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Everything posted by Coinbuf

  1. This coin along with the 1837 I posted above are recent buys that I acquired from a PCGS forum member, I doubt that either would straight grade but I'm happy with both as upgrades for my 7070 album.
  2. Let me fix that for you. "Totally different from charging a fee to access jacked up show priced items". There you go.
  3. I did not go but have been following the post ats and reports from dealers like Gerry Fortin, perhaps you have been also. It sounded like the wholesale was good and retail on Thurs was strong, but Fri and Sat were extremely weak retail days. A few collectors commented that they were able to find some things, but there have been several comments about low collector turnout. I cannot recall a single comment on younger collectors at the show which seems very different from other recent show reports. Considering the retail disaster the IMEX show was coupled with a seemingly smallish collector showing at this show I am wondering if we are seeing a trend developing or just a couple of one-off situations.
  4. A partial filled die is a good possibility, at any rate it for sure is not a doubled die coin. It is a very nice looking coin for your collection.
  5. Maybe someday, but not anytime soon for a great many reasons. The current administration would love that so they can track and tax your every move, but there are too many obstacles to make a true cashless society a reality now. Perhaps in 25-30 years it could happen, however, that will only give rise to trading and bartering. The more tightly the government tries to close its fist around the people, the more will slip through the cracks.
  6. Apples and oranges, you are trying to compare tourist trap destinations or toll roads to a coin show, not the same not even close. And while it has been many years since I was in DC it cost me and my wife nothing to go into the Smithsonian and view all the coins on display there, maybe if you got out of the tax and charge me to death big apple you might see a completely new world.
  7. @samclemen3991 while there are a couple of very anti TPG individuals on this forum, I would say that the bulk of the members are, much like yourself, quite happy with the services and product the TPG's do. But that does not mean that there are not deficiencies or areas that could be improved upon. And it is wise to not only listen to those who love your product but to those who find fault with it as well. I think that many here can relate to your collecting story and the issues that you faced in the past with problem coins. I would like to say that those problems are behind us, however, that is not completely true. TPG's are very good at weeding out a large portion of the chaff that gets sent to them, but mistakes do happen and issues like gradeflation have been and are a large problem in the hobby. I wholeheartedly agree that TPG's have made the hobby far better in many ways for the average collector, those who do not have the desire or means study coins and learn every possible nuance of grading or variety identification (I put myself into this latter category personally) have had their collecting ability enhanced by TPG's. I am also for any innovation that helps collectors be able to more easily identify quality coins and reject those that have issues and problems. CMQ may indeed help with that, but I have to admit I'm cautious when such a service is tied to an auction house, the possible conflict of interests is my concern. Time will tell if CMQ proves to be a value added service or just a group of experts using it to (possibly) manipulate auction results.
  8. I have never purchased an ancient or studied them myself so I cannot add any content about the coin except to say that I find your example to be very attractive. Congrats on your addition.
  9. @powermad5000 is correct this is the effect of die erosion; it makes for an interesting conversation piece but has no numismatic value.
  10. Your comment assumes that dprince cares about what anyone here thinks of him, he clearly does not. He is not here to be helpful or provide any meaningful content, just to be a PIA and be as disruptive as possible. I would not be surprised if this an alt of an old account that was banned, best we can do is if everyone reports his nonsense posts to the mods perhaps the mods will become tired of getting numinous reports and take action.
  11. Old news and your title is misleading. CMQ got started several months ago, I know a local collector that has used the CMQ service already several times. He has sent both CAC approved coins and some that were rejected by CAC, the results were as expected a bit scattered, but CMQ is "looser" than CAC as several of his coins that were rejected by CAC passed at CMQ with one or two getting the extra special CMQ-X. CMQ is more of a marketing gimmick and is not really that much like the service that CAC provides, imo. Yes CAC stickering will end at some time, but it is rather misleading to state that "CAC stickering will end" which to me implies that is happening tomorrow. If you read the replies in the post you linked JA himself states that the decision on terminating the stickering business will happen at the end of his ten year contract; although there has been speculation spread through the social media sites that stickering could end sooner than the 10 year horizon if the demand for stickers falls to a very low level.
  12. Not broadstruck, not an error, just a well used silver quarter worth its weight in silver.
  13. Not that long, doesn't look to be much bigger than a jewelry box and the construction is much like one. The real concern is as mentioned above, the type and age of the wood used.
  14. Sorry that the current forum troll has gotten your thread off track@Navyvet8192, seems to happen often. As a forum member you cannot delete a thread even if you are the thread author, and the mods take a very hands off approach on this forum.
  15. Thanks for the additional photos, they confirm that your quarter has only worthless strike doubling. It is not an error and has no vale over the $.25 face value. Sadly you will see people try and rip people off with coins like this on sites like Etsy, ebay, fb, and others.
  16. Welcome to the forum, your coin would have to weigh under the mint tolerance of .23g less than the standard weight of 5.67g before any discussion of added value can even begin. The reason your kitchen scale shows 5 is because it cannot weigh precisely enough and rounds to the closest round number. Once you have a correct weight to two decimal places, and if that weight is less than 5.44g, then you have something worth investigating. The odds are that it weighs right around or just under 5.5g (which triggers your kitchen scale to round down to 5) which is within mint tolerance.
  17. Microscopes are great tools for laboratories and for highly trained specialist numismatist that are doing research on very obscure varieties. They are really worthless for 99.99% of anything coin related, all that will do is have you climbing down rabbit holes, total waste of money. Any decent cell phone or digital point and shoot can take a decent enough image for most coin purposes, coin photos are 98% about the lighting and 2% the equipment. The exception to this is if you are trying to use a 1920 brownie camera, that might not be so hot.