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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. @zadok: Reaction (sad) noted. Look at the bright side... your own intermittent commentary, by turns, scalding, blistering and withering, is nevertheless valid and instructive. The very thought of blocking you would be a sacrilege and travesty! I instinctively defer to you [and another member whose name I am forbidden to pronounce] on all things numismatic. 🐓
  2. The topic IS ignore. The OP, bless his soul, took a powder a long time ago. This member complains he has availed himself of the "ignore" button, but still sees the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune directed his way. I provided him with an explanation for his information and edification. I believe you were on bust halves; why do you bust chops here? BACK ON TRACK !
  3. @CoinJockey73: Ehhh! C.J! Comment ca va? Ca va bien? Ha! Well this is a startling event! Looks like the mods are out on st*Ike. No matter. There is nothing wrong with the "ignore" button. I don't know if it was early--very early on--in this thread, or some other (didn't expect to find you here) but a member was kind enough to put me on "ignore" long enough to illustrate the point he was trying to make which was the "ignore" feature, for lack of a better word, was/is impotent, by design. You can still read the writings of the person you've "ignored," as they are simply low-lighted in gray. Some of those folks that had relegated me to that sect--"your name will be stricken from every pylon, every pillar, every pyramid, et al."--acted in concert! One member even launched a fussilade of shots which caromed off everything on the Board, disengaged me, lobbed a few r.p.g.'s, and disengaged again. Great stuff! So, anyway, have no fear, there's nothing wrong with your optics! Everything's hunky dory! I have to admit that "accent aigu" definitively separates the minnows like me from the whales like you. I guess I don't rate. No matter. Like that commercial goes: "We'll leave the light on for you." Man I love this place! No mods! Who'd've thunk? Un-be-liev-a-ble!
  4. Re: The Ten Commandments... #6 is the correct transliteral translation. In the original Hebrew-Aramaic texts, they were the "words" of command, which I guess makes sense. Nice stuff! Too bad I can't seem to locate my old, rusticated Tombstone bar. I haven't seen hide nor hair of it. Would have fit nicely in this thread. Oh well.
  5. They recently announced a new C-19 variant, but if it were bejeweled I would have heard about it.
  6. To fellow members @Lem E and @The Neophyte Numismatist: As long as you are both in it, to win it, I would like to politely suggest you check out, if you haven't done so already, a step-related thread, "Is this coin worth submitting for a regrade?" You will find fine examples of the step phenomena as well as a quick distillation of a Coin Week article I made reference to: "United States 1943-S Jefferson Nickel, dated Sept. 14, 2022, which includes an indispensable feature, entitled: "To earn the designation of FS a Jefferson nickel must meet the following criteria:" I have never seen Wartime Nickels as fine as yours! Great stuff!
  7. [I am sorry you made a "commitment" to post an update when you get your submission back. I have been hounding a fellow member regarding an assertion he made for the past two years. There was a guy elsewhere who said he couldn't wait to get his back so he could throw it in our faces, but I am not allowed to talk about it. I will, however, hold you accountable.]
  8. A member closes with "Peace out, homies," and you can't offer up a "Troo dat."? A-a-a-h, missed opportunities! That's what I love about this place! You never know who's going to pop up and hit you with a reality check. I stand corrected. Photos do consume an inordinate amount of "band-width." Troo dat!
  9. Seems like my comment on "keg marks" was glossed over or given short shrift. If coins, not detritus, were shipped in kegs, would it not be reasonable to assume in filling them or experiencing slippage or shifting in transit, marks would result? Newbie: How come these old half-cents are covered in sawdust? W.C. Fields: Go away kid, you bother me. [My Little Chickadee, 1940.]
  10. What enquiring minds want to know, aside from strike irregularities, is whether the gentleman from down South would make a purchase "sight-unseen" of any coin depicted on this thread, solely on the strength of the photos provided? I am sure the owner would be happy to attest to the fact that the edge of any coin chosen is pristine, on an accompanying signed affidavit. P.S. Anybody remember the time when Yours truly made the colossal gaffe of inquiring as to who it was who was responsible for placing a "diagnostic marker" on a coin? Yup, dems were the daze! P.P.S. Almost forgot! The gentleman, a distinguished member here, invited to make a guest appearance here to weigh in on the brouhaha which erupted at the time, "Wondercoin," won an award and was cited by Coin World recently in its listing of the 100 Most Influential People in Numismatics. Man, I love this place!
  11. [First time I ever noticed high submission numbers. Guess it makes sense when Monster Boxes, sealed and otherwise untampered with, are submitted. I like the reflection of that torpedo-torch searchlight.] (Yup, made the term up!)
