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A Tale of Two Dimes

One is a low pop and the other is a Pop 2!! Hello everyone! This has been a work in progress over the last several months. No, I don't collect dimes. So why two dimes? Well these are members of my #1 1947 Mint Set honoring my Mom, the Linda C. Prescott Birth Year Mint Set. With Paul selling several of his coins in this set, I have now moved to lead by more than 8300 points with these two additions. With upgrades becoming both expensive and scarce, I turned to my fellow participants in t



A funny!

A little play on history... Notice Kennedy is not included? Enjoy! Michael To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



One journey to the next...

Sooooooo, major changes are coming (have already started) to my sets. When I started my Lincoln 1959-Date set in 2005 I had no idea what type of grades I was going to fill the set with. Fast forward to January 10, 2014 and I had the #3 set in the series. Aside from topping Doug's or Jack's set, there is no where else to go. Because of a deal I have with David Luksic, I could have guaranteed myself about another 5,000 pts, a solid lead at #3, and some very nice coin additions to my set. I a



The fun we had at FUN 2014

You should have been there... As Doug mentioned, we did lose a great friend prior to the show beginning. We shared several toasts in his name during the week and some of us thought of him often. However, with the occasion at hand, we went on with the week's tasks. Oh, what a time we had. Let me sum it up by borrowing from a well know marketing campaign like this: Taking a well-deserved vacation: $1,000 2010 P Lincoln in NGC MS67RD: -$40.00 (+$40 after trade) 2008 D SMS Lin



Managed to grab #3!

I have met my goal for my Lincoln 1959-Date set for the second year in a row. With the help of more than 10 individuals, eBay, and yes even Teletrade I added 28 coins (14 top pops and 14 second pops, including 3 MS69RD coins) and 10,717 points to my registry set from July 1 to November 30 of this year. This just to go from 5th ranked to 3rd, but oh how good it feels to be there. I had to overcome two great competitors, dcg (now in 4th) and codrobin (now in 5th) to garner this achievement.



MS69 is mine!

I added this one from the set of Hunter's Gold about two weeks ago after he decided to sell it. This top pop is in a PCGS holder only because NGC has graded just 1 coin at this level - definitely hard to come by in NGC. However, PCGS has graded 46 of them hence holding the points down but still elevated above the MS68. You will notice on the attached picture an area of light colored toning covering most of Lincoln's chest on the obverse. Also visible on the obverse and reverse are some lig



I'm talking about eye appeal!

This jewel of a coin came home to roost earlier this month. Like most of my pricey coins of late, I paid this one off on terms and it arrived a couple of weeks ago. This particular coin is so rare that NGC had to make a spot for it and determine the scores for it in the four different sets I have it registered in. That took a solid week before I could even enter it. First and foremost, this coin now sits proudly in my 1947 tribute mint set to my mother. It also resides in my quarter set,



A "replacement"?

Not exactly, but there are just as few of these as there are of the 1968 D I sent back. I have had my eye on this coin for a while also and because I got my money back on the 1968 D I pulled the trigger on this one. It is a pop 16 coin and the net points I received for it are almost identical (1239 for this one and 1258 for the 1968 D). Feast your eyes on this one. Lincoln's face almost looks like it should be on one of the early 80's coins with all the bubbling in the surface but it is on



A bit disappointed!

I bought this coin over a four month period and very anxiously waited for its arrival. This coin not only would have been a great addition to my Lincoln sets but fit very nicely into my younger brother's 1968 mint set, moving me closer in my #2 spot to #1. I opened the package and as I do for every coin I buy got out my 30x glass and began inspecting it. Now before that I could notice something a little strange with my naked eye but I couldn't exactly tell what it was. When I inspected it



Gotta Luv Trades

Especially unexpected ones... This latest addition came to my set completely unexpectedly and via trade. I saw it pop up on eBay about a week ago and placed it on my watch list for no reason other than to see what happened with it. After a few days I started thinking about it and whether the seller would contemplate a trade. So I put one together and sent a message. Almost accepted immediately with only some small fine tuning. I was stunned but thrilled. Every Lincoln collector wants on



A new journey.

It has a slow beginning. Hi CS friends. I want to tell you about a new, but similar, journey that I have started. So far it has a slow beginning but it will pick up as, like Doug, I am getting close to completing my Lincoln set (Only 25 coins to go). Like I said, this is a similar quest but one of much broader scope that so far only a few (18 individuals I think) are signed up for. This task was much inspired by Bob Baker, owner of the Robert Baker Trust sets of coins. As I have been get



Remember a while back about my mammoth deal?

Here is the first one... This is the first coin paid off and received from the Luksic set of Lincoln 59-date coins. If they all look like this one (and I have been told they do) what a set of nice looking coins I will be receiving. As you may or may not remember David agreed to my purchase of 22 of his NGC top pop Lincolns. I will receive two more from his set this year. They should be here in November. I hope you enjoy another Lincoln out of my set. Thanks for reading and for all of



Spanish Gold Found

Check out this article on CNN It seems that about $250K was found 100' offshore in Florida yesterday. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/14/us/florida-treasure-found/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Michael To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



A change of scenery.

