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NGC Journals

Waiting for the NGC gods to smile upon me

Ten Days To Go Two days ago I sent in the three Icelandic coins that I got this past month. Two of the three coins I got in the new york show this month and the other I won on ebay, they listed as a 1939 1 eyrir as a large three over a small three, now i know according to a web site that list's a icelandic coin collection that this man has. And in this listing of coins there is a 1938 large three over small three but no 1939 large three over small three. Since there is very little info out the



A Little Disheardtened To say The least

Continued From "WOW!! talk about fast" I don't want to rant and rave. However, I am so disheartened I almost feel like quiting this hobby. Today I recieved my coins back from NGC. My anticipation and excitment was so overwhelming. I could hardly keep my mind on work, waiting for the coins to come back. I had visions of my coins in their new holders and such. What a surprise when I opened this large FEDEX box sent from NGC. NONE of my coins were crossgraded. There they were in "Bodybags". I was




Just back from grading. ..Isn't it nice that Canada would put out a coin honoring us old folks! We can sit back in our rocking chairs and enjoy this beautiful art. Just think, if you live long enough, you'll be old also.



"No 70's but a pile of 69's

The Proofs & misc. unc's are in the mail! I have been waiting on some coins from NGC for several days now and I'm sure they will come tommorow. The only bad part is I wont be here to sign for them so I will need to go by the post office on sat. to pick them up. Thats ok, I just cant wait to put them in my registry. I am able to see the grades, and while I am overall pleased with the results I really thought there would be a "70" or two in the bunch. I have a complete set of all the silver



WOW!! Talk about Fast!!

Getting my coins graded, so much for "SCARED STIFF" So, here I am writing about my grading adventures again. O.K., the other day, Monday January 28, 2008 I sent some coins in for crossgrading. ( See "scared stiff" article) I went on the site last night and saw that they had been recieved. Only 24 hours, thats what I paid for in the shipping. However, My biggest surprise came today. When I checked the status of my coins, it says that they had been crossgraded, encapsulated, pictured, and sent.



NGC Shipment On The Way

I have been waiting for these to arrive. Well they are in the mail. I sent away the best of the Presidential Dollars that I could come up with 2 graded at MS66 and 1 graded at MS65. I had three Lincoln Wheat cents and they came in at MS66. I also sent in a 1909 VDB Lincoln Cent and it made the grade of AU58, but it did come out of circulation as it was found in a roll of circulated coins. I thought the 1909 was a double die variety but have not received the results on that matter as yet. I als



My thoughts of Bald Eagle Commemoratives

Bruce Wilmore sparked a thought... Simply put, in my opinion, the reverse design for the bald eagle silver dollar coin is quite plain. The half dollar has a more imposing and robust bald eagle on the reverse. It is also cute with two chicks on the obverse. The gold commemorative, which is beyond my reach at the moment, is more beautiful than the silver dollar coin, but to tell you the truth, the eagle is much more beautifully crafted in the annually issued gold american eagle coin. So my o



RE: Any other married gentlemen out there?

When I talk about coins, there is a very errie hush.... ...that one would only hear right before a storm. There are some pleasant remarks of expression, and "forced" interest to what I am talking about, but it's still very, very quiet. I have come to learn that if she "closes her eyes, I will go away". If she shows an interest, maybe I will just let it lay there. She kindly reminds me that we have to watch our money. Sometimes I remember that conversation, most of the time I don't re



My Bald Eagle Proof Dollar arrived today

The obverse is a very nice design. I'm not so sure about the reverse, though. I'd like to know what everyone thinks. I don't know. I don't mean to be harsh. The engraver obviously did a fine job transferring this design from concept to dies. I... well, I don't know. I always think of the Bald Eagle, symbol of our nation, as a robust creature, at the very pinnacle of it's part of the food chain. The eagle on the reverse on this coin, well, I don't know... It looks like a rubber chicken to me. O

Bruce Willmore

Bruce Willmore

1834 Classic Head Half Cent Back From NGC

Bodybagged or graded? I bought this half cent on ebay and when it arrived I was pleasantly surprised. It was much better in hand than ebay photos. These Classic Head half cents are notorious for past cleaning and recoloring. Back in the early 1800's copper at most times were very scarce. Copper from medals, tokens, and about anything the mint could find to melt for the planchet. Many of the half cents were spotty due to the copper when melted did not always mix well. So when you send in a perf



The Anticipation of Coin Collecting

This is a tease.... Anticipation is a very interesting feeling of emotion for the coin collector. Every time I send out a coin to be graded or am about to acquire a new coin I have a feeling of anticipation and with it comes a sense of incompleteness. I do not know what the outcome of this new discovery will be and I guess that is what adds to the draw of coin collecting. Anticipation pulls me into the true goal of coin collecting, for me it is to collect with satisfaction and therefore enjoy



This Is Why I Collect !!!

any gripes or complaints just melt away It's almost as if there is something in the air or water. There has been a negative vein running through almost all of the discussion boards and it even filtered to the journals. I was severely tempted to jump into the rfar/Heritage discussion but decided against it( I sent a PM instead about my experience)--I hope it is not immodest, but I sincerely believe that my posts last year showed my frustration at times, and that negativity is why I did not wi



Re: Any other married gentlemen out there?

