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Thanks again Heritage

When is a coupon almost not worth the paper it is printed on? When it comes from Heritage Auctions Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me begin by saying thanks again to the many bidders that participated in the auctions I had with Heritage. I can honestly say it was a very enlightening experience. I hope all of you took time to read my journal entries and have in some way profited from that debacle. I promise this will be my last words on the subject. However, seems those folks at Heri



Dear Heritage,Thanks for the education

Things I've learned and you should know. 1. Heritage Auctions is a corporation that operates solely, to make money for themselves from things, consigned to them. 2. If you are considering sending anything to Heritage, refer to rule number one. 3. In the last 12 months, Heritage has made over 140 million dollars from other peoples things. 4. Calling an employee at Heritage and expecting to talk to anyone, besides the operators, is rarely a reality. To date I have called Heritage at least



Dear Heritage, Give the little guy a break

Will they or won't they Due to circumstances beyond my control, it has become necessary to diminish my holdings of the Lincoln cent. This persuit started like many of us, at an early age, with a thumb buster album. That initial set disappeared during a move and my persuit waned. After college, I decided to renew my love of Lincolns and visited a few shops, in the city, I began work. I took on the responsibility of a ready made family and wife and before I knew it the budget seemed to get t



The Grinches that Stole Christmas

A New Service at NGC A while back, Michael Cooper suggested that NGC come up with a new service. I sent him a reply and I thought it worthy to share here. Your idea of adding an additional service sounds great. However, there are a couple of flaws with the idea. Number 1: This would make the graders know the standard or at least be able to read it. They would no longer be able to look at pictures of previously graded coins and assign the grade. Number 2: This would mean hiring someone to write



Delusions of grandeur

Are you wearing rose colored glasses Several recent Journal entries have inspired the following thoughts. If you believe there is a definitive grade on any coin submitted to any grading service, then you are wearing rose colored glasses. In reality, numismatics is not a science! Therefore each and every grader will have their own personal bias. Herego, the larger auction houses routinely submit a coin over and over again, to get the grade they want. It has been well documented that many of the



Closed society surrounded by barbwire

Anyone else felt the barbs of this closed minded society Here we are again wondering what is going on with this corporation. One would think, anything that promoted the concept of collecting coins, would be beneficial to NGC. HMMM, seems that may not be the case. Is NGC perfectly content with status quo? Mind you, they have no qualms about collecting the yearly 99.00 renewal fee. In return, they will send you a coin/coins of their choosing and a piece of paper good for 5 early bird submissions



Body Bag 2

End of an Era I had the pleasure of talking with The President of NGC Rick Montgomery on April 21. We discussed several issues. Although there was no resolution to these issues, it was nice of him to take time to chat with me. I would like to share my thoughts on this conversation. Mr Montgomery is well spoken and affable. It is clear to me that he is committed to NGC. For those of you that will continue to use their services, you should know they receive and grade 100,000 coins a month. A



Body Bag

Art colorization Well, well, well. I received my 1931S Lincoln back from NGC in a body bag. Curious as this coin had a strong strike, full luster and virtually devoid of bag marks. They provide art colorization as the rationale. WTF this coin has uniform color (maroon) on the obverse and reverse. I contacted them and to please review this coin before returning it to me. I had checked the website for my status early in the morning and it was still in QC. AT 800am I find it has been finalized.

