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Posts posted by CoinJockey73

  1. On 8/7/2022 at 9:57 PM, ShinyObjects said:

     Wirh all the coinage you forage through it's gotta be probable. 

    "Forage"! If you only knew how right you are, lol. Really nice to have another brother over here. Although i gotta admit, this @Quintus Arrius guy has been nothing but a gentleman, showing me the ropes, although his vocabulary is bananas, and this @VKurtB can be a little rough around the edges, but he appears to be new to the hobby, and very hard to please. i give him a permanent pass though, as he gave my coin finds the moniker "nothingburgers", which i luv, so I'm indebted to him. Just kidding @VKurtB, i know you're not new to the hobby, but I'm not taking back rough around the edges! Lol. See @ShinyObjects? Couple good people here, too, but definitely nice to have you around brother. Enjoy the upcoming week, don't work too hard!

  2. On 8/5/2022 at 8:20 AM, Frank said:



     I'll probably stop by the next show.


    Check by Ed Duran's table, he usually lets me know when he'll be there


    Since I am high risk, I wear a mask, pick up some coins and go outside to check them out.


    Then buy or leave,  in & out quickly.


    Too many people on top of everyone.


    Fair enough, i totally respect. Well, i certainly know what you look like, strapping young lad you are, even with a mask, so, I'll be there at the opening bell, next time they're there, looking for you. Always a pleasure

  3. On 8/7/2022 at 4:25 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    What distinguishes your line-up from others, other than heavy, fairly even wear and the requisite scratches, is silver content in varying percentages. I will always appreciate old silver coins (& wartime nickels).

    Well, this is another thing we're on the same page about. Look at this, we're becoming fast friends, over a silly found coin thread. Ain't life grand? 

    And as much of a dullard as i am, i did look up the basics of coin identification for self edification, only. I had seen a black nickel with a big P on the back, had never seen that before. So while I'll always thank you, and will always appreciate any and all contributions, i do have "coins for dummies" amongst my most thumbed through. 

    Hope you're enjoying your Sunday. Or if you're in Australia, i believe it's last Thursday, so, there's that. 

  4. On 8/7/2022 at 2:19 PM, ShinyObjects said:

    Hello CJ73. Finally logged in. Glad to be on board. Having a look around, pretty cool coin forum.  Looking to spend more time over here.

    It's a little slower over here, but the people seem nice enough. Please, start posting up that incredible collection of yours, especially those recently added pieces. Good to see you online, again! 

  5. On 8/7/2022 at 9:15 AM, Quintus Arrius said:


    Re: meshugana.

    Curious, so I Googled it. It said, "slang: a crazy person."

    A fiend of mine calls me diabolical. If he'd've said, meshugana, I'd've taken that as a compliment. 

    I am going to check my dwindling stash of nothingburgers and if I see a good candidate, I'll post it. You have the right attitude. Some here feel they have ownership rights; others take quite ordinary differences in opinion and make them out to be Life or Death matters. As the illustrious @MarkFeld taking a quick departure from decorum and effecting a characteristicly (for him) out of character persona, recently advised me: "Chill Out!" So I did. It was Mark Feld! I felt I had no other choice.  (worship):roflmao:

    Well, obviously, nothing here is mine. I jest in saying the thread is mine. But it's mine. I'd say that's pretty obvious. 

  6. On 8/6/2022 at 10:33 PM, VKurtB said:

    I’ve never seen it that way. But I’m not the guy to consult on Internet discussion board “rules” because, and I can’t possibly stress this enough, I couldn’t possibly care less. I don’t respect the culture of the ‘net, in case you missed that. 

    You and me both, brother. My disdain for "e" technology will be felt across my posts. I think certain modern technology is wonderful, but is destroying our species, as we know it. 2.5 million years is a long long time. We made it pretty far without cell phones. Let's see how quickly they destroy us. We're watching it happen already. 

  7. On 8/6/2022 at 10:52 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    Postscript... Well, I tell you, the St. Gaudens thread is a masterpiece still in the making with so many interesting twists and turns that it is beginning to read like Joe Gould's Secret, which was a "book" comprised of an untold number of notebooks in which were recorded the everyday conversations of New Yorkers, i.e., an "Oral History" that a journalist, Joseph Mitchell, ultimately discovered were nothing but the figments of the colorful imagination of a deranged old man.

    I can definitely understand that threadmaster's concern that the record of contributions made, including one surprise comment from the latest owner of the unique 1933 double-eagle, be preserved at all costs. There are some truly extraordinary works of scholarship here, but that one is a stand-out which has evolved in ways no one could have forseen. It's akin to a Guest Book, with extensive annotations.

    As stated, feel free to post ANYTHING you like, but no one may read it, especially me. I did try. But i sit with a very old and dog eared paperback copy of the dictionary by my side while reading everything, same one since i was a kid. As i come to words I'm unfamiliar with, i look it up, and put a tick mark next to it. There! Learned me another word today! Your posts of late have kept those pages turning. Not that i don't mind looking things up, but after the 3rd word in one sentence, i may move on, lol. Sad side note, as I've gotten older, how many times do you think i get to that word, and there are no tick marks? Very very few, indeed. My retention for things was lost in the womb, I'm afraid. But I'm the first to admit it, and accept it as an horrific flaw in my genetic makeup. Yawn. Move on. But i do enjoy your contributions, however over my head some may be, or not. And this isn't a request for you to dumb them down, on my behalf. Can't ask Monet not to mone. I was hoping to post the exchange between Hedley Lamarr and Sheriff Taggart from Blazing Saddles, as an example of how our interactions seem to me, but the language is rather offensive, and I'd rather not get banned, just yet. If you're familiar with the movie, it's the scene where they're discussing Rock Ridge, and Taggart replies with "ditto!". Yeah, that's me. Anyway, i don't know the first thing about double eagles, or daytime drama, so...