Slowly adding to my Indian cents. Well this week I have something a little different than my usual Lincoln cent. I found an Indian Head cent in one of last week's auctions that fit in my budget and is also a nice coin for my Indian cent set. This set grows very slowly as obviously it is not my primary focus right now. When a nice one comes along you just have to nab it like I did. Enjoy the change from normal. BTW, there is also a new Lincoln in my 59-Date set if you care to look. Tha



A mammoth deal ...

is coming to my set! For about a year I tried to contact a fellow member about buying a couple of his coins. Well, all this time with no response, I was thinking "Man, this must be one busy person or perhaps they travel quite a bit". About a month ago I finally made contact with him. Turns out he had moved, changed jobs, and changed emails and had just gotten around to changing his email on CS. I didn't even consider -- ya know -- LIFE! I sent him a message that I wanted to buy some of



Top Pop Lincoln!

Added a beauty from Teletrade! Hi Everyone. Tonight I was fortunate enough to land a big hitter to my Lincoln Sets from Teletrade. I had to sell several coins to pay for it but I did it and just in time. This coin puts me back in #5 with only about 900 points to get to #4. I lost my #5 set for about a week to codrobin who has amassed quite a collection of all PCGS coins. Without further delay, here is a picture of my new 1970 S Large Date in NGC MS67RD. I will make the presentation for



Three Great Cent Collectors...

have helped me a lot in this Society. I want to give a big thumbs up to these guys for not only helping me but also for their status among penny/cent collectors within our group. First, the one I have known and worked with the longest, is Hunter's Gold. What is to be said here except what awesome Lincoln Memorial and Lincoln Shield sets, both number one here, and both in such a short amount of time. To boot, he is a veteran and is to be praised for his service to our country. Thanks for b



A NEW effort for an OLD set

Good Morning everyone! Because I have recently updated my Presidents Dollar set to this year, I have come up with a new presentation for the sets pictures. Check this out to see if it meets "muster". As always, comments are welcome. The one image here is actually two with the top to be the obverse and the bottom to be the reverse. Chose this one because it is the last I worked on last night. And yes, it even spurred me to buy another coin, the 1993 James Madison half commemorative. En



Opinions Please - Redone

Recommendations incorporated... without sacrificing what I like. I certainly appreciate every comment I received, especially those that subscribe to the K.I.S.S. method, because those really made me think about what I was doing. All things considered I didn't just want another example of the same old thing. I wanted something that was unique to me and my set, so I decided to go with the spiced up version trying to incorporate most every comment from everyone. That said, I present the fin



Opinions Please

On a new photo layout for my Lincolns. I keep seeing all of these great photos members are doing up to present their coins, especially the ones with the black backgrounds. So I thought to myself how great they look and how they make the coins pop. Hence, I decided to fix one up for myself. It's is attached so please leave me some honest, constructive feedback even if it is negative. Opinions - Just like ya know, everybody has one! Share it here... Thanks for viewing and happy collectin



As Promised!

Details and pictures. OK here is the revelation. I generally don't have a problem contacting other members of CS to let them know I am interested in a coin they have. However, when it comes to contacting some of the higher ranked owners, especially those ranked higher than mine, it gets a little fuzzy for me. Nonetheless, I contacted a fellow member that was situated one set higher than me, so he is #4 in the Lincoln 59-date set, and told him I was interested in some of his coins. Anyway,




It's coming to a screen near you next Tuesday... Hi fellow numismatists! I missed the mail today so I won't have it until Tuesday when I go to the PO but I will post pictures some time that day. I just made a very successful trade (I think) - a Lincoln for a Lincoln. It's registered in my sets so let's see how many guess what it is before Tuesday when I reveal the details about why I'm so excited! More then... Michael PS - Here is a hint! No, it is not this coin. I've had it for a



More Good Friends

This time with Roosies and Mint Sets! This week I received three Roosies from two good pals, Rick Young and Todd Henson. I had intended to use the 1967 MS67FT I bought from Rick in a mint set. However, as I searched for dimes to fill family member mint sets I stumbled across a top pop 1968 P MS67FT for one of my brother's Mint Sets on Todd's page and ended up trading him for that coin. That set (the 1968 set) now rests at number 2 in the rankings. I also received from Todd my aforementio




From being sold to someone else, he he! I have been looking for one of these Lincolns that I could buy on time for over a year now. Well, when the opportunity came up, I put my snake fangs in and struck. Ok, enough silliness. When I saw Hunters Gold had upgraded his 1999 P Wide AM Lincoln from MS65RD to MS66RD I immediately sent him an email saying I wanted his old one. For my benefit, he did some rearranging of his plans and accepted my offer. He even graciously let me register the coin



A personal tribute to my wife...

I know, how many of us do this kind of thing here. Well, I had to! I won&amp;#39;t regurgitate the whole thing here, but I will ask you to view my 1971 Mint set (<a href="http://coins.www.collectors-society.com/registry/coins/MySets_Listing.aspx?PeopleSetID=153429&quot;><img src="http://boards.collectors-society.com/signatures/signature.php/NGC/set/153429/sig.jpg&quot;></a>) to see the story. Please read and understand the first paragraph. Thanks everyone, M

