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Outta here
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You continue to prove and underscore the points I am making - completely obtuse.    

Edit:  When you are in a hole... the first thing to do is to stop digging.  You continue to bury yourself and don't even realize it.  It's pretty bizarre.  Please, put the knife down... the gunfight is over.

Edited by The Neophyte Numismatist
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On 11/7/2022 at 5:50 PM, MarkFeld said:

....that doesn’t mean that others can’t benefit significantly from them. 

🐓:  Looks like at least one person is back in your corner!

Q.A.:  Muchos gracias, Mark!  Everyone knows you're a consummate gentleman and a good sport!

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On 11/9/2022 at 1:30 PM, VKurtB said:

Sorry, I don’t know what ALT is. I mean, yeah, it’s a type of German “bier” made near Düsseldorf, but otherwise…?

But aside from not knowing what ALT is, I’ll bet I won’t care either. 

I was just playing around.  No harm intended.

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On 11/9/2022 at 5:56 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

You continue to prove and underscore the points I am making - completely obtuse.    

Edit:  When you are in a hole... the first thing to do is to stop digging.  You continue to bury yourself and don't even realize it.  It's pretty bizarre.  Please, put the knife down... the gunfight is over.

I grew up in a crummy neighborhood in a crummy city, attended a high school with a higher teen pregnancy rate than a graduation rate, more murder victims than Merit Scholars, got assaulted numerous times, my home/dad’s business was firebombed in the 1968 riots, and I got a good education anyway. I was the first in my family to ever graduate with a degree, and I’ve achieved things. Sorry @TNN, I’m NEVER gonna stop ringing that bell. It’s about overcoming steep odds to achieve something. “Oh my, the kids at inner city schools are so disadvantaged.” Bull! That’s the REAL “we shall overcome, @TNN. You can pretty much go to whatever Dantesque level you prefer. Clear?

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On 11/9/2022 at 6:27 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

This may come as a surprise to some, but it is precisely the brashness and boisterousness of which you speak that members look forward to when they sign in.  He is a constant, a presence with predictability, that members find comforting. Who else has the unmitigated gall to come right out, and say, when challenged: "I'd rather be right, than nice."  Who else deftly slips a selfie into the mix at a national coin show with the unabashed observation: "This is Me!"  All of what you say may very well be true, but this is one member who will be sorely missed when he is gone. Nobody has his bluster. Sure you've got a guy [***** -footing around with his Rooster, but how does that compare to The Real Thing who speaks his mind and lets the chips fall where they may? He has managed to weather all the storms thrown his way. I daresay there are folks across the street still wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth, at his, and not a few others' departures." And then there's the im-mu-ni-ty!...  Priceless!

My membership ATS is fully functional and without demerit. I just don’t use it, just like I don’t use that grading service. I was banned on CoinTalk, not ATS. And my record here is squeaky clean at present. I merely have chosen THIS as my online home. The VERY LAST THING I care about is pleasing people like @The Neophyte Numismatist

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On 11/9/2022 at 7:59 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:


Oh I am clear... you are unfoundedly self righteous, and love to try to impress others.  Your upbringing has left you with insecurities for which you feel to make constant amends.  You are a chronic exaggerator, and you don't know when to turn it off.  You must desperately want acceptance... and given your story, I understand it to a degree.  However, this yearning for acceptance has blinded you to your very obvious personality defects.

You have accomplished things, and I am glad you have.  I want everyone to look back and be happy with what they have accomplished.  But, please understand that you are likely in a room with people who are also very accomplished.  There are all walks of life here, and everyone is okay with that.  You cannot read a room - period.

You are now talking out of every side of your mouth you can find.  You get agressive, then want to talk about half cents.  You brag about inheriting million dollars, then try to be the tough kid from the slums of Reading.  You disparage the online collecting community, then you call this place your home.  Why?  (see paragraph one)

This thread is tragic comedy.  But, you'll be back.  Because... you can'y help yourself.  You can't see it.  Anyone else reading this thread can see it - and you are blind.

