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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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  1. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Hoghead515 in For the love of copper   
    Fausti says it's not easy being green......

    ....but man I think it's a good color on her!
  2. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Danielle84 in Is this 1996 D penny a find or garbage. Close Am   
    Greenstang is correct. The Close AM's are only good on 1992 business strikes and proofs from 1998 and 1999.  All business strike cents from 1993 to 2008 are supposed to be Close AM's and all proofs from 1994 to 2008 are supposed to be Wide AM's.
  3. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Abuelo's Collection in Post your most recent acquisition: World   
    I like your collecting idea and I love your coins!!  Very nice pickups.....and Pegasus Auctions is a great seller.  I bought a very nice Faustina the Younger denarius from them a couple of months ago and I am very pleased with it.  Thanks for sharing those!
  4. Haha
    Mohawk got a reaction from RonnieR131 in Japanese coins (plus some random stuff) from under a tree   
    Dang Thompson....cool find for being under a stump!  And, speaking of which, you've stumped me with those......I do not know anything about East Asian cast coinage other than recognizing it as East Asian cast coinage.  If I were to dig up a stump, I'd probably find something putrid that a raven or a crow stashed there and ended up not needing.  And I'd probably manage to hit myself in the face with said putrid thing.  I love birds, but they don't always love me back.
  5. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Crawtomatic in I was reading zero hedge tonight...   
    Actually, Maulemall.......after looking closer at that last gem from Zero Hedge, I don't think I honestly want the answers to the questions I asked of you.  That page was actually.....pretty frightening, both that it was written and that people take it at face value as truth.  I don't think that you and I should really talk anymore, at all.  I can recognize when there is nothing good to be gained from further communication and you and I are at this point for sure.  The fact that you would believe that page the way you did and, further, actually present it as viable evidence while calling my sources weak based upon that page tells me that it doesn't matter what I say to you or what sources I use or how many sources I can present....you won't believe me and there's no point in further discussion because of it.  From this short exchange, I can tell already that we are polar opposites and I'd like to end on a polite note and keep things polite on the board, so all I can do is disengage.  Which I am doing.  Good luck with everything and best wishes.
  6. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Don J in Latest *new* sets! June 2024   
    I have a question about a set......I don't know if its even possible, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. I was wondering if a Competitive set could be made for German Nicke 50 Reichspfennigs from 1927-1939. This set would encompass two different designs, on Weimar and one Third Reich. But other than the design change, they 2 coins are the same size and composition. The Weimar design lasted until 1938, so it made it comfortably into the Third Reich period. If this set is something that could be done, I'd be greatly interested.
    Thanks again Ali for all of the hard work you and your co-workers do for all of us everyday!
  7. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Cntrygrl in What you need to know about posting coins for inquiry   
    Actually, I do.  I'd like to add that if a someone wants to sell a coin, that they do so in their own sales thread, not in another member's.  I had someone hijack my thread today trying to sell a damaged 2009-D Lincoln Cent for over $2,400.  I closed the thread and reposted in a new thread, but I found that to be extremely rude and it possibly could have damaged my selling reputation if someone thought it was actually me trying to pull that one.
  8. Thanks
    Mohawk got a reaction from VKurtB in 1964 SMS&1982D Small Date Lincoln Cent   
    Yep, I agree completely.  We said our piece, tried to help to no avail.  Enough of our time has been spent on this one.
  9. Thanks
    Mohawk got a reaction from Mason254 in 1964 SMS&1982D Small Date Lincoln Cent   
    Yep, I agree completely.  We said our piece, tried to help to no avail.  Enough of our time has been spent on this one.
  10. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Crawtomatic in 1970 d penny no fg   
    Though Bob already said he was kidding around, I'd like to reiterate to you and all of the new guys who are just learning about coins in all seriousness that Etsy is the absolute WORST place on this planet to do anything coin related.  Pretty much any coin posted on Etsy is fake or heavily damaged with the seller claiming it to be a rare variety and trying to scam a bunch of money off of someone who falls for their scam.  In addition, it's also full of very bad misinformation on coins.  It's a cesspool, so stay away!
