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Everything posted by Hoghead515

  1. That was an awesome book. I would love to have scraped the rooftops of the mint and all the surrounding buildings before they put in a special flue. The book goes into lots of detail on things like that. And how the employees had to shower everyday and they caught the bath water in a special tank to include in when they done their sweeps. They also started putting down special mesh flooring to catch the gold in that could be taken up. Amazing how much gold was recovered from the sweeps.
  2. Only thing I ever found in my garden is weeds. Be awsome to find a double eagle. I have found a couple arrowheads in it but they were broken.
  3. That is a very cool find. I would get a metal detector and turn that place upside down.
  4. That was a very cool find if it turns out being real. Not everyday you dig a gold coin up out of the garden. Probably be a good place to medal detect. May be the only one but u never know.
  5. LemE beat me to it. I agree with him 100% Especially glaring off that mirror proof finish
  6. I think it's just the illusion of the mirror finish and the way the light is hitting it.
  7. I agree. Looks like parts of a layer of something has peeled off and parts of it are still stuck on it.
  8. Guess what I found @Sharann. Had to stop at NAPA and get parts for my Suburban and I found a woodie. It's gonna make a good one for the Whitman.
  9. Thank you for taking the time to get it checked out. Its very much appreciated.
  10. I've already got a membership to NGC. I've made a few submissions but they have been moderns. Haven't sent in one yet that may come back in a body bag. That's what I'm afraid of if I send it in. I may try the olive oil. If it dont run off on me. Lol. Let it soak and try that rose thorn trick JustBob was talking about the other day. I appreciate it. Never thought of that. Thank you for the advice.
  11. I wish there was a way to clean that corrosion off that one but I'm afraid of hurting it worse than it already is. If it didn't have those big scratches on it I'd send it in to NCS and see if they could conserve it. I figured I'd just leave it as it is. Probably wouldn't be worth it.
  12. I very much appreciate it. Your more than welcome to and I thank you for the help. Very nice 1805. I love those early coppers. I'm hoping one of these days to get one pre 1800. Any pictures I ever put on this forum of any coin or anything you and everyone else is more than welcome to use them for anything if you all want to or need to. Thank you for helping me.
  13. This is the only one I posted it to. I'm not a member at any of the other ones. This is the only one I belong to. Does it look to you like that coin spent some time under ground? That's what I was maybe thinking about it due to that corrosion. And those scratches. Figured a digger may have hit it. Also looks like they tried to clean some of that stuff off. I was thinking it may have been a metal detector find.
  14. This coin belongs to my son and we have been trying to figure out what variety it is. I looked at a web site that has the different varieties on it but I can't really tell enough to narrow it down. The coin has some type of corrosion or something on it that messes with my eyes. I was hoping maybe some of you all that are well educated on them can tell which one it is. My son wanted one of these really bad so we got it for him for Christmas because it wasn't wore plum out like alot of them and it was the best looking one in the price range. If you can tell anything about it from the corrosion. Don't matter how good of a picture I take it's still hard to tell. The coin in hand looks just like it does in these pictures. Very fuzzy. Thank you my good friends for the help. I means a whole lot to me when you all take the time to help me. I wish there was some way I could return the favor.
  15. I'm not gonna say how many I got right. It's a bit embarrassing. I had fun taking it anyway and it was a good learning experience. Thank you for allowing me to participate.
  16. That makes me wonder what else was left out of what we were taught. That is something that is very important and should have been included. Currency probably had alot to do with alot of the chain of events. How everything was funded. Thank you for the information. Got me to doing alot of thinking.
  17. Thank you all for the replies. Learned something new today. I never knew they existed till I saw them in that book. Very interesting information. I got an understanding now of the purpose of them. I never even heard anyone ever talk about them before unless it was mentioned and I just can't remember. I'm sure they told us something about them back in school in history class. I remember studying about the Great Depression quite extensively. I wish I had paid more attention and tried to do better. Wish I could do it over again and differently. It has become a passion here lately learning about all these things and the history behind them. I really appreciate you all taking the time to help me. Joining NGC and becoming part of this chat board is one of the best things thats ever happened to me.
  18. I was reading through a March 1944 issue of the Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine and I came across a checklist of sales tax tokens. It was a list put together by Emil Di Bella from Bronx N.Y. Bella was assisted by Russell E. Silvius and Herbert E. Rowold. It shows we're state issues, provisional issues, private issues, and even unofficial issues. Looks like there were many different kinds and made from many different materials such as aluminum, brass, zinc, cardboard, colored plastics, etc. Some were solid and some holed. I bet there are a few hundred contained in this checklist. My questions are, what exactly are sales tax tokens? What was the need for them? Are these the same as the hard times tokens? I was wondering why they call them TAX tokens. I would love to learn more about these if anyone has any information or anything to add. It doesn't explain nothing about them. It just has the checklist and a brief description of each one. Thank you for all replies.
  19. Just renewed my membership to yesterday. Good luck on the roosters my friend.
  20. Not real sure but I may have got one or two of the answers. I remember reading an article on them. The quiz sparked my memory a little bit and I remember a couple things. Most of it I can't remember. I need to reread it. Then again I may have missed them all.
  21. Nevermind. I misread his quote and plumb went off topic. Sorry for my rambling reply. Erased it.
  22. Thank you for the quiz. I enjoy taking them. Helps me learn about the coins better
  23. Just took it. I think I got a couple right