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Everything posted by Mohawk

  1. Oh please. Take your cheating service and get the hell out of here.
  2. Looking good, William!! You definitely have some talent with a camera and with selecting coins!!! You have some very nice things there and very nice photos of them as well. Also, if Shandy likes it, then you're doing well
  3. Hi Jimbo!! If it's an 1895-CC, then it's definitely fake......Carson City shut down for good in 1893. I actually wonder if it's even silver, too.....it doesn't look like it to me. But I love the "1895-CC" thing. That's one of my favorite fakes I've ever seen. My all time favorite was the 2009 dated U.S. Trade Dollar I saw once. That one was a riot!!! I sort of regret not buying it because is was so abjectly ridiculous. Ah well, probably better that I didn't. My second favorite was the "1913" Liberty Nickel some guy brought in to the coin shop I used to work at. Unfortunately, his "1913" had a D mintmark on the reverse.......
  4. That'd be okay.....but I'm still holding out for that 2022 "O" 24K Gold Glow in the Dark Gene Simmons Peace Dollar. If I'm going to buy ridiculous, then I want to go all the way!!
  5. Hi Hog! Well, unsurprisingly, the ancient coin/Egyptian Gods guy did not end up ordering a set of these. I've got my eye on working to complete my Egyptian Gods 2 oz rounds right now, so that's where my collecting money is going at the moment. I think I need 4 more rounds to have all of the different rounds and different finishes, so I'm close. If you dig them, which you seem to, I'm glad you got a set. That's the most important reason to buy anything in this hobby, I think, and I love seeing someone buy something just because they like it!
  6. Nothing wrong with a little exonumia, MorganMan. The main thing I'm working on is an exonumia project. It's something that means a lot to me personally and I'm having a great time with it.
  7. Very nice coin, Lost_in_reality. That's one of the nicest looking Ants I've ever seen
  8. Man, it's not looking good for them right now, is it Alex? Do you happen to know what that dealer is asking for the Peace? From what I've seen, the Peace seems to be doing a little better than the Morgans.
  9. It's possible that may happen, Mark. It's hard to say what will happen. I think a lot of it depends on how stupid the U.S. Mint gets with the silver dollars going forward. If they keep it relatively sane, there may be a positive impact on the 2021 versions but if they go to Gene Simmons land, there could be a backlash against the whole program, which should end in 2021 without question. I guess we'll have to wait and see how things develop.
  10. I don't think the U.S. Mint knows how to provide such things anymore. Either that, or they just don't care to. I think that they don't understand that if someone buys a 2021-S Morgan Dollar one year as a once in a lifetime experience, that the same person may see a 2022 "CC" Enhanced Reverse Proof Morgan Dollar as a piece of blatant cash grab garbage that diminishes the importance of their original purchase. If the U.S. Mint thinks it can make a buck, it'll do anything and sell anything. I thought that mindset may depart with Ryder, but it doesn't appear to be doing so. They should just go ahead and make Gene Simmons the Mint Director. If anyone knows how to come up with and peddle massive mountains of goofy merchandise that make no sense at all, it's Gene Simmons. After all, he is the man behind the Kiss coffin, Kiss teddy bears, Kiss toilet paper and Kiss condoms. The U.S. Mint would be perfect for him. And, he could go to the major shows and do this at his table filled with 2022 "O" 24K Gold Peace Dollars with his Kiss makeup design on Lady Liberty which also glow in the dark and play "I Love It Loud" if you press the button on the side of the case. There's a face you can trust to sell you quality!
  11. If this actually goes forward, it won't be long at all, I'm afraid. I wouldn't be surprised if such nonsense popped up next year at some point.
  12. I knew it!! I freaking knew it!!! Give the U.S. Mint a cash cow and they'll milk it to death!!!! Now, it's really going to get stupid. And what does this mean for Morgan and Peace dollar collectors? Are those series current again? This is ridiculous. I hope that this is just the last of the Ryder nonsense and that it doesn't come to fruition, but it probably will, sadly.
  13. That they do, Hog, that they do. And I'm with you......spooning coins is yet another human behavior that I completely do not understand. People do some weird stuff, that's for sure.
  14. I think that's a good plan JP. I think they'll be a lot more reasonable once we're past the hype phase, for sure. I may even get one of the Peaces myself if the price comes down enough. I guess we'll have to wait and see. But I can guarantee you this....I won't buy one of those damned privy marked ones even if the price came down to just a dollar on them. I despise those fake mintmarks.
  15. It was a cool find. I've never found a Sacagawea dollar out in the wild, just chilling somewhere. I have found a couple Loonies, though. Your find was quite cool, too
  16. I don't think the long term on these is looking good, Alex. The prices seem to be crashing, which is something I thought would occur because it occurs with most modern U.S. Mint products. I'll say this. My fiancée collects Morgan and Peace Dollars and we talked about these. Her stance was she's going to wait until at least 2022 to add them to her collection, if she ever does. Her concern was overpaying for them and I think her stance is dead on. Instead of going for one of the 2021 coins right now, she recently spent the money she would have used on one of the prettiest 1921-P Morgans I've ever seen. I think she made the absolute right choice.
  17. Those "coins" are garbage and they're worthless. They are not worth your time, consideration or money. There are millions of better uses for your hard earned money. And let's just get this out of the way. I hate Trump. I loathe him. I cannot stand him. He makes my stomach churn and my skin crawl. People have different opinions and this is mine. But I'm not saying what I said for that reason. I'm saying it because what Roger said is true.....this kind of garbage comes out for every president and none of it is worth anything nor is any of it a good use of your hard earned money. If you want presidential medals, I believe that the U.S. Mint sells them. I'm not sure of the exact lineup being offered though, but you could check it out if you wanted. An actual U.S. Mint medal would be a better use of your money.
  18. This exactly. I've found nickels, dimes and cents in machines at the Laundromat from peoples' pockets. My dad even found a Sacagawea dollar in a Laundromat washer once!!! A lot of people aren't good about checking their pockets before they load their clothes into machines at the Laundromat.
  19. I'm with Hog, Greenstang, Hoopster, GBrad, JP and Powermad.....definitely a damaged coin and not an error. I think someone was trying to use it for a jewelry piece and it ended up back in circulation somehow.
  20. Basically, the only thing I know about Henning nickels is that they exist and the 1944 lacks a mint mark. However, I did a little search for you and found a pretty good article from Coin World from August of this year. I don't know if you've seen it or not, Keith, but it may shed some light on some things for you: https://coinweek.com/counterfeits/a-collectible-counterfeit-the-story-of-henning-nickels/ Error Ref also has this page: http://www.error-ref.com/henning-counterfeit-nickel/
  21. See, that is all absolutely true, now that you mention it!! I need to remember that the pharaohs were absolutely viewed as gods on Earth!! I think that I'll have to add her now. It's only proper. I will get her at that! Thanks for the necessary reminder
  22. They are both 2 ounce silver rounds from the Sunshine Mint's Egyptian Gods 2 Ounce Ultra High Relief Silver series. I'm attempting the whole set, maybe minus the first round which is Cleopatra because she's not an Egyptian God, so including her seems a bit silly to me but that completionist bug may bite me here, I don't know. I'm considering doing a Custom Set of these on the Registry so I can share them and tell the stories of the gods depicted on them. I love things from Antiquity and I love modern things that remember things from the Ancient World.
  23. And here's Khnum. He's the other blast white one I have right now. I have Anubis and Osiris as well, but I have the antiqued versions of them, so I don't know if that would count here: