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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by GBrad

  1. What numerically associated "niceness" scale are we using here......?
  2. I'm glad to see that, after this post is now over a year old, I am getting some very nice feedback on it........ I had totally forgotten about this nice RPM I found last year. Is it a retirement fund......? Nowhere close. I'd be glad to get $5 bucks for it if I remembered where I put it. Good Ol' Texan Ronnie Stein revived this post in which his very nice comment paid me a very nice compliment, Thanks Ronnie. Thanks for the Kudos for us LInc roll hunters who really enjoy uninteresting coins. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so it's said. Some folks have a taste for copper, some silver, some gold. I like them all and I honestly really like you too.
  3. Thanks Pal! I've been somewhat fortunate in finding some pretty cool Linc's since this one. Been kinda on a cold streak lately though. Seems the coppers just aren't as plentiful these days unless I can find the brown paper hand rolls at some of the numerous stop and robs around here. Found a nice 82 FS-101 and a 72 DDO (not the holy grail one though) since this post. Just trying to keep up with you. Thanks for keeping me honest!
  4. Great info here. I always somewhat figured that pop reports have an effect as you mention. Whether subconsciously or not, one would have to assume this. I did look up that Brown MS66+.... WOW.... beautiful to say the least with that toning and not to mention what it may go for. And regarding cracking it..... uh... that one is a toughie for sure.
  5. There is a 1936 S/S RPM FS-501 variety for this year and mint. If yours just happened to be one, it would no doubt increase its value but not exponentially. Still not worth slabbing IMO even if it happened to be the case.
  6. Thank you for your reply to my question Chris. I really appreciate it. No bologna and in all honesty, before I commented on it being possibly MS66, I also believed the strike to be exceptional and it appeared to have very nice luster (even though it appears Red in the photo but RB's can still have nice eye appeal).. right along the same lines of thinking as an expert such of your caliber (which I am not!!!!) but it makes me feel a tad bit better that I am starting to see the correct aspects that I need to examine in applying my grading skills. I did notice the small spots on the reverse but was hoping it would not be a major deciding factor. I'm pretty stoked that I got that close! Thanks!
  7. Hey Coinbuf, beautiful Cent! If I may Sir, would you mind if I attempt my feeble grading skills (or an attempt therefore) on this one? I am SO badly trying to learn better at assigning grades (even remotely close at this point) to my coins, predominantly Lincolns. Am I even in the ballpark in saying this one went 66 'ish' R?
  8. I've always tried to get into the Buffalo's but IMHO they are about impossible to find with a good quality strike. I still like them though. Your 1936-S definitely looks to be in better shape of the two and the toning is attractive if it can be deemed natural and not AT. I'd put your 1936 somewhere in the low XF range based on a quick comparison with Photograde but the 1934 would fall well shorter on a grade. Either way, I don't feel they are worth having graded. There's not a lot of spread in values from XF all the way up to higher AU grades, not even a full $25 difference in that spread I believe. Your 36-S may be worth $10 bucks or so (but don't take my word for it, I am by no means an expert on grading....) but the 1936-S does have an RPM variety that you may want to examine more closely on your coin. Can't tell from your pic.
  9. In all sincerity, for all of you that have commented on your respective surgeries, I am very glad and thankful that you all had successful procedures.
  10. Yup, I know what those are, can't remember the name of them shame on me (after 23 years of marriage you'd think I'd know). The first time they checked my pressure many many many moons ago, I didn't even realize they actually touched my eyeball with the slit lamp (I think that's the right term for that machine) because I didn't feel anything which was definitely a good thing. But when the wife told me they did..... OH boy.... I almost came unglued. Something about my eyes... I guess I have some type of phobia. I'm sure QA would know the term for that right off the top of his head.....lol.
  11. Please excuse me while I go hurl!!!!! My wife works in the Ophthalmology field. I can't even let them test my pressure without having to be sedated!
  12. AND?????? Were they any good???? I was just in Alabama this weekend at Lake Martin. Beautiful lake! Thought about ya though VKurtB (just for a second....)
  13. Welcome to the forum Dusty. Nice little collection you have there. Your pics are definitely too blurry to make out dates or mint marks and more importantly the conditions of the coins. Looks like it was 'assumed' these came from grandpa.... but I never read that in your post... (or maybe my old eyes missed that one too). Looks like there's several 1964 Kennedy Halves there, which I love, and both the Philly and Denver Mints contained some varieties for that year which are recognized by the top TPG's (Third Party Graders). I also see a Peace Dollar in there too. Nice older coins to look at especially depending on their condition. Also, look at the serial numbers on the $2 and see if they have any significance as to relating to a particular date or birthday, etc... If these were from your family, maybe there is some inherent sentimental value in that aspect. I try to find bills with serial #'s that correspond to my children's birthdays and things like that. If you are new to collecting get ready to be 'pleasantly' overwhelmed with the vast and seemingly endless types of varieties and errors and then throw in the learning curve on how to become proficient at grading....., etc.... It's a fantastic hobby no doubt and there is no end to learning. I would strongly suggest you arm yourself through personal research as much as you possibly can. It will not only help you become more a more knowledgeable and informed collectors but you will start to see that you may be able to help out other new collectors in the future. There is a tremendous amount of information in both print and online now for anyone to take advantage of to learn about coins. One of the better online databases I have used and found extremely helpful for identifying errors and varieties is this link: http://doubleddie.com/839286.html This is known as Wexlers. Lots of great info for you to absorb there. Good luck and happy hunting!
