MS65 coin to my Peace $ set (1927 S), leaving only 6 more to go in my quest to have MS65 minimum grades for all coins. Also, the average grade for the set has reached 65.0 for the first time, which is a significant achievement to me. And finally, this coin replaces the last one in the set that was in a PCGS holder. When I put the set on public display, I really appreciate having all issues in the same holders. The toughest 2 remaining upgrades will of c

The Lovvorn Collection

The Lovvorn Collection

A New Addition!

Yet one step closer... I've just added a 1916 Barber dime to my 20th century set. Just a few more coins to go, and that will be it! The newest member of my set can be viewed below. The Barber and Standling Liberty quarters are the next major acquisitions, though that may take a little while... My Signature Set: http://www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/ViewPersonalCollection.aspx?UserCollectionID=286 The Competitive Set: http://www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/PeopleSet

Wolfpack Fan

Wolfpack Fan

More On Morgans

A very worn 1900-O dollar I received a very nice comment today on my ramblings of yesterday (1/30/06). So I thought I'd write a little more, to explain why I love Morgan dollars. My dad saved some dollar coins, mostly Peace dollars, but one Morgan dollar. The one he saved is a 1900-O, and very worn. When I was a kid (about 7 or 8 I suppose) I loved to go in to his chest drawer where he kept them, and just hold it. When you're that young, I guess I loved the heft of it, Morgan & Peace dol

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

We need a new coin...

So lets see what you think... In our coinage history we have had the ? cent, which we got rid of, the 2 cent, the 3 cent and even a 20 cent piece and each has met its doom due to poor usage and circulation. The ? dime doesnt really count as the composition was changed and so they called it a nickel. But I ramble, to the point... our new coin should be... get ready for this.... it's the..... 9 Mill coin, we could call it a "Nill" or "Nilly" worth exactly 9/10 of 1 cent. I know this wo

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

Ramblings From A Returning Novice? Collector

Why and what I collect, and likes and dislikes Hi Everyone, I'm a 52yo returning collector who collected as a student in junior high and high school. Isn't it funny(?) or maybe amazing how first interests are sometimes the best? Since I've returned to collecting, I must admit what I like to collect is more specifically defined. I still love Morgan Dollars, if I could only collect one set of coins, the Morgans would be it. But what I've noticed the most about what I collect is tying the coi

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

From a Peace Dollar Fan-addict

A fistful of dollars given to a young boy... Reading some of the other entries from numismaddicts led me to share my journey... My fascination with coin collecting began as a young boy in the early 1960's when my Grandfather gave me a handful of Peace Silver Dollars for no particular reason. He didn't have to tell me that I shouldn't go spend these on some toy at the local store; I knew that these coins were special, so I quickly put them away in one of my secret hiding spots. Over the years

The Lovvorn Collection

The Lovvorn Collection


I am new to this game!!! How difficult is it to trade coins here? I looking for a more effeciant way to manipulate my collection and convert some of the NGC coins I have more than one of into coins I d not yet have but would like to. Until now I have been selling them on Ebay and then using the proceeds from the sale to buy the coins I am interested in, however, I know there has to be a more effeciant way to do this. I have (2) 2004 $25 Gold Eagle NGC MS 69 coins and (2) 2004 $25 Platinum Eagl

Ronny D. Bradley

Ronny D. Bradley

RE: Best use ...

Is it open discussion within the guidelines or no? I happen to agree with Michael Cooper. If this is a forum for stuffy, white collar collectors, then I need to go elsewhere. I used to be one of those guys before I retired due to disability from a 16 year engineering management career. Let me say there was very little humor/fun in that arena. Although I tend to be a very a opionated person and often get too one-sided, if we can't discuss numismatic issues on this forum, why does it exist?



re: Best Use....

It is more.. This forum is more than a collector or two giving some technical data. We should be able to share stories, experiences, anecdotes and generally have some fun with our hobby. If somebody posts an entry stating " I bought a 1901 IHC." Big deal... who cares?? But if the posts was "I got this 1901 IHC blazer at a yard sale for 5 bucks!" adds a little more excitement. If the only thing we want is collector jargon and technical data, heck we can read CoinAge or one of the other coin

Admiral Mike-migration

Admiral Mike-migration

re: Database difficulties

i made it four days, but had to buy some coins yesterday. and there's a 1939 arkansas i plan to buy today. i need a sponsor to call in such emergencies. i was having some problems loading coins in yesterday--whether it was swamped with us numis-nuts or not, i don't know. eventually, however, i did get my coins entered. if they are pcgs, however, they will appear as "pending" until monday when i dear friends at ngc check the numbers against pcgs lists. hope this helps.  



My next fix...20c coins!

Ever notice that you already know what you want to start a set of next? Just another manifestation of the addiction. The next set I start is gonna be a set of NGC 20c coins. Part of the attraction is it is a short set but that doesn't make it inexpensive. I am a couple coins away from finishing my Indian quarter eagle set then comes the 20c set!



Spouses can't stop us!

Numismatists looking for their next fix! It makes no difference...disapporving looks, long silences, the occasional "How will we feed the children" do not stop us. We acquire little friends in plastic holders, such as the one pictured below. But it's never enough. We must have MORE MORE MORE! I, for example, MUST have a Barber dime...and then a Barber quarter...and then a Type 1 Standing Liberty...and so it goes. Will it ever end?!? I certainly hope not... By the way, the coin pictured below

Wolfpack Fan

Wolfpack Fan

I am a full blown addict !!!!

I need my fix now !!! I am addicted to this hobby of coin collection. At age 44 I feel like a heroin addict craving for my fix. The craving is too much at times almost unbearable. Raising the financial resources to support the impending purchase can be extremely creative. Search can go on for days and weeks. Once an acquisition is completed with the coin already in my hands the feeling is very difficult to described. It's exihilarating. The craving will be satisfied for a few days to a mo