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Everything posted by Coinbuf

  1. No clue Mike as I don't collect in this area, but I'm sure that the color added quite a bit even tho its on the rev.
  2. Yes most everyone here can see the difference between your photo and the one you copied. I will only do this once, here is your photo (cropped to remove most of the noise and background) and the photo supplied by @Fenntucky Mike. I have circled two areas that I want you to focus on; a third one on the image Mike supplied which is cropped out in your photo. And in case it is not clear to you, your photo is the top photo, I left one of your yellow arrows in your photo to make it easier to identify. Notice how in those circles how in the image supplied by Mike how you see two separate serifs at the bottom of the I and at the top of the lower bar of the L. These are split apart and there is a notch or space between each of the serifs, same for the corner of the L which is cropped out on your photo. Now look at your photo, notice how in the circles how the serifs are not split but just a continuation of the letters on both the I and L. There are additional differences, however, if you are not able to see the differences shown in the areas that I circled in these two photos then you might as well stop looking as you will never be able to identify true hub doubling from the worthless machine doubling.
  3. Not sure I would want anything this guy has rubbing off on me, just saying.
  4. Will the TPG's accept food stamps as payment, not sure this guy has any real money after he blew it all on his magical ebay lot.
  5. "Mystery roll from eBay for $20 was it worth it??" Answer, nope.
  6. You have a damaged and stained quarter. But the good news, it is still worth a quarter.
  7. By "double strike" I am assuming that you actually mean "strike doubling" AKA mechanical doubling. If so then yes your coin shows what is considered strike doubling not true hub doubling.
  8. If so then maybe you have had too much of what the op is smoking.
  9. Short answer is No. Only worth 3 cents for the copper metal value unless in suburb gem condition certified by a legit grading firm like NGC as MS67 or higher.
  10. Old copper can tone many shades of red, from dark brick red to a bright brassy look. Your coin does not look cleaned to me, tho not impossible, it simply looks like the planchet had improper mixture which often resulted in this woodgrain look. Here are some in my collection to illustrate the wide variation in color that is possible including one that also has some of the woodgrain streaky look. All of these are original, all are very different from the others, and two are CAC approvied.
  11. If you want a reply from a representative of NGC you need to post in the ask NGC section or call customer service. This part of the forum is not monitored by the NGC staff for questions, it is only a few of us collectors that donate our time and try to help others out with answers. Just biased on the serial number of your coin it may be possible that this was graded/slabbed before NGC was taking the slab photos for each coin. But again only an NGC rep can fully answer your question.
  12. AU58, I'm waffling on a details for an obv wipe but will stick with a straight grade.
  13. I wish I could say that I was eating crow for lunch, but as expected you do not have "the" DDO for this date. If from one of the many you tube videos or facebook groups you have read how easy it is to find great treasures in your couch or pocket change you can pretty much forget all that because it just is not true. I do not say that to discourage you from looking and having fun with collecting, it is possible to find some neat things in random change, just not life altering valuables like super rare DDO coins.
  14. I'm sorry but this calls for some brutal honesty, there is less than a 1% chance that you as someone 8mos new to the hobby actually found one true 69-S DDO, especially when such a bold claim is made with no photos or documentation of any type. Those odds are effectively zero when you claim to have found not just one but two of these ultra rarities, please prove me incorrect and post up the photos of your finds. I have no doubt that what you have is simple worthless strike doubling not any true DDO. If you want advice here you go, I suggest that you learn the difference between what a true real hub doubled coin is and how it occurs, and the many worthless types of mechanical doubling which is no doubt what you have found. Knowledge like that will get you taken seriously, because right now nobody is taking your claim seriously.
  15. What makes you think it could/would be? I see a coin that looks and presents as a standard silver war issue coin.
  16. The problem is that what Bill posted is not for 5FS coins, that chart is for non FS coins.
  17. The most recent auction sale for an NGC 5FS was last year and it hammered at $240. There are currently 2 NGC 5FS examples on collector corner by two separate dealers each asking $395. I don't have access to a bluesheet, but from the data I can see my guess is that most dealers might be offering around $225, perhaps up to $250 if the dealer has a way to flip it quickly. It really comes down to what kind of clients each dealer has access to and how quickly he/she might be able to move the coin.
  18. In what universe are you seeing MS65 bicentennial quarters selling for $30 You can buy both of these for less than you could buy and slab one single coin. Your call but this seems like the usual mint ripoff.
  19. Some great coins, I hope that GC will consider doing "great photos" for some of those.
  20. I stopped ordering from the mint over ten years ago, best decision I ever made. That bit on the shipping is way over the top.
  21. It is entirely possible that NCS after evaluating your coin did not perform any conservation service on your coin. If after their review it is determined that a coin cannot be "helped" and the best option is to do nothing, that is the choice they go with. Did you pay the attribution fee to have the Miller designation added, and does NGC even offer the service of adding a Miller designation? I'm not an early copper guy so I am not familiar with the NGC policies pertaining to Miller designations. But if you did not indicate that you wanted that designation (again assuming that it can be added) and pay the extra fee it would not be put on the label NGC will not automatically add all varieties/designations.
  22. If you are satisfied with the coin that is what matters, however you asked. While you did not lose much here the coin is worth $30 dollars (to me) give or take depending on the silver spot prices. Keep in mind that I do not care about varieties or VAM's so I only consider the base coin value. Also, when you buy problem coins all you have done is buy someone else's problems, I don't think you lost much with this one but making a habit of buying problem coins could leave you with an empty wallet and little to show for it. It is usually much harder to sell a problem coin once you need to do so.