Why? Because I am a convention going type of guy since the 90’s and people sit around and shoot the breeze. The level of disdain IN THAT VENUE for the online numismatic community is palpable. Exception? The dealers who “need” the online customers. The dealers are NOT “my crowd”, with the exception of the ones that attend the same annual Wednesday night dinner as I do. There’s one dealer in Indy that I know well who maintains an online presence, but he only puts his relative junk on there. His best stuff goes immediately to his brick and mortar wantlist customers. When Cindy Wibker, THE show guru at F.U.N. got her Zerbe a few years back, I never heard such disdain for online based collectors. It shocked me. It was downright NASTY! I was taken aback. I’ve made it a point to bring up the subject at BS sessions at the bars. It’s real! Dealers (again, not my cats) would MUCH rather deal face to face. Do you think Charmy flies all over the place to buy and sell predominantly CENTS would do that if she found online customers sufficient? The intersection set of online and show-going numismatists is seriously tiny. I can go to a local coin club meeting in Lancaster, PA and ask how many even have HEARD OF the NGC forum, or even “ATS” and no hands go up. But they have two shows a year and dozens of their members go to at least several others. (They are all OVER Baltimore Whitman shows. They rent high capacity vans.) They have two meetings a month and their attendance runs 75-100, except for the annual budget meeting. That one drops to 30 or so.

Now yes, the old guard IS dying off slowly, and the newer members tend more to silver hoarders, not numismatists, but the numbers still hold. That’s a higher attendance than the Chicago Coin Club typically gets. My point? Culture, culture, culture. Different places have different cultures. I would never fit in in your culture, obviously. But you would be eaten up and spit out where I learned MY culture. And I show my stripes at ANA functions, too. Some are uncomfortable around me, but it hasn’t stopped leadership from appointing me to stuff. 

BTW, my “cats” are the Competitive Exhibiting community, not the dealer community. I often spend 5+ days at an ANA show and never spend more than an hour on the bourse floor. 

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On 11/9/2022 at 8:59 PM, The Neophyte Numismatist said:

....This thread is tragic comedy....

The only "tragicomedy" is the rapidity of the events which unfolded prompting the posting of this thread----which few observers save me who having instigated it [inadvertently, of course :whistle:] had a front-row seat.

I was directing a remark I had made regarding the sudden departure of a member who had beaten a hasty retreat, to Ricky my trusty sidekick. The observation I made, in an oblique reply to the gentleman who authored this thread was all of two lines. Ricky asked what my thoughts were regarding the member who departed. DIRECTING MY REMARK TO RICKY, I said I did not believe it. The member who departed plainly stated he would not revisit that thread again, and added that unlike me, he "keeps his promises." Taking my cue from that irresistible loophole, I scoffed at his assertion----and left with no alternative, he cleverly gained the upper hand and promptly PM'd me. The OP took umbrage and quickly dispatched the current thread.

Now, regardless what others may think, I did the only thing a responsible member could do. I apologized to he who was offended and took down the "offensive" posts, and a few more for added measure. I felt Dena's presence behind me the whole time.

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:57 PM, Crawtomatic said:

I'd describe my origin story the same way.  Except it was Norfolk/Hampton Roads in the 80s.  So about 2 decades behind you with the added bonus of an awesome crack epidemic and a decent soundtrack.  I was fast, but skinny, so I learned how to diffuse a situation with words.  Most times.  Earned a lot of XP as the designated delegate to talk to cops when we crossed paths.

See? Culture. I had no idea at all what “XP” meant. My wife, a former World of Warcraft addict, had to tell me. The last time I played a computer game, it was on a Colecovision. You have to understand the culture you’re dealing with. 

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This awesome thread featuring a spirited display of camaraderie amongst members at its best, had its genesis in one of most contentious threads devised by man: "Outta here," begun Sunday, 11/6/2022.   [By law, I am not permitted to utter the author's name.]

In any event, the following day, Monday, 11/7, member z, an outstanding numismatist in his own right, evidently inspired and uncharacteristically exuberant, suggested someone start a thread along the lines of, "how did u begin in the numismatic hobby n why do u collect what u collect."  Member Hog,' not twelve minutes later took him up on his idea, seized the initiative, and began this thread.  In only three days, it has garnered a mind-boggling 75 posts and managed to elicit replies from members we rarely hear from. Three reviews: "So shall it be written, so shall it be done." -Rameses.  "And that's a good thing."  -Martha Stewart.  "Man, I love this place!"  -Q.A.  

[Editorial note:  if this comment seems to be out-of-sync, it is.  It was originally posted to the "What do you collect?" topic presided over by the incomparable Hog' (and magically migrated to this thread.]  It's all good!  (thumbsu

Edited by Quintus Arrius
Post-scriptural die-polishing
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On 11/10/2022 at 2:31 PM, Morpheus1967 said:

That's simply because most of them are about 75 years old.  

That age demographic is represented, but by far NOT the majority. I do the table holder badges (not the regular general public), and the number of young professionals is huge. How? I dunno. I just assume others do it the same way I did it when I was working. I had “use it or lose it” vacation time and I used it to go to coin shows. I can’t stand beaches. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 5:31 PM, VKurtB said:

....I can’t stand beaches. 

