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Entries in this journal

Thinking About Custom Sets And Photos

first few pics aren't bad Let's talk about the pictures first. Since I began my enforced layoff in May, 2013, I didn't shoot any coin pics. My DSLR is still firmly attached to my copy stand, so for the last couple of weeks, I began to reimage some of my coins. My 2 Southwest Expedition so-called dollars came out nice and I even got some credible images on my proof Bison Westward nickel. However, on the nickel I need to use some SlabRenew on the slabs as the scratches showed up really bad. Howe

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

It's Taken A Long Time

...But I'm back with a plan. After an absence of about 2.5 years, I renewed my membership back in March. I can't put to words how happy I am to be back as a contributing member. The big reason for all of this has been financial. But with the help of my brother, my bank, my CPA and my stockbroker, I now have a plan to always have money for my expenses, with a little left over for coins and my other hobbies. While I'm thanking people here, I should put in some good words for Six Mile Rick, who h

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Happy To Be Back

A lot has happened in the last 2 years. For those of you who don't know me, or haven't been keeping up with my previous journals, I took a 2 year hiatus, (or sabbatical, or vacation or whatever you want to call it). Well, a little over 2 months ago I was able to renew my account. Since that time, I have been really going through my coins and currency, trying to really get a game plan on my collecting journey. One of my big problems before, and something I still have to watch out for, is I've

Too Many Canadian Coins (Or so someone says)

A continuation of my journal entry from 11/4... Yes, this is a continuation of my journal from a few days ago. The impetus for this entry was an editorial (I think) that I read a couple of years ago. The writer made the point there is just too many Canadian coins being produced and that the RCM should have to cut back.       My feelings on the editorial are simple. Why would anyone complain about our great hobby, especially to complain there is too much of something. My point here is, unl

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Getting Closer To The Day I Will Be Back In The Hobby

Finances are improving and my personal do's and don'ts Hello everyone,       I know it has been a long time since I've posted a journal entry. But to be honest, I've been using the time to do many things; the best of them is I'm close (a year at most) to being back in the hobby.       First of all, my finances are improving! The last thing I have to do is find a good part-time job to help with my bills. As soon as I'm ahead of the game, with money enough to pay a month or two ahead,

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Tough Being Semi-retired

moving more into currency Hi all, I know it has been a while since I have posted any journal articles, and it has been longer still since I have purchased any coins. I have been semi-retired since the middle of May. Things at work made me and Hy-Vee decide to semi-retire. Insurance has been the big bug-a-boo, and I am still not sure how everything will work out. I have enough in my IRA to almost get through next year. The problem is I am having trouble with my back, I think from an acciden

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Some Sadness, But Some Happiness Too

Cutting down on my sets, but will still be doing western mints I write this with some sadness in my heart, but some happiness too. I have made the decision to cut way back on my sets. There are 2 big reasons for this. First, the cost of finishing my Buffalo Nickel set in any kind of competitive grades will cost me a good amount of dollars. The sadness here is I REALLY LOVE the Buffalo Nickel. Along with Morgan Dollars, these 2 coins are my top favorites. Secondly, I do have other interests, ma

Sell List

Yes, I did put this in the marketplace forum. Updated 6/23/13 Hi All, Here is the list of what I would like to sell. FMV is listed, I would really like at least 50%, I am willing to do some trades if the coins fit into my sets. For example, I would trade for some PF70 UC ATB quarters for the silver state quarters I have. All coins listed are graded by NGC, except for 2005D Satin Kansas quarter which is graded by PGCS. 2009S Lincoln Cent Formative Years PF69RDUC -- $17.50 2005D SMS Ocea

Making Some Changes

yes I have some for sale, I will also place this in the Forum. Hi All, First off, I want to clarify my last journal, I was not by any means raising a fuss or anything. I just thought it was a point that needs to remind us all who collect some of the modern coins. I think everyone here knows I enjoy western theme coins, and coins from the western mints and also currency. So I am cutting down on some of the modern coins and putting them up for sale. What I decided on is to not do the silver

Sac Dollars

Down No picture for this entry, just some numbers to prove my point in my previous entry. 2003S Proof Sac has went from $137.50 down to $51.25 2000S Proof Sac has went from $225 to $93.75 2006S Proof Sac has went from $125 to $52.50 2005S Proof Sac has went from $93.75 to $50 2002S Proof Sac has went from $87.50 to $56.25 I have 2 others just purchased in the last year to year and a half, they have not dropped as much as the ones listed above. These are all PF70UC, and all the fi

The Buffs Are Back

4 as expected, 1 a major disappointment Hi All, First I want to give NGC some well deserved kudos. I sent 5 buffalo nickels in 2 weeks ago today on my coupon. They came back to me today (Monday, 6/17), yes it's still Monday here in the heartland as I write this. This was way quicker than I expected, so a big THANK YOU to NGC. OK, now on to the grades. As I said in my teaser, there are 4 of the 5 I am really happy with. 1916 bought raw as a 63 -- final grade 64 1928 bought raw as a 61 -

