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Everything posted by GBrad

  1. Just curious RWB and thanks for your comment, and not that I have money to burn like that, but if you do a 'walkthrough' at a coin show with a TPG do they slab it on the spot just like they would with a regular submission?
  2. Just got a 2019 W back in change yesterday from a convenience store. Also got 2020 W 75 Privy Mark back in change from my bank last year after cashing a check.... guess I should consider myself lucky...
  3. Welcome to the forum Lynnlyn!!!! Glad you joined us.
  4. Reminds me of when I was in the Police Academy a loooooong time ago. Had a mishap there myself. We had flag detail everyday for the 6 month school. I just happened to be our class leader...... Somehow, and to this day I have no idea how it happened unless it was from shear exhaustion after some harsh physical training before sunrise, the flag got put on upside-down on the rope clips. Raising the flag in a very fast manner is mandatory. Halfway up, this stupid mistake was quickly noticed. Boy... you should have seen how fast we brought it back down!! While at the same time hoping and praying none of our Command Staff saw the mistake or else I may not be here today to tell this story.
  5. I'm going to say this is definitely a Full Steps nickel. The obverse appears to have taken a slight beating though.
  6. There are numerous ways in which the American Flag can be disrespected and most all Americans have absolutely no clue about this. Yes, draping the Flag over you as a wrap, or wearing it as piece of attire, is completely disrespectful. A quick Google search of the United States of America Military Flag Code will show the proper, and improper, ways of displaying and using our Precious Flag. I doubt those who don or wear our Flag, athletes here in particular, have any idea whatsoever about the proper etiquette associated with the U.S. Flag. I'm saddened to say that Americans have gone by the wayside when it comes to such important matters as this. Coming from a Military and Law Enforcement family and background taught me the proper ways to address, display and handle our U.S. Flag, thankfully so. I can't hold those whom have never had any teaching about this subject at fault, but... the parents of these people I can say otherwise. I do think that as a God Blessed American one should have the common sense and courtesy to learn about something that is SO very important to our Nation and Country and which is THE symbol of freedom which we are still so blessed to have. I'm off my soapbox now......
  7. Just an observation here, and JKK may be referring to this too in his post above... not sure, but you posted the same pic twice of the 1851. You said you also have an 1859? Just curious. JKK knows his stuff, me on the other-hand....., I'm just a baby squirrel trying to find a nutt........ and learn as much as I can here.
  8. That's one gnarly die cap there man! I can definitely see how a die cap of that magnitude would cause the fissures on that dime. Thanks for sharing.
  9. I have to apologize to the entire forum for my ignorance regarding my first post in this thread. I thought you (JP) posted this Linc., as a joke, regarding the other recent 'ridiculous' post we are familiar with. My sincere apologies. When Oldhoopster posted about (which I am grateful for, thanks!), and supplied a link to a ragged fissure it got my wheels spinning. I researched this type of error and we are now to the point in this thread of hopefully having an NGC mint error attributor comment on your coin JP....(with the help of numerous other members). Hopefully NGC's David Camire will take a look at this coin... very interesting now that I see it may be a real error. I really hope it turns out to be an error even if it is not worth a premium. I just love mint errors, especially on Lincs (sorry VKurt). Really looking forward to any feedback.
  10. Yes. Me too! I thought it was PMD at first but now I think I have learned something new after researching this.
  11. Upon further investigation, are you saying this is a Mint Error? I viewed your link and I now have questions.
  12. I think you meant to say “had success”….. I know it worked for me on the 1942 DDO I posted a little while ago.
  13. NO DOUBT..... I would truly consider that a 'clipped planchet' all day long!!!! And a good one at that!!!
  14. Here’s the response. If they did sell it I truly hope no one paid more than a penny for it………
  15. I'm going to right now...... standby..... Just emailed the guy..... what is your lowest takin price for this cool pennie? I have been a long tim cullecter and have nevur seen something like this I don’t have a lot of monie so can u please werk with me. thanks u.https://portland.craigslist.org/clk/clt/d/castle-rock-rare-penny1-of-kind-lots-of/7362994373.html