  11. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Jade Collection in Post your most recent acquisition: World   
    I like your collecting idea and I love your coins!!  Very nice pickups.....and Pegasus Auctions is a great seller.  I bought a very nice Faustina the Younger denarius from them a couple of months ago and I am very pleased with it.  Thanks for sharing those!
  12. Haha
    Mohawk got a reaction from jgrinz in Ever get one of those buyers you want to cut off before it goes too far....   
    Wow......I'm suspecting this guy here.  I think he's the only one who could come up with a 1970 Philly Small Date.

  13. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from S3R3NDIPITY in For the love of copper   
    I love it Emi and, yes, they are very interesting people.  In my opinion, you'd be hard pressed to find a Roman Imperial in this time period who isn't interesting, which is what makes collecting the Five Good Emperors and the people connected to them so much fun!  I'd say that the closest you come to an uninteresting Roman royal for this time is probable Faustina victim Lucius Verus.  He was kind of a flat tire, at least in my opinion, but the rest are absolutely fascinating!  I love the contrast between Marcus Aurelius, who was so stoic, peaceful and and philosophically spiritual and his wife Faustina who, well.......wasn't.  She was an educated, intelligent and cultured woman, to be sure, but she also had that brutal warrior side to her, much more so than her husband.  But they loved each other in spite of these differences and had what was arguably the most normal marriage in all of Roman Imperial history.  And, Faustina's vicious side allowed her to do some of the heavy lifting for Marcus Aurelius, so he didn't have to endure such activities, which would have been much more distasteful to him and taken a higher toll on him than they would have for Faustina.  In spite of whatever else she did (the poisonings, the alleged throwing of people to wild beasts for various reasons, the angering of many Senators with her outspoken and sometimes violent nature.   But not the infidelity to Marcus Aurelius.  That does not appear to be true.  Rather, these allegations were likely made by Senators and other powerful enemies she made to discredit her and, maybe, get her out of the way.) , Faustina clearly loved him deeply to the point where she was always by his side, wherever he was and whatever had to be done there.  And she gave him 13 children, so something was definitely good in that marriage .  But Commodus seems to have certainly inherited this brutal side from Faustina and unlike her, he was unable to check it at all.  Nor did he have a partner to help him check it, like Faustina had in Marcus Aurelius.  And poor Lucilla, who was married to Verus, who has always struck me as a total *spoon*, first was betrothed to him then 4 years later, loses her Augusta status when Verus either dies of the Antonine Plague or at the hands of Lucilla's mother!  I think she was fine with losing Verus but not her status.  And apparently Faustina didn't approve of Lucilla's second marriage to a Senator (I don't recall his name off the top of my head) either, but at least she didn't kill the guy. 
    Sorry for the small book....Faustina is a passionate subject for me....she's so absolutely fascinating to me!  I'm so pleased to hear that you are going to add her and Lucilla to your collection Emi.  If I can help you with that in any way, don't be afraid to ask.  I always love talking ancients, clearly
  14. Thanks
    Mohawk got a reaction from TON Collection in MOHAWK-JUSTBOB-GREENSTAGG-CONDOR. Another thank you note   
    Hi TON,
    I, for one, really appreciate your kind words.  As someone who is an educator in their professional life, it really means a lot to know that I'm making a difference and helping you, TON.  It's also nice to have it acknowledged that many of the frequent "answer-ers" on this board genuinely want to help other collectors out.  We're not trying to cause problems or put anyone down, but we also want to share the truth about any situation that comes up.  I'm not a drinker myself, TON, but I'd make an exception if we ever ended up at the same show as well.....I'd be glad to have a drink with you!  So, thank you TON for the kind words....it really made my day!  And, I also want to thank Bob, Don, Greenstang, Conder, Jonathan and anyone else who jumps in here with me to help people with questions.  Helping new collectors is one of the most important things to do in this hobby, and the fact that there are so many experienced people here who are willing to share their knowledge so readily and in such approachable, kind and pleasant ways is a huge part of what makes this community so amazing and so much better than any other coin board out there. 