Western Mint Registry Sets For Silver Only

I want them! I just replied to an email from Allison Emery for silver Registry sets. I've been trying for a few years now to get sets just for silver coinage. As most of you know, I love 19th century coinage, but I do like Merc dimes, Franklin halves and Walking Liberty halves. So, I would love to see for example, a set just of the O-mint Morgan dollars. I think a set of Seated Liberty coinage (either all SL coinage in one S-mint, O-mint and CC-mint), or all in one set. I personally would like

A Good Day

especially for a Monday. Hi all, Yes, today has been a good day so far. First, when I picked up my mail, it included a package from Teletrade. You guessed it, my 1875 CC Trade dollar is now in my hot little hands, I have even photographed it already!!!!! And yes, the dual image will be the photo for today's journal. After the photo tasks were completed, I finished my coupon submission and it is all ready to send to NGC. I had to make a choice and I went with the easy decision, 5 buffalo ni

Pictures and an Update

semi retired, but need to find insurance, but I bought a trade dollar and working on my pictures Hi all, A lot has happened to me since I posted a journal. Some good news is my basement is fixed!!! Bad news is I still have to move dirt so it can settle before I pour any concrete and do the finishing work. Right now, the only way into my house is through the big garage door, but in a day or two, should be able (if I have to) get in through the porch I had remodeled. I semi retired myself fr

Pics and more

put pics of my newest trade dollar in my gallery Howdy all, I received the 1876-S Trade Dollar I won in the Teletrade auction a week ago Sunday on Saturday. So over the weekend I finally got pics of it, not quite pleased with them, but I am going to keep them. Please look at my set for the pictures, I am going to put one side in this journal. Things are going well with my baement and porch projects. Still on for a next Monday start for my basement and the porch will be started soon. I di

Exciting Times Ahead

Basement will be fixed, Porch will be redone, and coins and currency will be graded. Hi all, Yes, it is an exciting time here at "Collecting Central". In about 11 days, the company will be here to start on my basement, and none too soon as it needs to be done soon. Since I am doing all this (along with a home loan to do it) I decided to get insulated window for the little sun porch on the east side of my house. I do not know why it was not done when it was first put on, but I am hoping to ha

Coin Update

...coupon grading dilemma and other ramblings. I have been meaning to write this entry for about a week, but am glad I waited. I received my renewal coupon today and now I have a dilemma. You may recall my previous journal entry when I told about a gift from a co-worker. She brought me back a 1993 proof set from The Pawn Stars shop in Las Vegas. I told her I was going to make a special 1993 proof registry set here and name it for us. So now, do I use my coupon for these, or should I send in my

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

An Unexpected Present and A Visit To Scott's Coin Site

Yes I even made a purchase. Hi all, A really good day for me today, even though we're getting a lot of rain and forecast for about 4 inches of snow tomorrow. First off, while at work today, one of the ladies who who work with me was telling me about their (her and her husband) trip to Las Vegas last week. When she was about finished she told me, "Oh, don't let me forget I brought you a present." Well, far be it from me to let her forget :-) so when she was about finished for the day, she w

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

My Camera Stand Is Cleaned Off

...by moving all the stuff somewhere else. Yes, I just moved the stuff I had on the camera stand somewhere else for now. I really have been wanting to take some pictures, so I guess I took the easy way out. Guess it doesn't really matter, until I get my basement fixed, there's going to be a mess up no matter what. Anyway, I've taken a few pictures today, had a day off because Tuesday was my holiday to work. It was a nice sunny day here in SE Iowa, at first I thought I'd get out and about, bu

End of 2012, Quite A Year

Getting one last journal entry in 2012!! Well, it has been a hectic 2 and a half months since my last journal entry. I'm still waiting for my basement to be fixed, I talked to the guy last week and he said he would be over to give me an estimate in mid January, he's been so busy!!! So, since September 18, the date of my last journal, here is what has happened. I've had nose surgery, have caught 2 viruses that made me miss 8 days of work (plus 3 for the surgery). I've been getting stuff out of

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

It Has Been An Eventful Few Weeks

and my basement has cracks It sure has been eventful around here at Collector Central. Besides the normal work routine, I have had to move things up from the basement and what is not up is in a basement corner. The dry weather has sure made my basement settle and now I have a couple of big cracks in the southeast corner. I have contacted a contractor about, he has made one inspection, but he is so busy I do not know when he will be back with an estimate. I am getting worried he has enough peop

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Still Deciding On Collection Direction And Other Ramblings

plus a Nook update Well, if anyone has not noticed, I did some more set deletions the past week or so. One thing I am really wanting to do is get a good start on my Buffalo Nickel set. I really do not see it as a top grade set, but I would like to more or less complete it. In fact, my 5 free submissions will consist of some raw Buffalos I have, unless I decide to include 1 fairly nice Indian cent I have. I want the Indian for my wild west custom set. There are a lot of coins in the set, so som

Auction News And Ramblings

Teletrade Auction 3328 For those of you who have inquired, my coins are scheduled in Teletrade auction number 3328 to be held a week from today. (I am writing this journal at 12:08 a.m. on Monday morning.) So the sale date will be the 13th. I hope all the coins find a good home. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or sometimes known as "Collecting Central" I have been organizing all my collectibles, taking pictures, scanning cards and currency and generally just trying to have a place for everythi