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Posts posted by J P M

  1. On 12/9/2023 at 9:28 PM, VKurtB said:

    No, the hobby really REALLY, REALLY  was just fundamentally different (I'd say "better") in 1963, when I started. Sorry, it just was.

    Now we can get anything we want with the tap of a keyboard. I agree it was more of a camaraderie. Back in 63 you had to be part of something, or you were on your own. Coin clubs, snail mail and corner store magazines were a must.

  2. On 12/9/2023 at 10:44 PM, EagleRJO said:

    Hey, I like the French cause they saved our butts during the Revolutionary War and while we were growing after Independence. Then we saved their butts twice during the World Wars so I think we are even steven.  But I do not get why they don't like Americans so much.  Trust me they don't, I have been to France.

    I think it is because we mess with their food recipes. 

  3. On 12/9/2023 at 2:35 PM, EagleRJO said:

    Did you expect anything else since he is getting continuously slammed and ignored on this forum for his misinformation and very shady Etsy/eBay raw coin flipping with counterfeits and misattributed varieties that is ripping off less knowledgeable collectors.  But he apparently thinks he might be able to recover his reputation or people might actually pay attention to his posts which is just not going to happen and is totally beyond repair.

    It seems like he thought people here would not be able to recognize a clueless fraud and numismatic scam artist, and I don't understand why he is even continuing with posts which are just being ignored or slammed.  The more davidprince is called out on this forum for being a fraud and scam artist the more likely less knowledgeable collectors will be able to find that from a search and avoid being ripped off on eBay.  But davidprince seems to be oblivious to that and it was only a matter of time before the frustration at not being able to hoodwing people here and resulting damage to davidprince's FlesBay flipping ended up with some backlash.

    He can also use his threads on NGC as a reference for buyers looking at his coins for sale. I have done internet searches on nickels and I have been directed to my own threads here for the best answers.  (shrug)

  4. On 12/5/2023 at 6:06 AM, Fenntucky Mike said:

    CONECA might take a look at it. I think you have to post some pictures on the forum first before they'll agree to examining the coin. 


    No matter Rykel it will not make it worth more, both of the possibility's we discussed do not increase the value of the coin. If you send it in, you will get the same answer you got here only that they will pick one or the other because they are going to charge you for that answer.

  5. On 12/3/2023 at 8:21 AM, Mike Meenderink said:

    Actually, it's not. The damage on this coin is specific and easily recognized. It is one of the most common types of damage on old coins. The whole point of this exercise is to be specific.


    On 12/3/2023 at 8:21 AM, Mike Meenderink said:

    The whole point of this exercise is to be specific.

    Ok well, this is a southern coin. New Years eve around 1889 Billy Bob Joe was walking down that red dirt road after drinking that dog gone white lightening old man McCoy cooks up. Well, he dun passed out halfway between here and there and all the change fell out of his overalls and coin purse into that red dirt and he never knew it. One hundred years later Billy Bob Joe's Great Grandson. Mike Meenderink was walking down the same road meandering about when he found the old coin purse his Great Grandfather talked about so much. This is one of those long-lost coins. .............Hows that Mike am I being specific enough.........:roflmao: PS I did vote