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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Mohawk

  1. Man, Andrew....you DO have a varied collection at the moment. Ancient Indian is going to be a tough one, I think. JKK may be able to help with it, but he's the only one I can think of who may know enough about it to help you out. I couldn't even fill a thimble with what I know about it. I wish I could be more of help here...I'm probably too freaking specialized
  2. Hi Andrew!! Well...it looks like it's an early Islamic piece to me......but that's the best I've got . I'm hoping that JKK can figure this one out 'cause you've got me stumped! ~Tom
  3. Hey Andrew!! I just finished with your Faustina in the PM......cool coin, by the way!! I'm looking forward to seeing more of what you've got there........
  4. Just so the community knows.....Andrew and I talked over PM and worked everything out. His initial post was not worded well, by his own admission. And my reply was off the charts as well. I would not have responded like I did if he had discussed it like he explained things to me. I'm glad we worked it out......he's actually a collector before anything else, like most of us here, and he's just trying to get his toes wet and learn more. I'm actually going to help him with a Faustina coin myself.
  5. If I ever need a good cry, I'll go to Quintus and not you, zadok
  6. Yep. That's the point and it's definitely true. There's no denying that's the absolute truth at this moment in time. And since there seems to be no discussing it with you, there's no point in saying anything but that.
  7. It depends on your threshold for this kind of thing. But I'm with you zadok....for me, no, no it's not.
  8. You're taking this all too personally.....please read what I typed above this.
  9. Okay....I didn't say you'd always be a bad dealer. I said that based on what you typed, you'd be one right now because of your lack of experience. Years down the road, when you weren't a newbie and had more experience under your belt, you could be a very good dealer. But a newbie does not have what it takes to be a good dealer. The knowledge base just isn't there. That's what I said. 10 years from now, it could be all different. 20 years ago, I would have been a bad dealer. Because I didn't have the experience after only a couple years in the hobby to be a good one. I'm not applying any standard to you that I wouldn't apply to myself.
  10. A bad dealer can ruin the hobby for a lot of collectors. Plain and simple. If I ruined the love of the hobby for you, then I did and I apologize. However, based on your original post, I feel I was justified in my response. I've seen this type of thing too many times. It always ends bad.
  11. In a way, I did too. It made sure I didn't waste my time pawing through Aorta and Wildwinds for this guy.
  12. Yeah.....that happens sometimes. Better luck next time, though!!
  13. No problem. I'm sorry the news wasn't better, though. But if you're interested in coins, keep looking!! There are good things out there to be found with persistence.
  14. Good question Bob.......the answer will be pretty important to this whole thread.......
  15. Okay.....to the OP.....you have to understand that, for me and a lot of us, there are a lot of red flags in what you said. First off, you say you're new at coins and you all of a sudden want to make a business out of it. I can guarantee you that if you're new, you are not prepared to run a good coin business whatsoever. The best dealers often have years or decades of experience as collectors before becoming dealers. I sell coins myself, but I was a collector for 10 years before I sold a single coin. New collectors make a lot of mistakes. It's just a fact of life in this hobby. You're going to screw up....we all do when we're new. But if you do it as a collector, your screw-up only impacts yourself. But if you're selling coins to collectors as a newbie and you screw up, which you will, your screw-up impacts another person who may be put off of coins forever because of their bad experience with a newbie who is trying to be a dealer who has no business being a dealer with the lack of experience that they have. Trust me, I've been doing this 22 years and someone like you coming in trying to be a dealer right out of the gate is only a recipe for disaster. I refuse to help that happen. It happens enough already with sites like Etsy, Mercari and Alibaba....I'm certainly not going to help you do it, too. From what you've typed, you're a disaster waiting to happen, in my experience. Secondly, your request is a pretty big jerk move. You come on here, wanting us to share our decades of knowledge with you for free so you can make a buck. Think about that for a minute.....really think about this request that you made. Read what you typed to us. It's absolutely asinine, rude, thoughtless and pretty arrogant. I know how to sell coins and I learned on my own. I collected for 10 years before selling a single coin. I networked with the numismatic community as a collector and learned from other collectors. I worked at a brick and mortar coin shop. I built the necessary skill set and experience over a period of many years. I learned by collecting, doing my own research and finding a job in the industry. I certainly didn't come into somewhere as a newbie and ask experienced people to share their knowledge for free so I could try to make a buck at something that I would probably screw up and do damage to the hobby with my own lack of knowledge and experience. You want to learn how to sell coins? Okay. I can teach you. I've been doing it for 12 years. Come talk to me when you've been collecting for at least 10 years and when you're prepared to pay me for what my knowledge is worth. Then we can talk.
  16. But there's a lot wrong with what this guy said.......I'll be responding to him and I'll make my points known.
  17. Yep. I'll help people who want to collect coins to collect them, but it's my policy not to help those out for a quick buck. Too much damage has been done to the hobby by people with that mindset.
  18. This exactly. If I had that quarter, it would go into my laundry fund. It's just a damaged example of a very common coin.
  19. We've all made them, Modwriter. I know I did.
  20. History's really gone cheap on my beloved Faustina.....I've bought denarii of hers for $35. I'm pretty sure Big Juli pulls in more bucks than Fausti Jr.