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Everything posted by Coinbuf

  1. This thread is for showing and sharing photos of coins that members have just acquired not for asking questions. You will get answers to your questions much quicker by starting your own thread in the Newbie Coin Collecting Questions section of the forum as that part of the forum is where members look for and respond to questions from new members.
  2. There are large date and small dates for 1982. The coin in your photo is a large date which can easily be determined by how close the date is to the rim.
  3. Speared Lincoln, that is a cool plating bubble.
  4. No it is not rare No it is not a DD No you should not spend money to grade it.
  5. I don't have any answers as I have never sold any, but you have some nice ones there.
  6. One of my daughters is a waitress while taking collage classes, the stories she has told me indeed. Its a good for me that I don't work in a service industry where I would have to interact with lots of these types, I'd lose it for sure.
  7. Not my job, I'm neither a professional grader or a professional numismatist, I am just a simple collector. And if you take your shoot out of the air and pay attention you would know that I am on this board helping to answer newbie questions almost every day. Maybe you should try that yourself instead of spouting or your normal useless insults.
  8. Cutting the shows back in length starts a death spiral, already many some dealers that view shows as a venue for dealer to dealer transactions and to service a few of their whale customers leave by Fri. I have on many occasions been to the LB show on Fri and dealers like CRO are gone, their tables are empty and nothing left but a banner, if you cut out Sun the public, which is already getting used to buying on line, will have even less opportunity and desire to go. So soon the shows eliminate Sat because dealers complain that there is not enough public attendance to justify that day. Now its a two day show with almost no public attendance so the dealers that are there for public sales stop going and even less public attendance. So what you will be left with is a one day dealer to dealer event where they invite the big spenders who can take any day of the week off. Bingo shows are dead and dealers will no longer be able to justify the costs and the death spiral ends. Granted this is just my far reaching scenario but its not all that far fetched, do you know anyone alive today that thought people would want to buy a car from a vending machine?? The large part of the American public wants more and more to remove themselves from any personal contact when buying or selling, its just a matter of time.
  9. A completely different topic, and the type of opinion that made you very unpopular with the management ats if I recall correctly.
  10. A very common wheat back cent produced in the millions in the mid fifties. A neat find but one with very little value, worth around $.05.
  11. Just a guess but I'm thinking he is referencing my comment about the possible reduction or long-term elimination of coin shows. To be clear I hope I'm totally wrong, and may very well be, we will find out more whenever that first big show does happen. Edited to add: People are creatures of habit, once a habit is formed it is easier to continue that rather than change direction. Buyers were forced to change from in person buying to on line buying as a result of covid restrictions, so now some of those buyers (and sellers) will have to want to change back. From what I have heard some sellers are very happy with the increased sales they have seen on line and may resist the idea of going back to the show circuit due to the high costs. Likewise buyers may have found that saving all the travel, food, and lodging costs of attending a show has allowed them to purchase an additional coin or two.
  12. Its not easy to explain in a few sentences, book have been written on mint errors. But in a nutshell a mint error happens in a few places; first when the dies are created. As the working hub and/or dies are made, this is how true double dies were created in the past. The working dies were hubbed twice which allowed for the occasional opportunity for a second offset impression to be made into the working die. Once the mint went to the single squeeze method that error possibility was almost completely eliminated, I say almost as its still possible in the single squeeze to get a bit of movement and get a very minorly doubled effect. Second are the errors that happen at the time the coin is struck, things like strike through's (grease or cloth etc), clips, broadstrikes, those all happen at the time of coining. And third are planchet errors like roller marks, and laminations. Things like incomplete strikes can fall under either poor quality or as an error depending on what caused it to happen. When you have missing letters or details due to grease or another foreign matter that prevents a full strike that is an error, some are very minor some are significant. When you have a weak strike that comes from too low of press pressure, a planchet that is a touch too thin, or a die that has been lapped improperly or too often those are just poor quality control issues. Given the massive quantity that each mint coins it would be impossible to QC each and every coin that is produced, so coins are randomly checked and as such poor quality examples make it out into circulation. Circling back to your coin its my opinion that it presents as more of a poor strike/QC issue than any type of error, however I have been wrong before so I could be here.
  13. It may have been a grease strike through on the letters not the nose as that looks like obvious damage, however the poor condition does not allow for a clear call between wear/damage vs a grease strike through.
  14. What leads you to believe you have a one-of-a-kind? If what you have was caused by the die lapping process it will not be the only one made, there will be many. The same is true if the issue was on the working hub, again there will be many. If it was caused be a weak strike/insufficient metal flow that is more of a quality control issue and as long as it falls within the mint's quality tolerance it would not be considered an error, just poor quality. If I take a coin right off the press and strike it several times with a hammer it is now a one-of-a-kind, but that does not make it valuable.
  15. What you are seeing is not all that unusual and can be caused by improper metal flow from a weak strike, or as noted from improper die lapping. If you like it hang onto it but I doubt that this would ever be considered a variety.
  16. I like your optimism but I don't share your feelings on the timeline and there is much more in play then just the vaccination. There is a new emperor and he likes having control and I don't see that being relaxed anytime soon. Already there are firms putting together software and apps that monitor a persons covid tests and vaccinations and I foresee the new regime requiring U.S. citizens to register and be monitored before being allowed to travel or gather in groups. Also the effectiveness and length of protection of the vaccines is still unknown outside the lab so its too early to say that the current trajectory of the numbers will continue. 2022 FUN is much more likely to happen due to the less restrictive nature of the government in FL vs that of D.C. Add to that the fact that some dealers have been seeing record internet sales and may not be all that enthused about bearing the costs and risks associated with setting up at large shows. I would not be surprised if large shows become a thing of the past in short order.
  17. A very cool find and perfect for an album, but in that condition it is not worth spending money to have it graded.
  18. Without photos all I can say is you have three coins worth $.03, spend it wisely.
  19. If you can you should return that coin, the toning is not original and the coin is far from gem, unless the seller meant gem AU.
  20. Saw that too, I'll be surprised if there is a show in Nov.
  21. The registry award given for the the set in that category with the highest point score this award is given each year so it is not uncommon to see a set that has won that category multiple times. Also keep in mind that there now are two Best in Category awards given for each category so it is possible to have two winners in the same year. Best in Category for the best score of all coins (PCGS and NGC), and the NGC Best in Category which is awarded to the set with the best score using only the NGC graded coins in the set. These are non monetary awards and identified in the old registry system by the yellow ribbon next to the set name and a number placed on the ribbon if that set has won for that set category more than one time, for instance if a set were to win for both the overall and the NGC only awards and or multiple years. In the new registry system you will see a red banner under the awards tab on the right side of the page and again a number will be placed in the banner if the set has won that category multiple times. In the old system you could click the yellow ribbon to see what year/years and if that set won overall or NGC only awards. In the new system you have to open the set and then just under the set description you will see a trophy icon, when you click that you then see what year/years and if it won for overall, NGC or both.