Coinbuf's Journal

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The third of twelve coins that I had imaged by Mark Goodman in late 2021

Ok instalment 3 of 12, I have already posted this coin once or twice but just for the sake of completeness I'll add a journal entry for this one too.   I am a long time dedicated Lincoln collector and love the coin/series partly as I like the original wheatie design, but mostly for the historical significance of President Lincoln.    I own many books written about him and enjoy learning about him, visiting the Ford theater the first time I went to DC was a real thrill for me. While most of


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

New photos to share

I continue to work and getting better at taking my own coin photos and slowly am getting better.   But when I want some really good photos, like the kind I want for the coins in my three first place registry sets; I go to the professional Mark Goodman.   I have used three or four pro photographers in the past and a couple others were very good, but I have always felt that Mark was the very best of all those I have tried.   Anyway here are a couple of compilation photos of some of my registry coi

I received my invite

Yesterday I received my invitation from NGC to attend the members only event at the upcoming Jan FUN show.   I wish it was economically feasible to attend that show and this event but sadly it is not given the costs to fly across country, lodging, and food.   Hope that some of you are able to attend the show and this event.


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

Top ten goal made, is top five possible or not

This year I have been slowly adding Lincoln memorial coins to my collection and was able to move the memorial set into the top ten slot.   I think I could over the next few years move up a few slots but I do not know if a top five set is in the cards for me.   Anyway here is a snapshot just for posterity sake as I could just as easily be pushed out of the top ten soon too.  


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

Another registry year comes to a close

Wow hard to believe that the registry cutoff is just a week away, this year has certainly gone by quickly.   As I look back I had no specific goals other than to try and add or upgrade to my existing sets in order to hold onto as many of my first place awards as possible.    Looking at my sets now it seems like I have actually lost some ground in that regard and will have fewer awards for 2021 than I did in 2020.   Partly because I spent some time and money adding some memorial and shield Lincol


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A minor numismatic bucket item checked off the list

While I don't have a must do or list of things that I feel are must do items for my numismatic journey, I have some goals for my collection.   One such goal has been to include an uber high grade classic coin to the collection.   This has never been a high priority or something that I felt I "had" to do just a want list item that I figured I would find someday that would not only fit this minor goal but be very nice upgrade to one set or the other.   I think that I always expected that would be


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

When will I be priced out of collector coins

I don't know if other collectors give this much thought, perhaps it is a concern for aging collectors more so than younger collectors.   But I often wonder when will the constant back and forth buying that happens between the dealer middle men drive the prices so far up that average collectors are left by the wayside.   After all each time a coin trades hands from dealer A to dealer B, then from dealer B to dealer C, and then back to the beginning from dealer C to dealer A the price has to be ma


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

I finally have a number one Lincoln cent set!!

Lol, So some context to this great feat of mine.   I recently asked for the registry team to include a new Lincoln set that does not require the varieties to be included in it.   Nothing against those who like collecting the varieties but its just not my thing.  To my surprise today I noticed that NGC created the set that I had asked for!    So I jumped in and created the very first set and am sitting in the number one spot; I have no doubt that as soon as the big guns spot the new set they will


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

Gold, a time to buy or a time to sit on the sidelines?

I very much enjoy a nice cold coin especially many of the early designs, but even some of the modern designs are very nice and present well.   As the price of gold has jumped up significantly I have curtailed most of my buying on the hope that what goes up must come down, at least that is what I am hopping for anyway.  However a couple of nice opportunities did present themselves over the past year and I did pull the trigger on a nice XF $3 gold piece and just a week ago on an AU $1 Liberty Head


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

Some people are just so ugly, nasty, and downright awful!

Today while working I had the unfortunate encounter with one of the most ugly (I am talking the persons character not physical looks) and nasty individuals for quite some time.  I had such a very nice weekend spending time with my family over the weekend, my youngest daughter was unable to come home for Christmas so this was a second celebration for the family.  And then today BAMM!! this jerk slaps me in the face with the most despicable display of rude, dishonest, and awful behavior; really a


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

Time to begin the chase again

Well the 2020 registry awards are in the books, it was a good year for me with 6 best in category awards one better than last year.  Hopefully I'll be able to make a couple of additions and hang on to those for next year, that task may be much more difficult depending on if the launce of the ANA registry brings in more heavy hitters from the PCGS registry.  But maybe with a couple of adds here or there I can keep up on most of last years wins.  Time to begin planning and chasing once again to fu


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

2020 a personal and numismatic reflection

2020 what a ride, some ups and lots of downs.  The year started off promising enough and then covid covered the world with a wet blanket like we have not seen before.  A rough year of many especially those who lost loved ones to the pandemic, but a boon to some that were able to continue and even profit due to it.  As I look back my life was not terribly affected by it overall from either a personal or numismatic perspective.  As I do every December I looked back as what I did, what I bought, an


Coinbuf in Coinbufs journal

The 2020 deadline has come and gone...

And I'm tired of writing, phew.    Now I do not consider myself a natural when it comes to writing, I don't live on facebook or any other social media platform nor do I do much writing for my job so it just is not easy or natural for me the way it is for some.  But I spent a great amount of time over the last month updating descriptions, writing new ones for both individual coins and for the sets themselves.  I am quite sure that none of that will go down as great works of writing art  but I'm v



I'm eligible!!

Ok down you animals I'm already spoken for,  no what I'm referring to here is that this year for the first time ever I will have a registry set (multiple sets in fact) that are eligible for NGC major awards.  My 1936 mint set has 10 of the fifteen slots filled and all the coins are NGC certified, yep not one PCGS coin in this set.  And I expect that I will have high quality photos and descriptions for all of the current ten coins in the set by Dec 4th.  I have set a goal for myself to have this



New pics for my registry coins

Just added new pics to my Lincoln sets and a couple that are not yet availible to view. In keeping with my desire to have nice high quality pics of my registry coins thru 1958, I sent another group of coins to Mark Goodman as his pics are wonderfull. As usual he did a fantastic job so now I have high quality pics of all but a few coins thru 1937. Most of these new pics are of the coins in the mid 30s thru 1937 and are your basic red coins, but if you decide to browse these new ones I espe



More new pics added of my Lincolns

Great photos of common and not so common date Lincolns For those of you that are following me I apologize as I am not much of a writer or blogger as you can see as I only post one journal entry a year . I once again have new pics that were taken by Mark Goodman. Every time I send Mark coins to be imaged I am amazed by his skill. This time I added 14 sets of obv/rev photos (all Lincolns in this group) to coins in my inventory and sets. I say inventory as two or three of the coins I have not



New pics added

New Mark Goodman pics Man I received an email from Mark today with new pictures of 12 coins, its like christmas morning everytime Mark takes new pics for me. The following is a list of this group; huge shout out to Mark for the excelent shots. Lincolns: 1911 1917-S 1918-D 1920 1933-D 1940 1940-S 1950 Dimes: 1940-D 1958 Quarters: 1940 Also imaged but not visable is my 1930 Lincoln in an old PCI MS67RD To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. N

