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Posts posted by KarenHolcomb

  1. 10 hours ago, CRAWTOMATIC said:

    My opinion on Morgan's?  Old dudes love the bejeezus out of them.  And they're everywhere in the condition you don't want to see them in.  And there's a clear division in the Morgan collector community about blast white vs. rainbow toned.  Mostly I just think they're boring since they're so pervasive.

    I like the Blast White.

  2. 2 hours ago, Thompson2 said:

    Did you see something that makes you think it might be a DDR?  I’m not see not even a hint, although I suck at seeing that stuff...  gives me a headache.., lol

    I too suck at seeing Doubling, but I am better at seeing it in the design elements than the letters. There is something at the tip of the left Wheat Ear that looks a little funny. Probably just damage like the tip being flattened down some but it's worth checking the listings for the markers and other doubling associated with the listings for that left ear. If it's not damage. I can't tell but there are several listings for that left side.

  3. I see what you are talking about, but I believeit to be just more of the damage. Have you ever either read about how the process of striking a coin or watch one of the videos the Mint puts out showing how it's done? They can be very informative in many ways including the ways a Die Clash can be formed. One thing to remember is that whatever you think you see on one side should be what IS exactly opposite that same area of the coin on the other side. Does that make sense?

  4. 22 minutes ago, VKurtB said:


    IF you want to become a nickel specialist, I recommend trying to get a second-hand Mega Red #3. It has a MAGNIFICENT expanded section on nickels. It's now a full two years past publication. Small cents is the expanded section on Mega Red #2. That's a start.

    Thank you. I will look into it. Yes, I do like the Nickels, plain as they are they are my favorite.

  5. 2 minutes ago, VKurtB said:

    Re: affording it. As you develop a healthy and trusting relationship with another collector, maybe you can "piggyback" on one of their submissions. I have done this a few times, but it WAS with a fellow collector in "meatspace", not cyberspace. One coin I took to a show for a friend for NGC slabbing came back so high graded that my son remarked while looking at it, "Dad, do you realize this coin is worth, like, 3 times as much as this car?" And so it was.

    That would be a nice surprise. I have a rather nice collection,imo, of random coins and likely have quite of bit of value to them. It's just that there isn't anyone near me to show them to and get any type of opinion about. Charleston, WV is a very lonely place for a new coin collector. There are 2 clubs but I was told they are only interested in trading amongst themselves and would rather not answer silly questions or help someone value a collection. Just too time consuming they said. So one day when it is passed down it will be someone else's issue. In the meantime I will continue to buy 6 or 7 coins or sets a year and they will grow in value as we both age. 

  6. Alright, can we all just please shake virtual hands and each of us start fresh with the others. At this point I think we understand one another better than we did 2 or 3 days ago and thus know what to expect from each other. This great big world is full of different personalities and would be quite dull if we were all the same. So let us try to get to know one another on a fresh field by starting over now. I think we Newbies and the experts alike have much to learn from each other, both with regard to Numismatic s as well a with life and tolerance. Can we agree to try again? All of us? Please?

  7. 4 minutes ago, VKurtB said:


    IF either NGC (my personal preference) or another service decides to certify your WDDR-003 (but they are under no obligation to do so), send along that letter when you send in the coin. That is your "provenance" of a discovery coin. Now, there remain open questions, mostly two. 1) How many more are out there? 2) How many collectors will want one? You want the first number to be low, and the second one, high.

    Yes Sir. I have thought about the number quite a bit, and I think with it being such obvious doubling that it was likely noticed fairly quickly. Gawd, 3 adverbs in one sentence-that's a first. Lol! I sent it into Brian's Variety because he does the Nickel Attributions for John Wexler. I didn't know that I could send it anywhere else. Regardless, while it would be nice to have it slabbed as a discovery, I don't intend to ever sell it anyway. Rather my plan is to simply frame the letter and somehow incorporate the coin into a kind of shrine that I can display them in my little coinage nook here at the house. If it's worthy then my grand daughter can sell it after I die.

  8. On 8/3/2019 at 12:55 AM, Thompson2 said:

    Picked this up on impulse (I really need to stop browsing coin shops... it's gonna get me in trouble.  xD)... it was marked MS63RB <not RD... fat fingers, late night)... pretty sure that's overly optimistic.   I didn't pay a 63 price, so I'm not too upset.  


    What says the peanut gallery?  Maybe MS60?




    Have you checked the DDR list yet?

