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Outta here
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283 posts in this topic

I hate to see you go, but I do understand not wanting to deal with all of the nonsense posts and trolling. I just wonder if things are any better on any of the other chat boards.

All the best to you.

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On 11/6/2022 at 9:15 PM, Oldhoopster said:

Outta here

I believe it to be the height of chutzpah (buoyed by not a little bit of entitlement burnished by  long-term membership) to post a non-numismatic topic [rather shabbily] entitled, "Outta Here."

You may recall I, as well as the website coordinator, urged you to avail yourself of the "ignore" function, which you adamantly refused to do. 

Now a comment I directed to a non-member, via a reply to your post alluding to another member, has ruffled the feathers of all.

If you wish to communicate your displeasure, please do so on the OFF-TOPIC thread, or PM me.  By emergency consensus, I am withdrawing two posts, made in harmless jest, immediately. 

I request those who've prematurely fled the premises, to re-consider their positions and continue to provide the membership with invaluable postings in furtherance of the hobby's body of knowledge.

Edited by Quintus Arrius
Routine die polishing: correct misspelling.
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On 11/6/2022 at 9:34 PM, Just Bob said:

....I just wonder if things are any better on any of the other chat boards....

They are not.

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On 11/6/2022 at 8:47 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

chutzpah (buoyed by not a little bit of entitlement burnished by  long-term membership)

The gentleman has hit the proverbial nail SQUARELY upon its head. 

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On 11/6/2022 at 9:16 PM, Hoghead515 said:

Wishing the best for you Hoopster. It was a pleasure getting to know you and learn from your post. 

You can find him, and ldhair, all you want on CoinTalk. Trust me, it’s no better than here, maybe worse. But they have their own private “most favored posters” status that benefits people who threaten to leave here. 

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I apologize for my silly comment at the end of the ‘55 DD thread. I came to ask about an eBay coin this morning, and wonder, now, how much I should pester you all. Straws break backs. I ain’t innocent here.

Serious threads sometimes end with banter and that chat with other readers puts me at ease among strangers. I don’t mess with serious discussions, until they break down. 

I went to forum refugees. My introduction thread for them is a week-long blog as I wait for approval.

I learn a lot here, lurking. I prefer to buy from regular contributors to forums on eBay.

Edited by Ray Tatum
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On 11/6/2022 at 10:23 PM, VKurtB said:

You can find him, and ldhair, all you want on CoinTalk. Trust me, it’s no better than here, maybe worse. But they have their own private “most favored posters” status that benefits people who threaten to leave here. 

Do you really think that this is about getting on a list of favored posters?  Your lack of self awareness is laughable.

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For the most part, the guys ATS are logical, reasonable, know how to intelligently debate, have a sense of self awareness and don't take themselves to seriously.  Not as many Tin foil hats over there. That is if you haven't already been put on a permanent vacation!  :roflmao:  

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On 11/7/2022 at 6:22 AM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

Do you really think that this is about getting on a list of favored posters?  Your lack of self awareness is laughable.

No, I think it is the “old guard” who dragged this site down to the point where it was known as Sleepy Hollow, attempting to throw their weight around. I fight back when faced with that umm, err, poo. 

My posts have THE MOST “likes” in the past year, and the third most all time. Who’s lacking awareness?

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On 11/7/2022 at 9:39 AM, RWB said:

Sadly, the situation is no better elsewhere. The mass hysteria passively called "social media" has concentrated lies and self-interest to a point where many people cannot separate lies and greed from simple truth.

I certainly wish Oldhoopster well, and hope his medical issues will revert to something benign and manageable.


I have had the unfortunate experience of facing darned serious (threatening end of life THREE times now) medical issues. It does have a tendency to lower one’s appetite for nonsense. Been there, done that. But the place where self-awareness is MOST LACKING here is nobody cares that Quintus is also facing serious medical issues. He deals with it differently. His coping mechanism is irreverent humor, as is mine.

Have you ever seen that online “test” where you are shown an item and you have to choose from two words that you call that item (soda vs. pop is one example) and the test will tell you where you grew up? Well I grew up in Reading, Pennsylvania, about 50 miles NW of Philly. The test determined I grew up in New York City. That’s how close the two cultures are. A mere 25 miles south of Reading MOST of the answers are different. What’s okay humor in Reading is completely inappropriate 25 miles away. IT’S ALL CULTURAL. 

Edited by VKurtB
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On 11/7/2022 at 1:10 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

you would rather be a complete curmudgeon than to actually teach anyone.

This is almost correct. I really do NOT feel it is my role to teach anyone, at least NOT in THIS forum. I give talks at conventions to teach. I can’t really find many people who WANT to learn. All I see is treasure hunters, vanity published book hawkers, and Etsy jockeys here. And yes, they DO NEED TO BE CALLED OUT. 

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:12 PM, physics-fan3.14 said:

Can't say I blame you. There are a couple of posters who overwhelm threads with their nonsense, and have really ruined this forum. 

Like the fellow directly above. 

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This is a complete copy of a post ON CoinTalk, the place that our recent departures apparently prefer. The post below is by an EXTREMELY LONG TERM member known as “CoinCorgi” who is a THINKER, not a marketer :

”Not my job to teach anyone anything, especially when there is infinitely better, more accurate and readily available answers on the internet. It'd be much more beneficial to society to teach the novices how to do their own research, critical thinking and all of that stuff (the ol' “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”). When I had a question, more often than not, my Dad (and Mom) would just tell me to "look it up", or just leave me in the library while they went and ran their errands, etc. Ya can't hear if your mouth is open. (Cited from: https://www.cointalk.com/threads/some-of-us-dont-appreciate-honesty.400752/)

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On 11/7/2022 at 2:23 PM, bsshog40 said:

Looks like this thread took a wrong turn. We are all different and knowledgeable in our own rights. Can't we all just get along? Opppps, I meant to say Can't we all just enjoy the hobby here? Lol

Great idea, not likely to happen here because of one or two individuals, the mods here need to take action and show a couple the door as they have been on other forums.   And actually this thread just emphasizes what is so wrong with this forum, a few jerks are always taking threads in the wrong directions so they can feel good about themselves.

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On 11/7/2022 at 3:43 PM, Coinbuf said:

Great idea, not likely to happen here because of one or two individuals, the mods here need to take action and show a couple the door as they have been on other forums.   And actually this thread just emphasizes what is so wrong with this forum, a few jerks are always taking threads in the wrong directions so they can feel good about themselves.

I am in absolutely ZERO warning points here. What exactly do you propose? When I go to shows where our moderator hosts are, they shake my hand and tell me how much they enjoy my posts. So again, what’s your plan?

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The ANA, which @The Neophyte Numismatist apparently has a need to denigrate, has over 26,000 active members, even more than when change contained silver. What does this board have in regular contributors? A few dozen maybe? This AIN’T the hobby guys. It’s what you’ve tried to create as your own private club where you get to expel anybody who won’t play your game. What appointments have YOU received? What volunteer work do YOU do for the hobby? There are 13 National Volunteers that work for the ANA, … thirteen! Do you have ANY IDEA how “looked down upon” the Internet version of the hobby is? Cindy Wibiker, the long time Director of the FUN show, in her speech tore the Internet hobby another orifice. You guys are NOT THIS HOBBY.

Edited by VKurtB
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