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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. The topic, above, is Greenlandic for "the northern most island," or land mass in the world. But I digress. The Real Topic is: verdigris, a word that has apparently vanished from the everyday terms used by numismatists. So what exactly is verdigris? One source consulted describes it as a "green or bluish deposit, usually of copper carbonates that forms on copper, brass, or bronze surfaces." The same source suggests "soaking in lemon juice" followed by wiping with a clean towel, as a remedy [for this form of PMD]. Is this the reason why verdigris has vanished from the numismatic lexicon? Another term that has apparently fallen into disuse, is "patina." Anyone know why? Enquiring minds want to know...
  2. Is it just me, dear reader, or do you, too, get a sense that there is an autobiographical aspect to this soliloquy?
  3. This is the very first post I received from this highly-acclaimed member. Is this great or what?
  4. OK, @cowbaby... it's past that time of year again and I'm still here, still standing, and still strong. Enquiring minds want to know "the real reason why." ["I don't know. You said it! Funny how, like I'm a clown here to amuse you? How am I funny?"] What's "the real reason why." Context? Reread it if you have to. It's been two years. I'm still waiting very patiently for your answer...
  5. Q.A.: What now, Ricky? 🐓: The case cited by GF1969, as set forth hereinabove, does not comply with the Uniform System of Citation, 21st Ed. Q.A.: Let me guess. You want me to tell him that. Keep dreamin'.
  6. Almost two years now... I call for a reassessment. We need a general update. Anybody?
  7. Others may beg to differ, but from my vantage point, there is no numismatic value to these coins. One member stated a range of from $25. to $35 (full retail) whatever that means. I feel that is being a mite too generous. Then again, I am new to the hobby. I have been lurking about for only fifty years. This may sound harsh but me feels that chart featured in the old Red Books is applicable here: standard Peace weight X silver spot. They're "thisclose" to a decent burial. The Roostermeister has spoken. 🐓
  8. 🐓: I believe you owe @zadok an apology. Q.A.: Right about that, Ricky. I do not ordinarily do this--character defect-- but I am constrained to carve out an exception for you. I APOLOGIZE! Everything you've said is true and I appreciate your bringing it to my attention. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. I'm a little older now; time for me to shape up and buckle down, or ship out. I will, henceforth, try to be more a contributor on this Forum than a detractor--and distraction. Back to Basics. "Cherie, have you seen my roosters?" "Oui, they are right here where you left them." Ah, all is well in the world. Good nite, z! Thanks for dropping by. Bonne nuit!
  9. [If this is your quaint way of saying, "Enough already, Back on Track," you've succeeded!]
  10. @The Neophyte Numismatist I forget which Set Registry it was, but I remember taking a look, and feeling very sorry for the two or possibly three guys jockeying for the top spot on the 🐓 chart. At the time, I had a submission in, was awaiting the results, and it suddenly occurred to me the only way anyone could best my score, once established, was to introduce an MS68, then not possible, or upgrade what I had, and best it, which, under the circumstances would have been prohibitively expensive and ultimately, not possible: The availability just wasn't there. Everybody and his uncle weighed in... yours is [not U.S. coinage] it's but a microscopic niche in a forlorn, forsaken, forgotten corner of the hobby's universe, and my all-time favorite: it does not count because you compiled it too f-a-s-t! Translation: for a true collector like Eliasberg, it was a life-long labor of love. For me, well, it was like taking the dog out and after a few deposits, going back inside. Finito. Someone out west recently sent me a text saying I had set the bar very high. What can I say? I did the best I could. I believe it incumbent on me to say I was very impressed with the member who came seemingly out of nowhere and landed on the #3 spot here. So startled was I that I let a friend, who has a set better than mine here, know that "the new guy" was a contender. He checked, but failed to gauge his potential. His attitude was, "what threat?" But, I knew, and I was ultimately right. With some sets, and I am sure you've seen this yourself, in the beginning you sense seismic activity on another member's part and then, suddenly, after a lull, tectonic plates start shifting: the member, dispensing with the upgrading ritual entirely, bides his time, acquires a few key pieces, holds onto them, then throws them all out on the Set Registry: Simultaneously. You've got to admire someone with that kind of discipline and tenacity. His then becomes the standard by which all other sets are measured. Judging by your set, I still say you are no longer a Neophyte.
  11. It goes without saying I never knew any of this.
  12. All I know is years from now when I am long gone, the guy emptying the change boxes at a local laundromat will have struck gold. Literally. Why? Because I did not heed the advice in the OP's other thread (heirs, etc.) in timely fashion. Woe is me!
  13. Perfectly understandable and all the more reason why his nickels never merited a second glance.
  14. @zadok: Balderdash! Not a day goes by that readers don't come across some "new discovery" having been made, invariably always involving a hitherto unknown "variety," of some kind. Wasn't the last a '22-D Double Eagle? The fact that a variety may be unique does not make it any less of a variety. Unknown varieties are practically a regular occurrence. Your vitriol should more properly be directed at someone who insists his Yap "coin" is different and unlike anything anyone has ever seen before.
  15. 5FS... that's a cold shot! There is, though, method to his madness. Who, generally, looks at nickels? There was a guy who counterfeited singles. Singles! Did it for ten years. Sentenced to a year and a day. At least Mr. Henning dressed up for court.
  16. [Now that the thundering herd of bison has passed, what is the arrow on the reverse @ 10 o' clock pointing to?]
  17. For reasons not entirely clear to me, every comment I post appears with an identical twin. I always "hide" them, but some slip through. Tks!
  18. You will likely find out anyway, so I might as well 'fess up. 1- I informed top mgmt you were experiencing operating difficulties, and 2- requested they assist you. Unbeknownst to me, my words are still poison, and therefore suspect. Sorry.
  19. A question I do not have an answer for: Americans, by and large, collect U.S. coins, among others. I assume the Spanish, French, German and Italian do the same. Has a TPGS situated In the United States refused/declined to recognize a variety on a Brazilian coin for no other reason than the country that minted the coin does not recognize or accept the variety? I believe I can speak with confidence when I say I currently own foreign coins that clearly exhibit varieties but hesitate to ask our hosts to recognize something the nation who made them does not, clearly because it would be bad form to do so. This is a touchy matter I seldom see members address on this Forum.
  20. Hold on a minute. Substantiate your position. You cannot leave unexploded ordnance and simply walk away without an explanation. Enquiring minds want to know. I want to know. What's not true? ["Funny how? Like I am a clown here to amuse you?"] Now I'll be up all nite thinking about this...
  21. If G-d made anything better he kept it for himself.
  22. That now week-old item regarding the Philadelphia mint's suspension of production of 2022 Kennedy half dollars has finally gotten my goat! Who are they fooling? When's the last time anyone has gotten one of these coins in change? If they're only going to mint less than a dozen million to begin with--there being well over 300 million people in this country--what's the point?
  23. That now week-old item regarding the Philadelphia mint's suspension of production of 2022 Kennedy half dollars has finally gotten my goat! Who are they fooling? When's the last time anyone has gotten one of these coins in change? If they're only going to mint less than a dozen million to begin with--there being well over 300 million people in this country--what's the point?