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Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by tj96

  1. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack this thread. I saw Sutter and thought of these Sutter sawmills!
  2. Time to bring this thread down a few notches!!
  3. Two errors for the price of one. What's wrong with that?
  4. I'm just puzzled why you waited years to ask this question. Why didn't you immediately contact NGC?
  5. Did you pay for error coin on your submission form?
  6. I could see someone building them, putting them up along the roadside and guys using them as target practice in Alabama!
  7. Not sure where you guys live but if you have average carpenter skills, you could easily build one. It would also be a great project for Boy Scouts or Eagle Scouts. Then put them around town or any right-of-way location. If you build it, they will come! Don't forget to add the coin folder. 😃
  8. I would just keep it in tacked as is. It looks like an old Capital holder. It's got an old classic look to it.
  9. Man, I didn't even think of that!.....a note with it! Great idea!! I gotta go do that. I hope it's still there....... I'll be right back.
  10. .............hopefully! You guys may have seen these free library book boxes along the side of the road. I picked up this Whitman album from the free table at a local coin club. I added a few cents and put it in one of these boxes the other day. In the hopes, some kid finds it and spark his or her interest.
  11. Very sorry to hear that Hog. I hope things work out.
  12. The picture is deserving. Just for the heck of it, can you take of it next to another coin?
  13. Looks like a button from a US Army uniform. But not if it's 2 3/4 inches wide. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APq-WBujuLEnpdm549Ote-SPedAb-ToWlw:1649626255214&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=buttons+on+US+Army+uniform&client=firefox-b-1-d&fir=HhVBlV7xDsMOsM%2CBzXjOqKqNPlzXM%2C_%3B4_mAfhPNIZNQ2M%2CSGbk1bN3fS5j6M%2C_%3BIfEOjXCbHCFCxM%2CdUAfYy1qmGDeKM%2C_%3BMlVhamklTK93tM%2C3tVFUPWdSyskMM%2C_%3BTLHMXclwZaotNM%2CnhoTASZia1jBIM%2C_%3BYbsRueSh3I1JLM%2C3tVFUPWdSyskMM%2C_%3B8QUIcKyJcC8k0M%2C0MnGgt0y9VI_KM%2C_%3BC3iwoGM9M-bqAM%2CD5ab8IpYTKJTnM%2C_%3BEg9GbMTDWDnJmM%2CEjbg0t9d7aDBGM%2C_%3BZfXgSL_31ibtbM%2C4aSmQ5n24DY_JM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kRj_CpY9xk0PgqCBxgoDiXckfQ_9Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW49DXuIr3AhU4j3IEHW8VDHMQjJkEegQIAxAC&biw=1345&bih=675&dpr=2
  14. Hey- Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger. Could it be, follow the money?... Just sayin'
  15. Not a problem. Most all bio's and resumes are embellished anyway. 😀