  16. Looks like a scratched and worn IHC. Probably worth $1. But I'm not an Indian Head Cent guy.......
  17. This coin has caused me to do some research. At first sight, I assumed it was a legit and authentic IHC. I then read the following posts concerning its authenticity, after I posted, which spurned me to spend the last hour+ looking into the validity of this coin. I am by no means an IHC expert but to me the OP's coin looks to be genuine. I took several comparison pics with the OP's 1870 IHC coin directly next to a few PCGS Photograde 1870 IHC's. Please excuse me if I am wrong but this is the kind of stuff that really interests me. Here are my findings during comparison. (OP's coin is on the left in the first two pics and on the top in the third pic). First pic: The denticles line up exactly with the letters on the obverse and in relation to every other device/letters adjacent to the rim of the coin even though the date is a bit off (the next pic will explain this). Second pic: The date appears spot on with the OP's coin. This PCGS photo comparison shown here was another photo of the same year IHC on Photograde and not the same coin in the first picture. Obviously it was a different Obverse die for this coin and photo but the date looks identical in structure and positioning. The OP's 1 in the date of his coin does look a bit odd. In his pic it is hard to tell due to the dark lighting but could have suffered from a ding or contact mark or just simply PMD of some sort. Third pic: I noticed numerous things on the reverse that were directly in line with the OP's coin but this is what stood out the most and I do not think a counterfeiter would be so scrupulous in duplicating such fine detail. The bottom of the right leg of the N in CENT in the OP's coin looks to be a perfect match with the PCGS coin shown. Please notice the slight 'upward' slant (lower left, higher right) on the 'flat' bottom of the leg of the N in CENT. I further noticed the positioning of the all design elements, in relation to other devices and design elements, and I could not see any noticeably differences, spacing, shape, size, etc..... in comparing both coins. Just an observation. The details of the devices on the reverse appeared to be in correct order as well even though I did not post comparison pics. As far as the weak looking E in ONE as mentioned, could this not be a result of circulation wear or possibly a partially grease filled die? And the 'wider letters' of ONE CENT could just simply be a result of circulation flattening possibly. And the slightly thicker rim of the coin could be caused by a variety of different things. In addition, the OP's coin weight, 3.11 grams, is consistent with a copper IHC. I saw numerous other similarities in the OP's coin versus PCGS photos of this same coin but thought I would stop here for you guy to critique and comment. If I am totally off base please excuse me and I would value any feedback on my research. I'm still trying to learn here and this, to me, was a great opportunity in which to do so. Thanks!
  18. Considering even if it came in at a G-4, which is way down the grading scale (which yours is somewhat better IMO) you have a roughly $65 dollar coin. It would definitely offset the grading cost (even on the lower end of grade). If it was mine I would be fairly inclined to have it graded and I don't recommend that often nor do most people here on the site (I apologize if I'm way off base here on the grade). More knowledgeable folks here can give you a better idea of grade on your Cent but a quick comparison looks like it would fall somewhere between a 10-20. Hard to tell with a bit of blurry pics here. Great find there nevertheless!
  19. I second that Just Bob!! Very well done presentation not doubt whomever wrote it. Just got done reading the entire thing, very pleasant and an easy enjoyable read. Extremely informative to any newcomer to this great hobby and a must read article for anyone new that is truly willing to to put in the time, effort and energy to go "outside the box" in solely relying on others to answer your questions (and don't stop here on this one article in your education). BUT....by no means am I saying we aren't here for you, and to help you out, we DEFINITELY are! We really enjoy good, valid, and worthwhile questions and conversations from those members willing to learn from the knowledgeable folks and friends here on this great NGC forum. (P.S.- arguing with expert opinions and professional numismatists is... uh.... not good... Just FYI.). Here's a pic of what Mr. DW Lange was referring to in his comment on this thread. Good stuff!! Take Care!
  20. Do you know which side is the Obverse and which side is the Reverse.......Trivia question here?
  21. Agree with all said above. Would not be possible to have a mint error OMM or RPM for this Nickel. Die deterioration gets my vote. I've personally seen tons of these in my searching. Looks convincing, but not possible.
  22. Here comes an observation from a "Newb" (I can see eyes rolling right now through my computer monitor) but....... Here it goes: In my defense I am NOWHERE near knowledgable, by any stretch of the imagination, when it comes to gold coins (ok,, that's my disclaimer..Phew....). So, pure gold, or relatively pure gold, is obviously a very soft and malleable precious metal. I am an avid metal detecting enthusiast and gold prospector and have been fortunate enough to find some nice pickers, nuggets and I have filled vials with gold flakes and dust (fly poop as it's referred to) over the years which I have made into small jewelry items for family members on occasion. I am somewhat familiar with the properties of gold. With that said.... the hole in the coin (particularly the obverse pic) IMHO appears to exhibit what solid gold would do if 'punched' through as it is. Meaning the dis-formation of the metal that took on a cone-like wavy appearance on the obverse which I believe to be consistent with pure gold. The reverse pic appears to obviously be the side from which an object was inserted into the coin, sadly so. I'm sure there are other ways you experts can tell if it is solid or plated (obviously by weight) but I was bored, saw this really neat coin, and just thought I throw my 2 pennies out here......
  23. Mr. VKurtB. Your post has been moved to the appropriate forum under the ‘members only’ Water Cooler Forum: Hunting, Fishing, Eating, Wildlife and Cooking thread. 😆