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Everything posted by Hoghead515

  1. How bout this one. He was never officially commissioned as a cheif engraver even though people considered him as such. He was a portrait painter also and was very talented. His life and career was cut short from yellow fever. Who is he?
  2. Just the threat of it would be enough to deter me from it. Which I wouldn't steal anyways. I'm so glad I was raised better. I see several of my neighbors and people I went to school with turned into theives and no one wants them around. I'd hate for no one to want me around like that. I've also had things stolen from me and I don't have the heart to do it to any one else. Had a brand new ATV stolen from me. No insurance. Still owed $5000 on it. Had to pay it off and never did get it back. I can't stand a theif. People out working to have something and a dead beat come steal it.
  3. Unless it was Charles Barber who engraved his design and designed the dollar.
  4. I remember reading where he put his design on a dime during my research. The design he used on his dollars. Don't know what else became of it.
  5. He's using different people's Ebay stores. Canyon City on one and Silver Eagle on another.
  6. Don't have very many coppers at all. This is probably the best one I have. MS64 RB
  7. You can send them like that in the original packaging. Leave capsules in box and everything. They will have a box to check to get your packaging back. It will cost a little extra. Usually around 10.00 depending on where you are located. It runs around that much for me. But be careful. They may not bill your card till a couple months later to return your packaging.
  8. John Sinnok ? He was from the 20th century. Coins were getting the more modern look to them. Don't know a whole lot about him tho.
  9. What's the reverse gonna look like? Just hope my electric doesn't go out and I lose my wifi on this one. Lol. I missed the type 1 proof.
  10. They went easy on the old boy. That would be bad to get a rope around the neck. It wouldn't be worth it to me to take that chance. Very interesting letter @RWB. I enjoy those old letters.
  11. Did I get Moxie15's question right @RWB or did I miss it?
  12. I've had alot of fun reading and studying in this hobby. The more I read, the more I like it. I can remember some things I read and some things I can't. I'm slowly learning more as I've been rereading alot of it. I'm still trying to get these engravers figured out. The more I keep studying the more I can remember but I'm still very fuzzy on most. I've read more on Longacre than any of them. I hope I got that right because I really feel in my heart it was Longacre. If I did get it wrong then it will still help me learn.
  13. It isn't James Longacre is it? I'm just taking a guess. I read about him while back. I remember him designing one of the replacements I'm pretty sure. I'm thinking it was the Indian Head Cent. And he replaced Gobrecht. And you said it was in demise of some of the most beautiful designs. Gobrecht designed the Seated Liberty coins, which I'm going by my opinion, are some of the most beautiful designs. So I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Longacre.
  14. I can only name a very few. Maybe we can all learn some cool facts from each other if we can keep this thread alive for a while.
  15. Bingo. You wanna put up a couple facts about another engraver and keep it going?
  16. I seen there are several people who enjoyed the history part of coinage. As do I. I am a history freak. I have learned quite a bit lately. But it's only a drop in the bucket of what is still out there to learn. I think this game would really help me and others who want to learn cool facts about the engravers of US coinage. It can be cheif engravers at the Mint or private. As long as it was in the US and had an effect on our coinage or country. Whoever wants to participate it would be a great and fun way for people to learn more. I'll start it off. Name one or two facts about any engraver. Whoever guesses who it is then they name a couple facts about which engraver they want. And so on. Name the engraver: This engraver engraved designs for the first gold coins for the US Mint that included a drapery for Miss Liberty. He also designed the Liberty Cap half cent.
  17. I have a few modern commeratives. I really like them. There are a few more I'm planning on getting later on.
  18. I thought it was someone posting it as a joke at first.
  19. That was a wonderful response Zadok. Very enjoyable and very true.
  20. Run a magnet accross it. It will more than likely stick to a magnet. I don't think always but that's one of the first test to perform. A real one won't stick to a magnet. These are counterfeited quite often. I own 2 counterfeits myself. There is no way I'd ever try to sell them to Noone. Just have them to compare others to. And wo flip around and different of reasons. If it doesn't stick to a magnet that still doesn't mean anything.
  21. The eagle looks more like a sick chicken. No offense. The counterfeiters didn't even put no effort into this one.
  22. Those are all great answers my friends. I'm very happy to join the rest of the collectors. I failed to mention the beginning for me. What got it all started. We was at a flea market and there was a guy with a booth selling coins. He was a very nice guy. Vietnam vet. I became a good friend of his before covid hit and he had to shut down. I was instantly drawn to his cases he had laid out. He has a wonderful assortment of older coins. Buffalo's, merc dimes, and all sorts of things. He didn't have no high end coins. Only fine or xf common date stuff. The highest I ever seen was around $150. He said he didn't make no money. Said he lost money most of the time. He said he just needed a hobby to keep him socializing and everything. I bought coins off him every weekend. Buffalo nickles for a couple dollars or whatever. I came to really enjoy it. And I'd sit there for hours sometimes and he would tell me all he knew about certain coins. He was very honest to. One of the nicest people I ever met. He was telling me about collecting bullion and I went home and joined the US Mint website. Or created an account or whatever you wanna call it. I was also looking at bullion that was graded on the internet. That brought me to researching NGC. Then I bought my first bullion coin. That 2019 S that had that contamination spot on it. I figured I'd send my first one in. Then I joined NGC and looked over the whole website and found this forum. I read forever the discussions on here before I got the courage to post. Then I got the nerve up and asked about that Tibet sho. Everyone seemed really down to earth. Then I asked about that coin I had slabbed that was contaminated. Wasn't gonna say nothing about it cause I was embarrassed but everyone called me out. Made a rookie mistake. And I got to thinking that this is a wonderful place to learn since my friend got shut down from covid. I was right. Everyone made me feel right at home here and have done some wonderful things for me. I'm truly blessed. And the rest is history. My collection started growing with some better coins than before. And here I am. Thank you all. You are very dear friends I hold close to my heart.