  8. On 8/6/2022 at 10:33 PM, Quintus Arrius said:


    More like "crazy." Sorry I derailed your thread. "Tisha B'av" is a solemn occasion for which there is no formal greeting. This was a shot across the bow to the member who treated my return home [to the NGC Chat Boards] with injudicious contempt, a cryptic remark for he and he alone to contemplate on the 9th whilst perusing Lamentations.

    Your style is like a breath of fresh air. I have not encountered your unique take on things anywhere else. I bid you, and all our fair weather friends and members the likes of which I have not encountered on any other Forum, good nite!  


    So I've been lied to all these years? They're calling me "crazy" rather than "the greatest"?! That's awesome! Can't wait to tell them they've been wrong, all this time! 

  9. On 8/6/2022 at 10:33 PM, Quintus Arrius said:


    More like "crazy." Sorry I derailed your thread. "Tisha B'av" is a solemn occasion for which there is no formal greeting. This was a shot across the bow to the member who treated my return home [to the NGC Chat Boards] with injudicious contempt, a cryptic remark for he and he alone to contemplate on the 9th whilst perusing Lamentations.

    Your style is like a breath of fresh air. I have not encountered your unique take on things anywhere else. I bid you, and all our fair weather friends and members the likes of which I have not encountered on any other Forum, good nite!  


    You didn't derail the thread, that's one of the beauties of it, there's nothing to derail. Anyone, anytime, any subject (within site boundaries), it doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm taking any of this seriously, anyway. See what i mean? And thank you for the compliment. I have yet to find any "undesirables", here, but if any of you were to meet me in person, just by the looks of me, you may find me a bit, off color, and not remotely "desirable", lol. Unless you're just messing with me, and I'm too slow to figure it out, in which case, your efforts are wasted on me, cuz i don't care/know! Lol.

    Anyway, keep coming back, or don't. It doesn't effect me in the slightest. 

  10. On 8/6/2022 at 7:45 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    No, it wasn't you! :roflmao:  It was... nah, no way the mods will permit this. Enjoy the weekend! (To the fella who threw out the unwelcome mat: Tisha b'av.)  

    Man, i really am obtuse. I didn't notice any shade thrown my way. Either that, or I'm used to much much worse. No biggie. 

    Few people will get the thread, most won't. That's fine with me. Those who know me from CT know i don't take anything seriously, online. How can i? I don't know you, you don't know me. What the heck do i care what you say about me, or my mother. Yawn. Anyway, i thought you were goofing on me, in the beginning, which i was totally fine with, but you seem to be a straight shooter, albeit a little hard to keep up with, at times, lol. But you seem ok. Same with @VKurtB. He's a straight shooter, and i begrudge no man, that. 

    Like i said, keep coming back, or don't. Doesn't matter to me, I'll keep posting anyway. But i got no issues with you. 

  11. On 8/6/2022 at 7:30 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    I cannot imagine anyone in their right mind following me, with the exception of the Moderators (Executive privilege) but sounding off occasionally comes with the territory. I truly enjoy this thread. (There were some things I wanted to call out one member on, but that's illegal, so I won't.) Man, I love this place!

    You can call me out on anything you like! Permission granted. 

    Again, I'm glad you're enjoying the thread. The real action, rather than my pontificating, will begin again, in earnest, Monday afternoon. Hope to see you all then. 

  12. On 8/6/2022 at 7:15 PM, zadok said:

    ...some folks do talk to themselves, its allowed...im not quite sure how a thread can be for ones self, sounds like a diary would be better but im not one to judge...i think ill pass in the future but enjoy....

    Thread, diary, isn't it all the same, nowadays? Anyone is free to view the thread, but I'm not posting it for anyone to view. Who would want to view a thread dedicated to "nothingburgers"? I find it cathartic to post pics of the junk i find. That's why it's for me. If you happen to enjoy, awesome! If you happen to never come back, awesome! It wasn't for you, anyway. See what i mean? Life is so simple, if we keep it that way. 

    I do wish you nothing but the best though. 

  13. On 8/6/2022 at 7:00 PM, zadok said:

    ...agree if its worth doing its worth doing right...but everyones right is different...it may be a gravitational thing, likes congregate as opposed to the magnetic theory of opposites...but the best coins r non-magnetic, so im in the vkurt camp n go with quality....

    I'm behind all this 100%. I have zero interest in the purchasing of coins, so my quality standards are non-existent. I find coins i think are cool, and post pics of them here. Hard focus on "i think are cool". I'm thrilled for @VKurtB that a wild siver find doesn't quicken his pulse. As i stated somewhere earlier, I'm simple minded, therefore find pleasure in the simplest of things, like a 1918 standing liberty quarter, found in the wild.

    This thread is for me, no one else. I'll be mostly speaking with myself about my finds, making stuff up. Feel free to come back and check in, but i assure you, nothing special to be seen here. Strictly simple circulation finds. I also find ☆ notes, quite a bit. I may start posting those, as well. Who knows. My thread, I'll do with it as i please, within TOS regulations. 

    As always, thank you, everyone, for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your night.