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Everything posted by Hoghead515

  1. I had to find a different one to circle crop. Thats the only thing it does is crop circles.
  2. Im the type of person im not gonna get offend if you judge my coin harshly. I like to hear honest opinions. Theres not much that bothers me at all. Judge however you want my friend. I dont get my feelings hurt very easily at all.
  3. Had this one a while. Just been practicing trying to get better pictures. They will have to do for now.
  4. Same here ol buddy. Im not worth MAC sticker 4 step nickel at it.
  5. My friend @zadokwas the first to nail it. It was graded AU55 by our host. Although the reverse is beautiful old Georges cheek has been rubbed raw. Also wear on the hair area. I figured this would be a great coin to have a guess at. All fun guesses and thank you everyone for participating. I got that coin for nearly nothing a while back. Around $7 I think. I know it was less than $10 and I bought another nicer one at the time and done combined shipping so I wasnt hurt any. It has a very low value to it according to NGC priceguide. Whoever had it slabbed probably went in the hole big time. Unless it was sent in a bulk submission or something like that. Not sure how that works. Most Ive ever sent in was 2 coins at one time. Its more of an album coin. Got an album from 1932 to 1998. Been thinking bout cracking it out to put in the album. I may not either. May just leave it in the slab.
  6. I found a perfect coin for a guess the grade. Some will probably guess right off but ill leave it up till tomorrow sometime before I reveal the answer.
  7. I dont think mine will ever have a chance of winning. I cant afford the serious coins I need to get down there in the top few spots. I still enjoy putting them together though. Ive had a blast doing so. Im planning on putting together a full set of Roosevelt dimes. Gonna try to go all Full Torch. Its gonna take me a while but Im gonna take my time on it and only pick coins I feel that deserve to be in it. Even if it takes me a few years. Im gonna try to also work on getting better photos. My photos are not very good. You guys have inspired me, and probably others, to try and work harder on my registry. I may never win but I may be able to make it more interesting where people will want to view it more.
  8. @Coinbufim ashamed to say today was the first time Ive seen your lovely set of Lincoln cents. I shouldhave done it sooner. My hats off to you my friend. That is a very nice set and some wonderful descriptions. I really enjoyed admiring them and reading the great descriptions and history lessons with them. You and @Lem Eboth deserved your winnings. You both put in some hard work on those sets and I applaud you guys on them.
  9. Ive been wondering how many thefts took place that werent noticed by weight clerks and others who could balance the books and by taking very small amounts of gold at a time.
  10. @Lem Eand @Coinbufit was very exciting to see your names on here. Very cool my good friends. Congratulations on some awsome sets and hard work putting them together.
  11. We got 10 inches out of that one. We was only supposed to get 3.
  12. We got in one of the worst snows Ive ever drove thru up there. Just south of Shroon Lake. Cant remember the interstate. We was headed north. I had to drive over 100 miles in about a foot of snow on the black top. Couldnt see a bit. It was a white out. Seemed like it took forever crawling around 15 to 20 mph.
  13. We get some good snows. Not ones like up there. Those get really bad up there. I always drive slow and do fine. Ive got several years experience. In the northern part of the state where I live we had several foot deep and better snows. We get snow every winter. Got a 4x4. Im always worried about the other idouts that cant drive a lick and speeding. I never seen so many. We was driving 40 on I 75 and a girl passed us and she had to have been running 70 looking at a phone. Got up the road a few miles and she was sitting in the median sideways. Ive never seen so many crazy drivers in my life. We usually get a few good snows every year. And several big hills and very curvy roads. Most around here have plenty of experience. Just the others out there is what makes me nervous. If people would just slow down and drive like they had some sense it wouldnt be as bad.
  14. Speaking of traffic accidents i probably seen 100 to 150 today. No kidding. This winter storm hitting us is horrible. Its only a 2 1/2 hour trip to where we come from and I just now made it home. We left at 9:30 this morning and its 6:40 now. We got behind that 50 car pileup on I64 in Ky. Was trapped there for a couple hours. Was almost in it. Sadly 5 or 6 lost their lives in it that I know of. Maybe more. Almost got hit on I75 right before they shut it down. This been one of the worst trips I ever been on. Luckily all our crew and I made it home safe. Ive never seen so many crashes in my whole life combined as what I seen today. There was vechicles sitting everywhere over in the ditches. We even seen a few crashes happen. I just hope the best that everyone gets where they are going safely.
  15. Same here. If theres no proof or documents to say otherwise.
  16. All the ones I found was also identical to each other. The same type quarter. Washing Crossing the Deleware. There were 5 or 6 in that roll.
  17. Looks like it may have some kind of residue from glue or something.
  18. From what ive heard from others say there is no such thing. Thats just what Ive heard.
  19. Thaats a great design to. It was my second choice. I havent a clue who the other ladys are. I dont get towatch alot of TV or nothing.
  20. Well friends. I better call it a night. Gotta get up 3am. Ill talk at you all tomorrow. Im gonna follow this thread. Would love to see more opinions on this. Im sure some will like it and some will hate it. Thats America though. Its great we all get the freedom to share our opinions on these things. Have a wonderful night good friends.
  21. I like the Astraunaut lady design the best. I dont know her name but I remember the history of her. And she wasnt a man killer. Im kinda scared of the lady on that one.
  22. If that design waould have been chosen in 1932 @Lem Ewould have another nickel competitor in the registry with him. Lol. Or Id be a dime man or something.