  12. I posted [re-posted] the Guidelines [elsewhere] because everything in them is spelled out. I don't know that posting coins, per se, is a violation of any kind--excepting inordinate volume, but it is more the commentary which accompanies your posts. I did PM a member who took to the airwaves to emphasize post content which he felt may be offensive, but that only serves to give what he felt objectionable, wider exposure. If anyone has a problem with your postings, I would hope they would do for you what one member did for me: bring it to my attention straightforwardly and non-judgmentally--and privately, via PM. The problem with social forums, for me, is my brand of quirky humor doesn't translate well over the wire--unless people have gotten to know me. Many viewers, I know, wish I would dispense with the theatrics and non-numismatic forays my posts take. NGC, in their infinite wisdom--per the Guidelines!--has given me some latitude with the tacit understanding that I accept that I do not enjoy unconditional immunity. The thing is we have to be mindful of an audience we do not know the true nature and scope of, so the best approach, I feel, is one taken with caution ever mindful that members may find what we have to offer to be of limited utility and interest. The membership was ready to accommodate me and I can only guess my eccentric posts have found some favor with top management. I would advise caution and eternal vigilance. That's the safest way. Good luck, CJ.
  13. [Aside: I recall a news article many years ago announcing the introduction of a plastic polymer bank note in Australia. It sounded like it made practical sense--$USD scarcely survive two years in circulation--but to my knowledge, there hasn't been a word said about it since. AR, whether on coins or currency, sounds futuristic, but I'll bet there is someone waiting in the wings ready to suggest it's all a government plot to track people.] 🤔
  14. Never before--(and likely since)--has any member introduced the word "atoll" on this Forum. Yes, I checked! Nice. 😉
  15. In a recent post, a venerable long-time member did the unthinkable, and I responded in kind. He casually mentioned the title of a book I never even knew existed: French Red Book. I acknowledged the post, and moved on. Days later, unsure if it was a joke of some kind, I looked it up and was shocked to find, it existed! Even more shocking, I ordered a copy! And I intend to read it. [Yes, you may quote me for attribution!] To those members who had long ago concluded I am not a numismatist, collector or even a hoarder--because I do not own a single coin-related book, you may wish to reconfigure your thinking. A suggestion was made, I investigated the matter, and with a few well-placed clicks, am on my way to becoming an arguably informed member in my tiny niche of the numismatic universe. I have collected French 20-franc gold roosters for years, amassed a top collection one other member here, not given to praise too often, allowed was a "significant achievement," and therefore am all but constrained to thank your friend and mine--he who monitors the ebb and flow of the Crimson Tide--as well as our hosts, for unwittingly providing the medium, i.e. the Chat Board, by which I received this life-altering message. Yes, a book! What's wrong with that? [Everyone is acutely aware I embroider, embellish and am given to exaggeration!] 😉 🐓
  16. I cannot speak on it today. It was a top-selling book at the time. But then the author took a hard line stance against the Vietnam War. And, of course, he is long deceased, as is my mother. I never read the book and I do not know how it is faring in the world of book publishing, or whether it is still in print.
  17. @VKurtB: I stand corrected. I may not follow sports, but that winningest team, the Crimson Tide had a very popular coach in the late Sixties. The SEC was big then, and bigger now. [And I'm not talking Securities and Exchange Commission]
  18. [How do I one-up this guy? Oh, I know! Simon and Garfunkel graduated from mine in '63; I graduated 🎓 in '69. Hold the applause.]
  19. Where's the "Love" button? Your photography skills are top-shelf!
  20. @CaptHenway: Funny you should mention that bit of millennial madness. I was not aware it extended to gold. I am not even sure if it was premature. I read a very persuasive argument indicating the 20th century (and millennium) would more correctly end on midnight December 31st, 2000--and the 21st century (and the millennium) would begin at the fall of the ball in Times Square, but rightly or wrongly, everything was programmed otherwise. Nothing happened... Imagine that!
  21. Not at all. I am concerned that my wife will use them in the laundromat--and I hate admitting this--but I did take one with me earlier this week to see if it would fit into the slots of the washers and dryers. Well, of course it did! (It's bigger than a dime and smaller than nickel.) The man who owns/manages the place is my unlikely, inadvertent heir. Curses!
  22. [Not sure where this fits in, but for collectors who may be interested, there is a recent article in Coin Week, Sept. 13, 2022, I recommend, whole-heartedly: "Understanding the Silver Planchet Shortage at the U.S. Mint." It makes a case that there is no silver shortage, but a silver planchet shortage, and discloses the sources the U.S. Mint relies on for acquiring its silver bullion as specified by law. It is an absolutely engrossing read that is guaranteed to contribute to one's body of knowledge. As I am not smart enough, presently, to provide a link, I should like to suggest readers so inclined, Search for CoinWeek and tap "articles and videos." While lurking there, the reader may also wish to tap on an article that came hot off the press today: "Eight NGC Team Members Named Among Most Influential in Numismatics." I thank the OP for his graciousness and indulgence in accommodating this post!]