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Everything posted by Hoghead515

  1. I could be wrong but it looks like its just really dramatic strike doubling. Someone with more expertise will soon answer and say for sure or not. Looks like the die was in really bad shape when it struck that one.
  2. We have turkey shoots around here. Pay so much a shot and maybe win some steaks, ham, money, or just whatever. Havent been to one in a while but Ive had alot of fun going in the past. Dont see as many around as there used to be.
  3. Thats beautiful country down in Chattanooga. I worked fairly close to it in Jasper TN back in 2001. Right on Jasper Mountain. They had a place where the made burgers that had over a pound of meat in them. Called them mountain burgers.
  4. That would be very cool. Im also really close to Huntington WV. Its not real far from Charelston. I live 7 miles from I64. I can hit it where I live and drive to Huntington in 25 minutes.
  5. Do they let you enjoy drinks on the train? Such as airplanes often do.
  6. I can drive to Cincinatti in about an hr and a half. Depending on certain conditions. Be nice if they expanded it on to Portsmouth. I can drive there in bout an hr or less all depending. I believe Id enjoy traveling by rail.
  7. I actully think Im the one who threw it off course. Sorry Roger.
  8. Whats the closest Amtrak near Ky? Never thought about it before. Is it fairly cheap to take? I would much rather do that than fly. Im in Norther Ky. Between Lexington and Portsmouth Ohio.
  9. I agree with JP. Looks xf to me also. Lots of wear on the high spots.
  10. It will sure make a person look closer though. It would me anyways. Just in case. Even though I know it would be to good to be true. Sure would be nice wouldnt it?
  11. I tried my best with them. Tried to teach them right from wrong at a young age. I never could give them a whole lot like I wanted but I taught them alot of life lessons. Gave them way more than I had when I was a kid. Hopfully they make good choices and graduate college and dont struggled as bad. This is a bad geographic location for good money jobs unless you have a good college education. Ive always wished I woulda went to college instead of going straight to work but hindsight is 20/20. Thats why Ive always tried to teach them my failures and to strive to do better. Maybe they can give their children more than what I could provide. I guess at least they never went hungry and have always had a roof over their head tho. I just wish I could have got them more of the things they wanted growing up. Ive plum hijacked this thread. I will quit rambling on. But Im just happy they grew up staying out of trouble and doing good in school. I never was a trouble maker but I didnt do good in school. Barely passed. And got suspended a few times for smoking in school and things like that. Never hurt no one tho.
  12. They have a few chaperones. Hes flying into Las Vegas. Then going to Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Canyonland National Park, and Arches National Park. Hes very excited. Im very worried but very happy too. That boy deserves it. Hes a really good boy. Hes worked hard and never been in trouble. Ive never been able to take my family on any kind of vacation my whole life. We grew up in poverty. So Im so happy he gets to go. Thats a really good program they have for them. Both my boys turned out to be good kids. I was always afraid they would get on drugs or something. But I tried my best to raise them right and they turned out great. The youngest wants to be a preacher when he gets older. The oldest aint as religous but is still a good boy. Hes in college now and making straight As.
  13. Thats the part Im afraid of. Ive walked away from several car wrecks. It dont happen often but when planes do go down not to many walk away from those. The jet fuel usually gets them if the sudden stop dont. Ill worry myself into chest pains when he leaves. I constantly worry anyways.
  14. If you went down 75 in Ky you probably passed us putting up guardrail. Probably around 60 miles or so from the Tennessee border.
  15. I hate flying. Im very nervous. My 15 year old son is going on a trip to Utah in a few days. Hes in the upward bound program in school and wrote an essay and got picked to go. They only pick a very small number out of around 500 kids. Whoever wanted to go had to write an essay on why they should be picked. He talked about it constantly. He really wanted to go. Hes very religous. He would say his prayers every night and pray to go on the trip to. He ended up getting his wish. Well Im very nervous and have been worrying myself to death about him flying out there. Its got me all tore up. Im not big on him flying. He told me not to worry. Said he trust in the Lord to keep him safe. I trust he will be safe but still worry. I guess thats just part of being a parent. The times I flew I was a nervous wreck.
  16. Im not far off from Columbus. Bout 45 min from Portsmouth on the Ky side of the river. I used to work down there. Had to drive it every weekend for a couple months. Worked in Miami. I hated that drive after the second trip. Had to drive it myself because my road partner didnt have a drivers license. How far off from Miami or Ft Lauderdale is Sarasota? I loved Florida. Just not the drive.
  17. Very cool. Ill have to put mine in a coin flip now
  18. Thats what I was thinking. The submitter may not have wanted to pay the extra $15 for variety plus. But its a very nice coin and a great deal on it. Nice addition @Anthony420
  19. Very good idea. That was kinda what I was gettin at earlier. Will let newbies see and compare their coins. Ive seen several post their PMD coins the whole time Ive been here. . Show drier coins and explain, few pics parking lot coins and explain, ground on coins, etc, etc. Then put in the "before you post thread" to compare their coins to ones in the "PMD thread first" before asking about it. Will help newbies who are shy about posting also. Ones just looking through threads for coins to compare theirs to. I was like that for a while. I read the forum for months before I made my first post. I always was shy around people I dont know until I get to know them more.
  20. It would be great to have a thread pinned to the top of the newbie section with several examples of damaged coins. Give them something to compare theirs to before they post. Give explinations and examples of possibilities. And tell them theirs didnt leave the mint looking like those. Just a thought. May not be a very good idea. Sounded good while I was thinking about it. It may be boring and some may think its not very useful. I dont know if it good or not really. Sounded good after a couple sips of homemade wine.
  21. I agree. Ive got a couple more dryers I gotta go get in a few days. When I junk them Ill watch for more. That one there is rubbed plum raw. Bout stripped the copper off him. Did you find that one in circulation? Or in a machine or something?
  22. Looks like grease or debries or something has the 9 filled in on the die dont it?