  14. It's a total tragedy what this new generation has brought (or should I say HAS NOT brought) to the table. It saddens me to think what this world will be like in another 10 years and not to mention numismatics....... Very sad.
  15. wow..... I didn't even use the word "I..D..I..O..T" and it still auto corrected.
  16. This is a topic of discussion I have had with several members in the past via messaging. The consensus amongst those discussions was that the term "Newbie" could possibly be re-named to something more (or less) inviting to "new comers" and collectors (hey, there's a decent label...."New Comer"). Maybe a mod will see this and take it to heart. I myself never really liked the label "Newbie", made me feel like a insufficiently_thoughtful_person to even ask a question amongst the pros but I did because I am thick skinned. New coin collectors do not need to be labeled as any type of distinguished, veteran, or experienced collector, etc...... until they have proven themselves in their knowledge of numismatics.
  17. I would like to personally thank VKurtB for starting this thread which was a very good topic to discuss that he brought up, thanks! It has now turned into, and allowed, such a good enjoyable time along with fun and humorous discussions amongst some knowledgable collectors (Not so much myself but I am still learning though). I agree with all that has been said here and especially JKK's last comment about turning around total B...S. posts where a noob wants to argue about, and try to convince lifetime and experienced experts, that what they have is a bonafide true Mint error......... Let us "band together my brothers and sisters" and [attempt] to stop this nonsense! But.... on the flip side.... there are a lot of uneducated new collectors who have valid questions. They gladly thank us for our responses and go on their way with much needed education from the forum members and will hopefully continue learning in order to become more advanced and knowledgable. We obviously need to be nice, welcoming and informative to our new ones until it's time not to be (I used to be one myself but through the guidance of the pros here, and my own diligent research, I have become much more educated, thank you) but there comes a time when we need to do something as simple as turning around their argument with topics like Disney World, the Egyptian pyramids or even when will Tiger Woods return to the PGA Tour...... Just my thoughts.
  18. Quoted from Mr. Bill's seller's posting found in the description above: "Note that these coins come directly from mint bags and rolls. While they are uncirculated, that does not mean that they are perfect coins as coins directly from the mint can exhibit toning, minor blemishes, etc." FINALLY!!!!!! An honest and upfront seller!!!! I'd definitely bookmark this Ebay dude....... Sorry coinjunky, not trying to hijack your post here at all. It's just that I was sidetracked by the 'seller's' comment and being honest which we don't normally see a lot of especially with Ebay sellers (not saying there aren't some very good and trustworthy sellers out there on the Bay). We definitely need more of that in the coin selling arena. I agree with Revenant about your coin. Just looks like it has simply been worn down from circulation, nothing special. Welcome to the forum too.
  19. Now hold on a minute...... This is the way I see it.... Ya buy a 6 pack of a good quality beer (a 12 pack for some which we used to call a "Twack" in college) and polish them off in a reasonable amount of time (AKA: very quickly). After finishing off the good stuff, you normally really don't care what the other cheaper stuff you drink tastes like and the morning after usually brings on one of these.....
  20. I am in the same boat with you Bob about making videos, I have no idea how but I'm sure one of my kids do..... but I am ready to learn how to do it and post some very relevant, true and factual material that new collectors, and old alike, can learn from and not be misled by all of the junk that is currently out there.
  21. Thank you very much DWLange. That is some good information. I assumed it was referring to some type of an orientation on the coin but I was just not sure of the exact meaning. Here is the link from copper coins which I was referring to regarding the K-7. http://www.coppercoins.com/lincoln/diestate.php?date=1968&die_id=1968d1dr001&die_state=mds
  22. Been collecting for awhile but I continue to see this phrase (from K-7) pop-up occasionally on other sites when comparing my finds to online databases. I'm not completely sure what it is referring to. Tried to google it but haven't found a definition or description as to exactly what this means. Here's a copy and pasted example from coppercoins.com Strong doubling from K-7 shows on all upper reverse details Thanks for your comments!
  23. I second all that is in this quote.
  24. Roger. I know you have the coin in hand and it's highly unlikely you'd not see that. Thanks.