What a shame!  Have you any idea the treasures that await for lack of a basic metal detector boasting cutting edge technology? Forget the cigarette butts, bottles and cans. There's gold in dem thar sand dunes!  :idea:

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On 11/10/2022 at 6:05 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

What a shame!  Have you any idea the treasures that await for lack of a basic metal detector boasting cutting edge technology? Forget the cigarette butts, bottles and cans. There's gold in dem thar sand dunes!  :idea:

Thats a hobby I really like. My cheap metal detector tore up while back. Im planning on getting a Garret very soon and get back into it. The one I had was junk and thats bout all you could find with it. I found bucket fulls of vintage pull tabs. lol The only coins I found were all very modern except a couple wheaties. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 6:10 PM, Hoghead515 said:

....The only coins I found were all very modern except a couple wheaties. 

There's copper, too, in dem dunes!  Your old beat-up detector had taste!  :roflmao: 

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On 11/10/2022 at 5:05 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

What a shame!  Have you any idea the treasures that await for lack of a basic metal detector boasting cutting edge technology? Forget the cigarette butts, bottles and cans. There's gold in dem thar sand dunes!  :idea:

I can get 2nd degree burns from brochures for beach resorts. An ozone hole hovers over me wherever I go. I have the skin cancer excision scars to prove I need to stay out of the sun. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 6:21 PM, VKurtB said:

I can get 2nd degree burns from brochures for beach resorts. An ozone hole hovers over me wherever I go. 

Exemption granted!

Carry on, sir...

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On 11/9/2022 at 10:25 PM, bsshog40 said:

I'm not sure why some people don't take their differences out in PM's or better yet, exchange phone numbers....

🐓:  Personally, I don't think this guy'll exchange phone numbers with you.

Q.A.:  I don't either, but there's only one way to find out!   [Just kiddin'! Just kiddin'!]  :roflmao:

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On 11/10/2022 at 5:38 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

🐓:  Personally, I don't think this guy'll exchange phone numbers with you.

Q.A.:  I don't either, but there's only one way to find out!   [Just kiddin'! Just kiddin'!]  :roflmao:

And yet, you and I have. Neat, huh?

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 Can I say something? I don’t get the appeal of metal detecting. I’ve sat through numerous talks over the years by metal detectorists at coin club meetings. All I see sitting there is damaged coins that I wouldn’t want. I get that the idea is that they are “free”, but the machines cost a bunch. Yes, one guy in PA specializes in finding jewelry items at swimming areas, but really, if he is still sitting on the stuff, what’s the point?

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On 11/10/2022 at 7:57 PM, VKurtB said:

And yet, you and I have. Neat, huh?

Holy cow!  This is a public forum!  Surely, with the flak being lobbed your way, you don't expect me to restore your credibility now!  This is beyond the pale!  :roflmao:

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On 11/10/2022 at 8:06 PM, VKurtB said:

 Can I say something? I don’t get the appeal of metal detecting. I’ve sat through numerous talks over the years by metal detectorists at coin club meetings. All I see sitting there is damaged coins that I wouldn’t want. I get that the idea is that they are “free”, but the machines cost a bunch. Yes, one guy in PA specializes in finding jewelry items at swimming areas, but really, if he is still sitting on the stuff, what’s the point?

I saw two guys at Coney Island at summer's end with those dowsing wands (metal detectors) wearing  🎧  and they were happy to share their finds, pocket change, yes, but watches, chains, keys, rings----even a fancy brooch.  I got the impression it was more a pastime than a hobby. Seniors and retired folks have the time; the young don't have the patience.

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On 11/10/2022 at 7:17 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

I saw two guys at Coney Island at summer's end with those dowsing wands (metal detectors) wearing  🎧  and they were happy to share their finds, pocket change, yes, but watches, chains, keys, rings----even a fancy brooch.  I got the impression it was more a pastime than a hobby. Seniors and retired folks have the time; the young don't have the patience.

Neither does this old boy. How many Civil War minnie balls does one guy need? While there’s no Gettysburg here, you can’t pass a roadside stream here without a Civil War skirmish sign hanging around. There are three parallel ridges of the Appalachians here. I’m on Brindlee Mountain. The next one to the east is Sand Mountain, and the next one from there includes Lookout Mountain, the huge overlook over Chattanooga with that huge famous gun emplacement The Battle of Chickamauga battlefield is at your feet. 

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