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Everything posted by Hoghead515

  1. I was curious about them and looked up an article on google about them while back. Very interesting.
  2. The only year they made the steel cent was 1943. Came back to edit. I was wrong about the tolerance. I was thinking wrong. I apoligize. Its not very much underweight.
  3. Sure is. He was hoping he had something valuable and got mad when he was told the truth. Some people cant handle the truth. One of those hoping to get rich quick types. Probably watched some of those videos on you tube thats got people thinking you can become a millionare digging thru pocket change.
  4. Dont see how anyone is hating. Everyone is telling you possible ways your nickel got damaged. Which is all it is. Damage. It didnt leave the mint like that.
  5. Its sure dangerous stuff. Bad about splashing. I got a blister on my thumb while ago where some dripped out on me. I dumped the old slag out of my sons melting pot and it popped all over the ground and splashed everywhere. Luckily it didnt get on me when I done that.
  6. Heres the cent. Its pretty corroded. Alot of them was. I guess from the moisture. Wished I had saved the two smooth ones. One was a quarter and one a nickel. May just been coincedence. May not have been done by the dryer but they were in there. Sorry if I misspelled that word. Not the best speller.
  7. The old man that gave it to me is bad about not cleaning his pockets out. He is a free mason and said he stamped a few lincoln cents. He told me to hang onto it and the change to. Hes into the mason thing big time. He goes to lodge meetings all the time. I work with his son. Hes a mason to. He said that cent came from one of the two of them.
  8. A couple was worn fairly smooth but most were unharmed. I should have saved them for referance but I never thought and put them back in circulation. Most the coins were down in the bottom of the dryer away from the moving parts. Some probably got up by the tumbler while I was loading and unloading it off the truck cause I found a few behind it. I could hear them rattling around while I was tossing it around. It was loaded with change. Also found a lincoln in it with a masonary stap on it inside.
  9. Id say a regular rock tumbler would do one like that also. Any kind of tumbler. My friend reloads ammunition and hes got one he polishes his brass shell hulls in.
  10. A guy I know gave me a dryer for scrap iron. I broke it down to get the copper wire and motor out of it and it had over $4 in change inside it. And some coins aginst the tumbler.
  11. I just melted some lead a few minutes ago. It sure melts easy. Freshend up my sinker supply. Catfish season is here!!!!!!!! I make these flat no roll sinkers for the strong river current. Theyre not pretty but it saves me a bunch of money each year. I picked up enough lead tire weights beside the road at work to do me all year.
  12. What Im trying to understand. Is if they were taking it to the Philly mint, if I read it right, why would they go through the trouble to bury it if they were already up there close to it? I may have read it wrong. Sometimes I have to read something 3 or 4 times to get it to sink in.
  13. That would be the only bad thing about finding a large treasure. The government would take it away.
  14. What do you all think? Do you think the FBI took the gold from the treasure hunters? It wouldnt suprise me if they did. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.wearecentralpa.com/news/local-news/treasure-hunters-did-fbi-destroy-video-of-civil-war-gold/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwifv5PqrfX2AhXjD0QIHds2AckQFnoECDcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1gmeTGEhDXsL_Y4KJAIzKo
  15. I dont like the 90% full torch thing also. Its either full or not. MAC stickers are a joke. I think they look bad to. If I ever buy a coin with them on it Im peeling them off. I done decided that a long time ago.
  16. Ive not met him myself so I cant say anything about him but I know certain people around home like that and I dont care to much about them. These small towns are bad for people like that. Most are snobs to. Espically in schools. You gotta have certain last names to be a part of anything at our schools and if you dont your a nobody. The kids and parents are not all treated equally. Seems like certain familys kids are the only ones that get chose for anything. The people with the certain names control everything here. Always have. It makes my blood boil to be around people like that.
  17. Ive never been to CT. This is the only forum of any kind Ive ever been on. I love it here. Ive met some of the best friends Ive ever had in my whole life. For me im content with this forum here. I dont get a whole lot of time to talk on here anyways so NGC alone is fine with me. Once you get to know everyone you will love it here to. Cant ask for better people than the regulars here. Ive learned a whole lot here and the knowledge has helped me more than anyone will ever know. Its great to meet you and hopfully you will enjoy it here as much as I do. Welcome to the forum.
  18. Very nice set of Roosies @VKurtBThats one heck of a collection. Im getting ready to start putting together a set of pre 64 full torch here very soon.
  19. It will be a fun investigation trying to figure out the mystery behind it. If it were me I would almost submit it and see what happens. Wouldnt be the craziest thing I ever done. May pay off to.
  20. Definately a fake and a bad fake at that. If its silver then its just worth the value of the silver in it. Nevermind. It went over my head this was a joke.
  21. Whatever the deal is with it, its a very cool find. I like finding abnormal coins. That is a true error. Im not big on those named minor die chip coins such as, " Bad ear George" or "Wart nose Jeff" or any of those other coins like that. But when it comes to errors such as the one you have, like an under weight plancet, I really enjoy those types of errors.
  22. I could be wrong but I dont think its a counterfeit. Looks good to me but Im not as skilled as thes e other guys at spotting them. It looks good to me. I hope it is legit. Like to see good things work out for people. It would suck if its been cleaned but will still be worth a good little chunk. Hoping the best my friend.
  23. You got a few thousand dollars there. Like @Coinbufsaid be extremely careful. The value of those I believe I would take them to a coin show in person and drop them off. Myself I wouldnt trust mailing them in.