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Everything posted by GoldFinger1969

  1. But the letters aren't inverted or upside down....they read normal when the obverse is on top.
  2. Cersderou, for some reason your quotation of an earlier post of mine is printed in some foreign language. No idea how/why that happened.
  3. I don't get the description of Inverted Edge Lettering for this and other coins.....the words read correct when the obverse is facing UP.....that should be Normal.....the letters are inverted when the Eagle on the Reverse is showing. I would think the obverse takes priority not the reverse, so the Inverted would only be true if the lettering needed the reverse face-up to read it correctly. Obverse face-up, the edge lettering can be read. Reverse face-up, it can't. Why call readable lettering inverted which implies upside-down and/or unreadable ? Am I missing something ?
  4. Interesting.....yes, if the normal premium on ASEs is $1-$3, what is it today ? Closer to $7-$10 ?
  5. The 10-year TIPs breakeven is now back to 2016 levels at about 2.5%. If that's the case, then the 10-year Treasury bond is going alot higher from the current levels under 2%....at leasst closer to 3%. That's a problem for stocks but unless inflation CONTINUES it might depress economic activity and/or inflation and/or PM prices.
  6. I'm not an expert on metals pricing like bonds/stocks....but if there is this much demand for silver, then the market price should rise from the current ~ $25.
  7. What about the weight tolerance and the copper being stripped off ? Maybe they made the coins a bit "heavier" to compensate ?
  8. Annealing: Let's talk about this process on the 1907 UHR's, which really seems like it would have slowed down the production time (I think the book mentioned 12 minutes per coin for the High Reliefs, not sure how long it took to complete a UHR). I'm wondering a few things on annealing: If annealing stripped off copper, didn't the weight/composition of the UHR coin change ? Would it have been necessary for that fine gold finish if you had .999 gold or anything finer than 90% gold, 10% copper ? Were High Reliefs also annealed ? I don't think so but want to confirm. Is this process used today ? It seems very time consuming and if the goal is a surface of pure gold you can get that by increasing the gold purity though the coin will be softer without another metal.
  9. It is pathetic that we can't get any HA-like high-res quality pics of that 1933 Saint-Gaudens. Hopefully we will in June.
  10. Maybe I'll goto Sotheby's in early-June and take some high-res pics with my Galaxy S9.....
  11. You might be right, but again....for coin collectors, they want to see a grade. Although..... The 65 grade is getting some pushback. Liberty has some deep gouges that look like more than mere bag marks on her left leg.
  12. You know better than us, but I think a theme mentioned in the book is worth considering in your paper (if you haven't used it already). Basically, most of the gold (and silver) coins found VERY LITTLE mass circulation in commerce and among ordinary Americans....gold coins....and especially the large 1 oz. Double Eagles (Liberty and Saint-Gaudens). After the Civil War, Americans gradually came to trust paper currency. Silver and Gold Certificates (backed by the metals) were preferred, but the Rise Of The Dollar was on its way. Since your paper appears to involve the switch from precious metals to paper, I thought that might be of use. Some of the special chapters in the book go into it in more depth. Anyway, when I first got into collecting and researching Saints, I was shocked at how few of the millions of annual Saints minted were actually used in everyday commerce (usually hundreds, maybe 1-2 thousands, tops). And of course, if not for going overseas or South of The Border....we'd have very few of these coins to collect today.
  13. So mine is only 6 more pages.....looking at that Page 30 PDF, most of the extra pages is the repeated posting of MEMBER, POSTS, JOINED, LOCATION.....pictures of avatars....and a few spaces where charts couldn't fit on a page and skipped to the next page (leaving a good portion of the page blank). My PDFs are pretty readable. Anyway, the important thing is just to have a backup.
  14. Check out this PDF of Page 30 on the thread....it's 20 pages long, if I could edit in Adobe or in Word...it would probably shrink to 10 pages. BUT.....this requires no work. I have the thread page saved on my PC in about 15 seconds. It may have some graphics and some white blank spaces but someone looking to save the thread now is looking at HOURS of work to save and delete junk from 30-plus pages.....direct PDF saving would let someone do all 34 pages in under a half-hour. EDIT: OOps, I can't save the PDF here.....NGC doesn't allow it. Anyway, my explanation above still stands. It is "spacey" but turning each page into a PDF takes about 15 seconds on my PC.
  15. DS9 is outstanding, best story arc of all the ST shows ! And I haven't watched DISCOVERY or PICARD yet, but if "Q" is on the latter, I'm gonna have to check it out sooner or later. Love John DeLancie !
  16. DS9 is an outstanding show and may have the best story arc of all the ST series !
  17. Fantastic and congratulations....what was your term paper on ? Did you read the entire book or just sections ?
  18. Roger, why not just use the PRINT function and then SAVE as a PDF ? Outside of the "machine readable" (whatever that is), I think it's the same PDF ending but alot easier. I use Chrome and have this Print plugin.
  19. They convey that the coin is the rare (?) PF70 UCAM, letting you jack up the price by 200%.
  20. As for paper....I have so much that I couldn't possibly justify the time, paper and ink cost, and space for more paper. I just backup everything on my PC and save lots of articles or posts on coins and data in PDF and/or Word format.
  21. Dave, I can say that every 5 pages on Roger's Saints book thread I save it in PDF format on my PC. That thread is invaluable and if I was ever away and God Forbid some spammers took over and got the thread locked up and/or somebody at NGC deleted it.....I never wanted to risk that. Or NGC re-formatting the website and losing threads/pages. Or even a cyber attack. Alot of stuff in other threads is not as critical or is duplicated here or at other sites. But for me, that is one thread that is really critical to my coin collecting interests. I may save other threads here on Saints/Double Eagle and maybe a few on other topics -- but they are much smaller and not as critical. Nice to have, but the stuff on Roger's Saints book thread is close to irreplaceable in size, length, Roger's input, and the useful comments from other members here. BTW, feel free to chime in there anytime, Dave.
  22. That's a short trip for me, so I may attend, too. Last time it was right after FUN 2020 so I needed more time to get ready. That show is 100% on foreign and international coins, nothing domestic.
  23. Labels transmit information, specifically the grade assigned by the TPG. That's important to most people and the market correctly (IMO) assigns a value to that. A raw 2021 ASE in OGP -- even if everybody agrees it's a PF70 -- is probably not going to sell for the same price as a PF70 graded and slabbed (though some might want the OGP packaging which may or may not be available with the graded coin separately).