My wife doesn't think I act like a child..... My wife does this imitation of me talking about coins. She does this high pitched robotic sounding nerd voice and throws out things like "This is special because on this minting the hair flows this way vice that way and they only made 100,000 of them." She really has no idea what she is talking about, but it is pretty funny when she does it.

T. R. Higginbotham

T. R. Higginbotham

Aussie Lunars - To VUMC409

You can blame me for that -- at least partially. As you clearly learned, the Australians have started a SECOND Lunar Coin Series, starting over with the Year of the Mouse. I recently obtained my coin, and while I entered it in my personal database for insurance purposes, I wasn't able to enter it into my Registry Set. Thus, over the weekend, I contacted NGC about it. Since they were grading the coins, after all, I wondered when they might add the coins to the set. It was either that, or I



Austalian Lunars

Just when I thought I was done... I added the twelfth and final coin to my Australian Lunar Silver Dollar set on 1-19-08. Finally, a 100% complete (pictures and descriptions included) registry set and it was tied for #1 with 3 other sets. Checked my set this morning, still #1. Come back tonight, #3. WHAT! Yep, #3. The powers that be have added another coin to the set. So for a total of 9 days I was tied for #1 with 3 others. Now I'm tied for #3 with 2 others! A coin addict's work i



My Latest Acquisition A VDB Penny!!

AND my Bald Eagle Comemms are on the way!! It was just last Thursday when I took off to the local coin shop and saw the VDB pennies first hand. And the earliest penny in my wheat backs is a 1911, and I really do love the wheatbacks, reminds me of my childhood going to the corner store and getting 100 pieces of candy for 100 of the pennies. I drove the clerks mad, I know, but the swedish fish and squirrels were worth it, and I was always mesmerized by the design and EARLY dates on those penn



To "Scared Stiff" - Insurance for coins, in transit and in general

This is for shipping as well as for your collections at home, or even in safe deposit boxes. You can check, but most homeowner insurance policies won't insure your coin collections, or will severely limit coverage on a coin collection to a couple of hundred dollars. (This seems like it's unrelated, but trust me, I'll get there.) Further, homeowners insurance companies MAY be willing to "schedule" your coin collection, similar to valuable jewelry items, but if you check, you may find the co



Scared Stiff

So much for self confidance and patience Boy what a week. Trying to get up the confidance to send my coins in was a killer to say the least. Finally, last night I got my feet wet. After weighing all the info. that I recieved about sending in some valuable quarters to get cross graded. I did it. I took the plunge. ( see collectors journal "HELP" ) I cut off the grading card that ICCS places with the coin, and went to work getting everything ready to send. After my final acceptance of what felt



Any other married gentlemen out there?

Do your wives ever say that you act like children with your coins sometimes? If so, then waiting on a submission is one of those times for me, and perhaps you understand. It's just like waiting for those plastic action figures that used to be advertised in the back pages of comic books. (Anybody remember my personal favorite, the Revolutionary War Action Set?) I can be such a 7-year-old when it comes to waiting for my coins, so if I really annoy you during the next few days with rambling jo

Bruce Willmore

Bruce Willmore

Maybe I was a little to harsh about rfar situation

Sorry Just a Short time ago I read rfar response to my journal entry in a email to me and i was very impressed with the way he conducted himself to me in his email. And I thank him for his well mannered letter showing me how respectful and gracious he can be. Maybe I was a little harsh to his situation really did'nt mean to be. I have been involved in coin collecting since 1968, all most one month shy of forty years and seen so much of this hobby go to the wayside because of all the BS that ha



MS68 to MS68 DDR

Anacs grader confirms DDR Yesterday I went to a coin show and had an Anacs grader look at my NGC graded 1999 P Pennsylvania quarter.He said it was a definite DDR which is what I thought the coin was the whole time.I dont collect error coins so I dont have the experience or any real knowledge of error coins . Maybe it's time to send it back to NGC and see what the coin gods have to say.I am not in the mood to photograph it but I have a picture in my No Quarter set .I will try to add a picture t

The JMR Collection

The JMR Collection