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Everything posted by Mohawk

  1. Hi Mike, They're referring to using chemical cleaners like EZest and MS70. This kind of stuff: https://www.amazon.com/EZEST-Coin-Cleaner-5oz-jar/dp/B000YQ6GXU https://www.amazon.com/MS-70-oz-Coin-Cleaner-Bottle/dp/B000YQBZPE
  2. I'm with Bob, Mike. That Morgan needs an acetone bath STAT!
  3. Roger's Peace dollar book is good. I don't even collect U.S. coins and I haven't for over a decade and I really enjoyed it. It inspired my fiancée, who is working on an extremely nice Morgan date set to expand to adding Peace dollars to her collection.
  4. I wouldn't know....I'm one of those rare people in this world who is actually allergic to onions. I'm also allergic to sweet peppers and mustard. I'm a whole ton of culinary fun, let me tell you.
  5. I love me some Python......Life of Brian is my favorite. And that would have definitely happened to me in Isabella's Spain. My love of The Life of Brian would likely have made that situation even worse.
  6. It looks like the so called "Age of Abuses" started much earlier in the Classic Commem series than is typically recognized, I'd say.
  7. Hi Vero!! In looking at your coin, I think you have environmental damage on your hands rather than a missing clad layer.
  8. A very good question, actually. If there is not, then Bowers would be a great choice now.
  9. Bowers would be a very good choice if a nameless placeholder award can be given out until he leaves us. I agree.
  10. Yet another mythical numismatic beast debunked!!! It's an interesting coin, but the mother of the Spanish Inquisition has no place in my collection. She would have had me burned at the stake.
  11. Thanks for the update, Kelly!!! Good luck and keep us in the loop!
  12. In all seriousness, you're right Quintus. I don't know......maybe they shouldn't name it after anyone and just give the award an entirely new name without attaching the name of a person to it. I'd be well in favor of that option.
  13. That's still cool. The 1950-D is a cool one, but I'm partial....it's the best U.S. coin from my late mother's birth year. And I'd say you made a good trade.....the 1950-D is an important one for Jeffersons!! I'd have made that trade, too.
  14. Hi Chris!! I'm always up to meet someone who used to live in my little corner of the world....I haven't been to Rome in years. I had a friend who lived out there about 20 years ago and I'd go out there and see him from time to time, but we lost touch....you know how it is when you're young.....things and people come and go so fast. I think if you want to experiment with EZest, using low value items is a good place to start. You can also use coins from pocket change.....then, if your EZest experiment goes awry (and some will.....I've seen some crazy things happen with that stuff!), you can just put the coins back out into circulation. But it's typically better to leave coins in their natural states, as you stated. Best of Luck! ~Tom
  15. Hi Joe! I'm with GBrad....you've got a coin from a worn out die there. But if you found a 1950-D nickel in circulation, that's really cool. Those were saved by the roll in 1950, so they don't turn up in the wild very often. ~Tom
  16. Hi Joe!! As the others have said, I could find no listings for a 1947 D/S Jefferson. I think that your mintmark is showing a combination of die deterioration and heavy wear from over 70 years in circulation. I hope this helps!! ~Tom
  17. I'm glad you could finish your set, Mark!! I've been weirdly fortunate with W's....I've actually found about 10 of them out in the wild and my Dad found a Salt River Bay at his Laundromat that he gave to me. I've kept them all, except for a couple duplicate Weir Farm and Wilderness of No Returns that I've sold (but at a lower rate than most were selling them for. I mostly did it to help people who wanted them to get them fairly cheaply). I don't really actively collect them nor try to roll hunt for them, but if I find them I do hang onto them. It's kind of cool seeing that little W on a coin that's actually out there being a coin rather than on something like a Silver Eagle.
  18. Mine was completely random. We get $20 in quarters every week to do laundry because we don't have laundry hookups in our apartment. I do look through those quarters, though, I don't just drop them into the machines sight unseen. So I was looking through our new rolls yesterday and there it was. It's in pretty nice condition, too. I don't really roll hunt all that much aside from that $20 in quarters every week....too much work for too little reward.
  19. Nothing wrong with a humble opinion that is numismatically focused!!! I gave up caring what metals were doing or trying to predict it years ago. Metal prices really do not impact ancient coin prices at all.....a denarius is the size of a dime but a Faustina the Younger denarius, who is one of the most common denarii, sells for at least $35 or so and denarii just go up from there. A nice Caligula one can go for over $2,000!! Those outstripped bullion prices long, long ago. But, regarding silver, you could be correct.......solar panels eat up a decent amount of silver.
  20. Those W's are getting hard to find, I've heard. I actually found one in my laundry money today, so there's still some out there waiting to be found.
  21. Sometimes people do bad things to coins........
  22. I'd just spend it, Emmy, unless you wanted it as a reference piece as GBrad said. Die chips don't really add value to coins most of the time. If it were mine, it'd have a date with the Laundromat next week.
  23. That is very true, sadly, and probably has a lot to do with why this myth won't die.