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re: Walter Breen

the revulsion... i dumped all my california fractional gold because his name is part of the numbering process for them (Breen-Gullio numbers). for me, there are some sins that no amount of good writing or research can atone for.



New Pestilence Dollars

I bought my smooth edge already... The number of varieties of errors already surfacing indicates there are some real problems in the production process. Unless the mint intends to put out a shoddy product (which given some of its other offerings, may be true), it will have to seriously revamp the $1 process. this would have the theoretical consequence of reducing the number of errors. as for what errors i would pick up, and how aggressively, here is my two cents, well, actually, my two buc



Presidential $1 Varieties Up/down

The mint is going to make a killing on these dollars, or I am simply too obsessive... Okay, I picked up a Washington dollar coin, and it looks decent enough. I like teh reverse, although dear George looks a bit grumpy--maybe it's because on mine his face is down for me to read the mottos and date on the edge. This would seem to suggest that there are up/down varieties, that for each date and mint and pres, there is a motto heads up, and a motto tails up. Do we dare collect both, do we petit



Sets and Meta-sets

Obsessive compulsive behavior thrives in numismatica... My sets inevitably hark back to the days when i was a kid, the things i wanted but could never afford, or what i could. I thought commems were the coolest thing ever, but couldn't afford any (my dad bought me a set of the 4 cheap ones for xmas once), and then when the mod set started i picked up a few of those--so, logically, the early and mod sets were where i began. what i did collect were lincoln cents and jefferson nickels and pu



IGHIN support

I thought this was a IGHIN support group... The journals and chat boards are about the only sites i hit other than eBay and Heritage--and if i'm here, i'm not bidding. i can feel the DTs already. after i sold everything that was outside of my focus group, i converted that huge chunk of change (15K) into my early commems (the mods were already done). now, instead of merely finishing the set, i am worrying about upgrading. GRRRRR. and if it were only eBay, i'd be okay cause there's not a



Ad nauseum, ad absurdum, ad infinitum...

Where did the coin talk go? I am getting quite bored with this constant meta-discourse, and so, could we please get back to talking about coins. I received my latest bunch back and was quite happy--i have now finished my modern commem set (although i need to send my franklins in), and have had a decent enough come back 70s (and i only have 2 68s that need to be upgraded, and one of those is the 1982-D washington 50c). now i can get back to my early commems and try to finish that set up



More military coins...

what about teh bicentennial quarter?? your list is somewhat difficult to read, in that you sometimes mention the proof and ms versions of the mods, but not always, so i will assume that you meant to list both. first, the 1976 quarter has a drummer boy on the back, which would seem to fit your plan. the 1982 washington half has gw in his army regalia likewise, the lafayette dollar. all teh texas commems (the reverse has the alamo on it) lexington (i don't remember if you listed it)



What, ultimately, does a few days matter???

Play with your family, go out to dinner, relax a little... I send stuff in to NGC frequently, and i too eagerly wait to see what my mod comms rate--i just got 28 back, and 2 were 70UCs, the time before that i had five ms70s out of 20. both times NGC was about a week or so longer than they should have been, once even a week more than the estimated turnaround time. i each morning and evening i'd check their status, and find out that they were still in the system....but then, when they were don



re: Database difficulties

i made it four days, but had to buy some coins yesterday. and there's a 1939 arkansas i plan to buy today. i need a sponsor to call in such emergencies. i was having some problems loading coins in yesterday--whether it was swamped with us numis-nuts or not, i don't know. eventually, however, i did get my coins entered. if they are pcgs, however, they will appear as "pending" until monday when i dear friends at ngc check the numbers against pcgs lists. hope this helps.  



My name is Michael, and i'm a numismaniac

It has been one 3 days since i've bought a coin... i split my addictions between commems, both early and mod, and sudoku. needless to say, the sudoku is cheaper, but the coins are prettier. i'm even getting addicted to these journals and chat boards. i need a life (oh yeah, i have one, it's that thing i don't do because i'm checking to see when ngc will finally grade my mods so i can add them to my registry). i tried quitting cold turkey--i sold all my seated dimes (about 130 of them) an



re: Toning or Corrosion

my 25c worth what i've heard, and my experience with mod proofs seems to support this, is that the mint's casing can cause the toning (which, is a form of corrosion, insomuch as it is a chemical reaction between the silver, or whatever else, and the outside world, ultimately changing the coin). now, when i've sent my coins with mint-bequeathed toning, they have all been graded (one even ended up with a PCGS 70). thus, at least without seeing them, this is what i can tell you.



re: What happened to my Posts

i agree with the overlords... while i like the idea of trading slabs, and have been designated a "founding member," i do agree with ngc's position that it should not be in the journal. unfortunately, it would set a precedent that would make this spam central, and many of us readers and posters would groan. if we want more ads, we can read coin word or google coins. i think trading slabs is a super site and word of it will spread quickly to the far reaches of numis-world. i wish their w




Heritage is the best i've found... There are a number of auction sites out there, and depending on the level that you collection has reached, you might consider Heritage Coins (heritagegalleries.com). i used to be hard core eBay (and still patrol those murky waters), but when i found heritage, i was hooked. first, they have an auction archive, which lists the prices paid for any given coin over the past 10 years--that alone is a superb asset. secondly, list the major list prices for the coi



re: Cleaning Buffalo Nickels

better living through chemistry... my only advice is acetone. it doesn't react with metal--it's been suggested to my by the nabobs at the grading service as a way to get surface off, everything from pvc to generic dirt. make sure that you get pure acetone (walmart or a local hardware store will carry it), dip the coin in for about 10 seconds, rinse with warm water, and then dry on a soft cloth. i did that and then sent my coins in and presto, slabbed with no problems (by the nice folks at



Here's to a good year for coins...

Goodbye Seated Dimes and California Gold... There are certain disadvantages to being obsessive compulsive and numismatic--one of which is that sets that are in effect uncompletable drive one up the wall. Needless to say, after twenty years of being stuck on the final ten seated dimes, and really not wanting to buy $2000 uggos (those of you in the dime game know what i'm talkin' about), i sold them all. even worse was my california fractional gold--i only had about 30 of those. the upside is



re: You guys should take a pill

Can we vote you off the island... I too collect for the fun and the investment, but the whole purpose of this venue is to chat about the nature of the beast, part of which involves complaining, and part of which involves bragging. Both elements are long established elements of conversation and function to create social (in the cyber sense of the word) bonds. if you don't like the periodic complaining, don't read.



re: OK, new approach

that's a sucker bet... If you are interested in continuing with your plan, do this first. check out the ngc pop report for each quarter. take the ration of 70s to 69s, and that will give you the minimum number you will need to submit to have decent odds of getting a 70. HOWEVER, realize that most dealers stipulate when they send stuff in that anything under a 68 or 69 is to be left ungraded. (thus, your proportion of 70s to total quarters is probably much lower). As the earlier writer sugg



NGC Regrading for early holders

I have a number of first generation slabs (early commems) graded 64-65. Has anyone had much success in grading up with a regrade? My PCGS rattlers have all moved up 1 grade (both from PCGS and NGC) although my PCGS green holders have a 1/12 upgrade percentage. Any insights?   As for the debate about grading, i have owned raw, PCGS, NGC, ANACS, NTC (sucks), ICG, and a few others, and have dumped all but NGC and PCGS. They may take a little longer, they may make a few mistakes, but i can re

