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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Coinbuf

  1. Gave it a little price bump, doubt that will be enough to win it tho.
  2. This forum has a somewhat small level of active members so dividing into smaller groups is usually not beneficial. I am not a roll searcher myself but there are a few here that are doing that so my suggestion is to start some new posts on what you are doing and finding and develop the friendships from that. Just don't be discouraged if you do not get lots of reply's immediately, things move at a leisurely pace here.
  3. Welcome stick around and enjoy, some discussions are very good with solid information passed around and others are less so.
  4. I only see one photo of an ASE rev, perhaps you would care to provide us with additional information such as the obv photo and other data you have.
  5. Your photos are out of focus and blurry on my monitor, no way for anyone to give you any advice from what I see.
  6. Welcome to the forum, unfortunately your photos are too blurry and out of focus to provide you with any guidance on a grade or submission worthiness. There have been few auction records in the last couple of years, I could only find one from 2019 and that was an MS65 that sold for $30. The SBA coins are a short series and not a very popular series for collectors but if you were able to get a grade of MS66 or better it would be worth getting graded. However as I said there is no way to guess if your coin can grade that high from the photos.
  7. There is no right or wrong way to collect, the above advice is spot on and what to collect is a very personal choice. I chose Lincoln cents as I find the life and history of Lincoln to be very compelling and immensely interesting to me. I also chose to do the full date/mm set for the challenge due to the immense size of the set (142 coins in the 09-58 set alone) where a date set, or proof date set, would have been much smaller and far easier to complete and perhaps less expensive. Consider the costs such as initial cost of the coins, storing the coins can be costly as a large slabbed set like mine does take up a few bank boxes to store, the look you want as in mint state or circulated; all these and more can factor into your choice. I would suggest going to a show if possible and looking thru the registry sets available here to see what piques your interest; date sets, full sets, type sets, sub sets, toned sets, sets biased on a theme US sets, world coin sets; they are all possibilities. Just remember that its a hobby and to have fun, if you start down one direction you are always free to put that on pause to pursue a different direction should you find your first choice not to your liking.
  8. Copper has some interesting color reactions to many common household cleaners, including dish soap and laundry detergent, much of the color change depends on what is on the surface of the coin.
  9. It looks like strike doubling but can you provide a photo of the full obv, sometimes those microscope closeups distort things.
  10. You should be publicly flogged for pushing garbage like that 44-S.
  11. Looks like a couple of die chips, not at all unusual to find on coins from the 1950's due to over worked dies. They can be cool but not worth much, perhaps a couple of bucks to the right buyer.
  12. Thank you, I appreciate everyone for your thoughts and knowledge that was shared on this thread and subject. Everyone has a lot on their plate this year but it never hurts to take a moment and think and discuss about the hobby/business including how our actions or inactions can affect others in ways we may never expect or consider.
  13. The details are in the F12 or just under level, but the environmental damage is bad. I would guess that it could get graded as VG details but I have no idea if the cost of slabbing could be recouped. Much like the 1806 you posted this is a coin that is better left/sold/collected raw, just my opinion.
  14. If I were grading it I would call it details, just my opinion but that is a great coin for an album not a great coin for a slab.
  15. Thank you, we will agree to disagree, it was a very good and civil discussion which does not always happen on the internet. Have a great week.
  16. Sorry just strike doubling, I cannot not match your photo to any of the PUPs for the four known DDR's of this date.
  17. The facts don't change anything you are representing that you have two coins one in NGC and one in PCGS when in fact you only have one coin. Currently now you don't have to as PCGS coins are allowed back in. But if you want to participate in the PCGS registry and only have an NGC coin you would have to buy another or cross and then you should change your set here to reflect the cross. Apples and oranges using the same coin in different sets is fine and allowed by the registry because you are using the same cert number, what you fail to understand is that using two cert numbers for one coin is the problem. That presents that you have two coins one in NGC and one in PCGS when you only have one coin. It is not the same you are using two different cert numbers for one coin. You have stated that it is not ok to represent the coin at time of sale as NGC certified, then why is it ok to represent the coin as NGC certified in the registry when the coin is no longer NGC certified?
  18. If you look at the registry info: "All NGC-certified coins are eligible for the NGC Registry". So my question to you is once a coin is cracked out of a slab is it still NGC certified? If you believe that a cracked coin to still be certified as true then have you sold a raw (or entombed in another brand slab) coin as NGC certified and if not why? This is the argument and the way to rationalize putting one's ethics on pause that I see used often, "nobody is going to be harmed right". Maybe and maybe not but the thing is if you have to ask the question or make an excuse for the behavior is it really the right thing to do. Yes your correct that the registry is a very minor thing in the overall scheme of life, but if someone is willing to pause ethics for this what else are they willing to pause ethics for. Once you start down the path of what ifs, and its ok just this one time, where do you then draw the line; things don't have to be illegal or outside explicitly stated rules to be wrong. Edited to add: Not to rub salt in a wound but when you had your little bump in the road with PCGS I would guess that you expected them to act in an ethical manor. I wonder if at some time in that process was "its only X dollars does it really matter" thought by someone at some time.
  19. I have my inventory setup just as I do my excel spreadsheet, the registry inventory is just a redundant backup of my excel file. I'm a plastic collector of old plastic (when the coin inside is nice) but first and foremost a coin collector, therefore all prior clothes a coin might have had is irreverent what it has today is what it should be represented as selling or not, to do otherwise is fraudulent and wrong in every sense. You have convinced and rationalized to yourself that its fine because it is what you want not because it is right. You are correct we do see the world quite differently, you do have X coin but you want to show it as though you have 2 examples of X when you only have one X coin. You seem to be very into collecting points by representing that you have the same coin in two different holders, and you do not. It makes no difference if you are selling or holding you have one coin in one brand holder period. And no I could not care less about the gradeflation that happened to coin X prior to my owning it, as I said I'm a collector not an investor. What matters to me is that I like the coin and I paid what I feel was an appropriate price for the coin. I never care who may have owned it in the past. completely unimportant to me. But then I've never been one to worship players, or movie stars, or coin collectors; they are all just people that put on their pants one leg at a time just like me. It should not matter once the coin leaves the holder the cert is dead to the TPG, as I said they will not reholder a cracked out coin without rendering another opinion so once cracked the old opinion is void. Loopholes are how ethics get compromised even if one's intention is not to intentionally defraud. I did not say that you set out to cheat the system but the effect is you are; you are showing two opinions for the same coin, even if the opinions align you are still gaming the system. Basically it seems that you have no issue with this because in your mind the outcome is not intentional yet the outcome is the same no matter the intent. I doubt that either of us is going to convince the other to change views on this, you feel good with your actions and I see them as improper and unethical.
  20. Yes the same theory works for the PCGS registry as for the NGC, if the coin is crossed it should be removed, so in my opinion the ethical issue is very much open.