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NGC Journals

New #1 1971 proof set

Just got the certificate in the mail A few weeks ago, I got my certificate in the mail for having the #1 slot for the 1971 proof set. Granted, it cost me alot of begging, bargaining and gettin yelled at, but it was worth it (ahem). What was more of a challenge for me is that I was going up against "the" #1 1971 Eisenhower Doller graded PCGS PF 70 Deep Cam! I had already resolved myself to the fact that #2 is good, but then NGC FINALLY upgraded the Roosevelt dime points (pf 69 deep cam) whic




A nice type set does not have to be all high grade! When you first begin it is hard to pick a concentration for collecting. The perfect place to start is a type set. A type set is one example of every coin. The set includes every major issue from half cent to silver dollar and can even include examples of the gold coinage. With a type set you are forced to learn a little about each coin in the set to make an educated purchase. As you complete the set you will have physical example of all US

The Shoreline Collection

The Shoreline Collection

The Going Gets Tougher As You Approach The Top!

It must be gravity! Can you believe what's happening to the registry? I was at lofty #99 for about two days and then when I checked I was around 105 or so. Several new members have vaulted way beyond me with 100,000+ points registered in a single day. It's great to have the new blood and all, but couldn't they just kind of pass me gradually instead of just blowing on by? I'm finding that the higher I get up the mountain the steeper the slope. I used to be able to pass 10-15 collectors wit



Journal Entries, Gold Coins, and the Economy.

A journal entry that mislead me, but turned out well Today I saved $50.00 on a coin purchase because of a journal posted by Collector?s Society member ?davidricher? written yesterday. For those of you who read his journal, he stated that the mint would BEGIN shipping UHR?s April 24 and then only to those who placed orders on Jan 22. This afternoon I received an e-mail from the mint stating that they have begun to ship Feb 22 and expect to deliver UHR?s ordered between Jan 22 and Feb 23 BY Apri




It is about what you have not what you need when money is tight! Focus on what you have not what you need. Look through your collection for coins that should be sent in to be graded and find coins you think can earn an upgrade. The mint has a lot of great series that are circulating right now. Begin a MS set of presidential dollars or finish up your MS set of state quarters. These coins may not yield the largest financial returns but they will give you a cheap coin fix. Spend time workin

The Shoreline Collection

The Shoreline Collection

2009 First Day of Issue MS66/ Windy City Monster Box Hoard SAE!

Lincoln Birth and Childhood NGC graded! Then Some Special NGC slabbed Windy City Monster Box Hoard American Silver Eagles Purchased! Good Morning to Everyone and I hope your having a great day, as I know I am as a collector in this hard time, still being able to add to my collection and doing so happily. First off I Would Like to address some of the UHR Journals I have been reading, does anyone read the mints website? Here is what they have wrote (Which I believe more then a person that pick



Precious Metal Values

...the rest of the story (my apologies to Paul Harvey) I thought I would help out and continue the story that Average-Joe started. After consulting the table that Average-Joe provided, use this formula to calculate the silver value: Silver price (per ounce) x .0321507466 (weight conversion factor) x (weight of coin in grams) x fineness (from table already provided) Here's an example for a Mercury Dime: 13.99 (silver price) x .0321507466 x 2.5 (weight of Merc) x .9 This gives us a total

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer

Iowa Silver Baron Bammer


The 1997 IRA amendment offers IRA investors the opportunity to diversify their investments from pure paper, stocks, bonds and mutual funds, to solid hard-asset investments-precious metals. Gold bullion and silver bullion were approved for IRAs by the US government in 1997. Heretofore, only Gold Eagles and Silver Eagles coins were acceptable for IRA Plans. This change is especially beneficial to IRA investors who would like to diversify their IRA holdings to include more than stocks, bonds and



Colonial Currency ?Exchange-Rates? explained:

Before the American Colonies became the United States of America, many different types of money flowed and floated through the village-economy of the day. It became the task (if not an ORDEAL) of the Continental Congress to decide which, if any, of these confusing currencies would ultimately become the one true and UNITING "CONTINENTAL CURRENCY." British empire: One Pence = One Penny = ?1 d.?[p>d>p>d] which stands for ?1 Denarius? (Roman Empire coinage = 1/16th oz. Silver) - Brit



Lyon?s Law of Currency

Why has this not-so-simple Truth never been explained in public before? -- "MONEY, as a measurement of Wealth, consists of two components, Currency, and Bullion." CURRENCY: 1) Currency is a medium of exchange designed to circulate for the exclusive purpose of facilitating commerce; 2) Currency has two values, namely, Face Value and Perceived Intrinsic Value; 3) Currency will be removed from circulation as soon as its Perceived Intrinsic Value exceeds its Face Value**, thus destroying / n



"How much is my coin worth?"

This is probably every coin collector's "number-one question" and also one of the most difficult to answer. Here's why: All legal tender coins have a face value, the amount the coin is intended to be worth when issued. Every coin is worth at least that much, which means that no matter how many 1964-D nickels you find, each one will always be worth five cents at a minimum. The caveat to this is that in some cases coins are not legal tender. This is not a problem with US coinage, all of which ca



Table of Precious Metal Purity (Content)

If you've ever wondered how Precious Metal Values are calculated, hopefully this Table will help explain the calculations, for GOLD, SILVER, and PLATINUM as contained in some normal everyday items. NOTE: Prices for Precious Metals (as Quoted on Commodity Stock Markets, etc.) are always based on "PER TROY OUNCE" (NOT "per avoirdupois ounce"). Precious Metal Content by Weight and Percentage:



Outa sight--Outa mind

A missing journal? Hi everyone! I had a journal posted, but I guess it got censored. It is gone!!! In short. My scanner died. My 1957 and 2009 proofs are further along. No word on my Abes I started another "W"eird quarter set. I had to shovel snow and......Oh yeah. I bought a new scanner. Your eyes will thank me for it! Happy collecting!



RE: Latest from the US mint on UHR's

What a bummer! It seems like that the US mint jumped the gun on putting UHR's on sale before they had the goods (that kind of sounds like our US Gov. ) It's a shame that all of us who ordered within minutes after they went on sale, aren't going to get them sometime in April. I hope NGC is aware of this because, Early Releases cut off date (Mon. 3/9/2009)is approaching soon! "NGC please put the Early Releases cut off date back to TBD status until the US mint figures out what they ar



Latest from the mint on UHR's

Not good news I just called the mint on my order which was placed and confirmed on jan 22 at 12:05, 5 minutes into the order time of noon est. They informed me all orders are now on hold and none will be sent out before April 24, and then only the ones accepted by the mint on Jan. 22. the rest will be 3 to 6 months. What a let down!!!




Census or senses report? Hello everyone! A short note about my yearly insanity. I was fortunate enough to enter my Presidential Dollar sets into the Registry in PF 70 UC for 2007 and 2008. As most know that this will put the owner in a #1 set ranking. I have done a bunch of searching through my few resources, and find 2009 may be tough on the PF 70 collectors. The last I heard, about 15% of the (4 coin)sets submitted came back in complete PF 70 (4 coin) sets. If this holds true,



Thanks Amy for posting my Journal!!

I could not get it to post. Greeting Collectors, Once again an example of how great NGC is. I had just recently as in moments ago tried to post a journal that I had pecked out for the last hour plus. Every time I tried to save the entry I got nowhere. I then called NGC and Amy again solved the problem. Does anyone think the folks over at PCGS would have done something like that? I think not. Anyway I made a couple of comments in there that I do not want Amy blamed for so "for the record"



My Take On PCGS Coins In NGC Registry

Settling the flames First off, I have about 20% PCGS coins in my NGC Registry. NGC allows members with nothing but PCGS slabbed coins to enter into the registry. While PCGS will not allow one of NGC coins into theirs. That alone puts up fences for some folks. If someone has 100 coins slabbed and all are by PCGS then they are buying the TPG label and not the coin. I would be dissapointed if NGC accepted only NGC coins. I love the photographs of member's coins no matter whether the label says NG



Grade Day

Great Day or a bad Grade Day I sent a package of Morgans in for grading,2 weeks will be today.I don't expect super grades but want to know which ones pass with no microscopic cleaning.I have checked the order 100 times,no grades available "I'm loosing my mind"

Six Mile Rick

Six Mile Rick


I don't like the idea of slashing points from PCGS coins! I don't like pcgs registry because they are so exclusive. This is why I pick NGC registry to display most of my coins. If my pcgs coins are penalized because they are graded by pcgs, I will be disappointed, and I will probably withdrawing all coins from NGC registry. Congratulation! you have one less competitor! tell me, are you happy to see one fellow collector dropped out? And asking me to crossover my pcgs coins for any fees is laugh



NGC VS. PCGS ROUND 2,3,4 ???

How long must this go on? Hello all .....again! Fact.....NGC Registry allows PCGS slabbed coins. Fact.....PCGS does not allow NGC slabbed coins. I thought the hobby was considered to be, and hence named, "coin collecting". I've vented on this issue before. I also explained why I have both. I have collected my sets for 2 reasons. I like the coins, and it's an investment. I'm in awe to see a Lincoln cent graded by either entity worth many thousands of dollars. I admire the coin(and t