  15. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from KarenHolcomb in 1910 Wheat penny (reverse)   
    Lenny has an interesting relationship with his Crays, it sounds like.  Crays are fragile when they molt, but that's about the only time I'd say that's true.  Other than that, they're pretty hardy lil buggers and they absolutely will kill and eat pretty much anything that they can catch and subdue.  I think Lenny is doing what many cat owners do.....overlooking the fact that his beloved pets are essentially vicious predators who have the equipment and the instincts to serve them well in their ecological role.  I've had scorpions, and they're much more calm and subdued than any crays I've known in my life.  But, don't get me wrong....I LOVE crays!  I just see them for what they are.....aquatic generalist predators and scavengers.
  16. Thanks
    Mohawk reacted to Hess4 in 1998 D Washington quarter   
    Thank you Mohawk , it’s good for be back! I’ve missed y’all and as always thank you for the information. 
  17. Thanks
    Mohawk got a reaction from Hess4 in 1998 D Washington quarter   
    No problem.  Always glad to help.  And welcome back
  18. Haha
  19. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from KarenHolcomb in 1910 Wheat penny (reverse)   
    Crays are super cool, I'd recommend getting a couple.  Just be careful.....if you put them with fish, make sure that the fish are fast species with short fins as the crays will try to get them.  And the little African Frogs are always a no-no with Crays as the Crays will make a snack of them in fairly short order.
  20. Like
    Mohawk reacted to B.L.21 in Ancient coin help!   
    Im trying to get most clear photos of them, I’m getting them sent to me then screen shorting them
  21. Like
    Mohawk reacted to EmiCoins in Post your most recent acquisition: Ancients   
    Just got a Antoninus Pius denarius for my Five Good Emperors set! 

  22. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Mokiechan in W-Quarters   
    Oh yeah......and more ridiculous ASE's.  I'm waiting for the ASE that is a reverse proof that glows in the dark, lets you check your email with its packaging and has an O/CC mint mark.
  23. Haha
    Mohawk reacted to KarenHolcomb in 1910 Wheat penny (reverse)   
    Ok. So I have no clue what you guys are talking about but that doesn't cause me to want my guy to make me one any less. He is an auto mechanic and knew all the terms you are all using here and said he had actually looked online about making one for some other purpose and feels he can do it. His helper kid, he says , "he's no mechanic, but he is a computer genius" likely has a conducer or two lying around as that kind of thing is what he's into. He is going to ask him tomorrow. I, on the other hand, wonder why a deep fryer lime for French fries couldn't be used? It has separate little ends in there in the middle of the heating element. He says he doesn't think so, but isn't sure and wonders if it wouldn't get to hot even at its lowest setting. Feel free to tell me I am an insufficiently_thoughtful_person if that is the case, if not how might I transform this deep fryer into an ionic thingy that I already forgot what it's called? See, this is why Tom likes me to come around every so often because I make you all feel so darned smart. Lol!  Anywhooo....here's a photo of my fryer. 
    I guess my photos are too big to send all together, but this one should give you an idea of what I have. Not like I ever use it because it makes the entire house smell like burnt oil.

  24. Thanks
    Mohawk reacted to Mathguy1986 in W-Quarters   
    I do appreciate the advice. Yes, I have taken him to local dealers for the experience and sorta the "run-arounds" of how the system works. I also started young. My grandmother was my inspiration behind my collecting. Of course, moving through school-college and eventually my Ph.D at 33 ( current old age) taught me a lot in my schools. I was the only collector so it was sad to see so many people not interested in a unique hobby. 
  25. Like
    Mohawk got a reaction from Travis Hale in Worth Grading?   
    And I can speak for the German coins....none of them are worth grading either, Travis.  Just a suggestion for the future.....this thread with so many photos of so many coins was really some information overload.....it makes it hard to evaluate your coins and to type responses.  For example, the only coins in the thread I could help you with at all were the German and US coins.  I have either very limited knowledge or no knowledge of the coins from other countries.  I think you'll get better help if you post each coin separately.  It's more work, but you'll get better information, which is worth the extra effort in my opinion.  We're here to help, but please help us to help you .