  9. 1 hour ago, Lisae228 said:


    Mr VkurtB...   No disrespect but I did not say that forums were meant to encourage people, I said they are meant to help beginners.. A place where you can ask  questions about a particular topic and exhchange views...Also you can be honest, but sometimes brutally honest can be taken down a notch, so it doesn't come across discouraging or rude especially to the younger collectors..who are enjoying the same thing u have enjoyed for 56 yrs " R they ?R they really?". I did not write that post directed to anyone..I wrote it as my opinion.. You didn't have to comment on it, it was not a question. I can tell you don't engage in "Happy Talk".  You have made that abuntently clear... But here is a question, why answer if u going to be "rude/brutally"honest? I'm sure the other members can give information ,their opinions  & knowledge and that would be ok.. my post was to compliment  Mrs Karen I appreciate her awesome personality.help and opinion.I never once mentioned your name or any others name..I said everyone.   Meaning the public.. I don't know u. If u took it to heart.. Not my intention .I would look into why... Maybe there's a forum that can assist u. My  honest assessment..

    Once again, I've already used up all my reaction for the day. I do appreciate you honesty young lady but please don't get the idea that I am somehow a super knowledgeable collector because I am so not. 8/10x I will go google something to give someone an answer and thereby learn a little more myself. Thank you very much for your kind words about me, I've just never been one to take a compliment well.

  10. Thanks Y'all. 

    You know, Conder, I have had several other people say I should get the discovery on it but they said there should have been something in the letter about it. There wasn't so I don't know if they would even believe I was sending the same coin in. I have decided that the company that provides the verification of the Attribution should offer that service at an extra fee. You know, offer to send it for us.  Oh well, I am still happy just to be a star.

    Yes, Thompson. I am still bummed about that. I have ordered another though so we shall see if I actually get it. I just hope the suspension given that seller is a permanent one.

  11. I also love the printed word and am an avid reader, mostly of Horror Novels. Unfortunately there is just so much more information on-line and it's more up to date for someone like me. Even little articles like are on the SpruceCrafts.com website have some really great information but is an on-line only publication. And of course any info you might need quickly is seconds away with a few taps on a keyboard. The convenience of that, for me, is hard to beat. I do keep my CherryPickers nearby although I haven't found them to be super duper awesome like folks say but I'm not trying to collect what they cover, sooo...if you can recommend a few hard copy examples that you feel are invaluable to the novice collector of just about anything I'd love to hear the titles and would definitely try to get them.

  12. Thompson, it will probably sound odd, mostly because idk your age, but have you ever watched Rug Rats? Bag marks to me look like cartoon kid teeth. Lol! There's usually 2 together and are straight on the top and rounded almost to a point on bottom. Now, of course that would marks made by a coin with a Reeded edge and not by another Cent. Again, I think it's an absolutely beautiful coin, and would likely go between at 61. I am in love with the Reverse. 

    Lisae, I for one am glad to have you and hope I am able to help you on you way to becoming a great Numismatist. I love that word. 

    Kurt, I have no idea where Rosemont is, and am so poor that I haven't been on vacation in 42 years so can't imagine that I would take off and head that way, so we will have to get to know one another right here in there forum. I hope it winds up being a good relationship for us both. 

    Gosh I hope I covered everything.

    Again, absolutely gorgeous VDB.

  13. I like to refer folks to websites that will allow them to answer their own question. Mostly because if you do your own research you learn so much more than if I just give you the answer every time. There is a LOT of learning to do and the more you study the faster you'll learn.  Like Doubled, notice it isn't double, DoubledDie.com . A person can pick a year and look at every known Doubled Die there is and if their coin matches...great! If not it is likely machine doubling. 1959 was a very long time ago and although not unheard of there is very little chance of discovering a new Doubled Die on a. '58 in 2019. Give the site a look see and see what you think. There are many such sites that are a wealth of informatio and you will decide which you like best.  If you are really into Lincoln Cents, I found lincolncentresource.com to be the most valuable site for general info when I first got started and still refer to pretty often. Happy hunting! -Karen

  14. I would get the PCGS PhotoGrade and CoinFacts Apps to start. I would do that now as you are sorting through them. Those 2 apps will give you a ballpark figure of what each is worth. As far as selling them, I mean idk? If it is like a truly fantastic collection worth big money you might want to consider an auction house. Odds and ends I would use eBay or a FB auction group. I know NGC sells coins but idk what their process is. Maybe once you have a better idea what he has you could post a query in the ask NGC/NCS ( I think) Forum. Good luck.

  15. 1 hour ago, Lisae228 said:

    I would like to hear opinions of the 1886 O Morgan silver dollar.. Everything I read goes back in forth from one news article to another. That's it is....that it isn't a valuable piece.. Just curious to what real people had to say..I just got one and wanted to know more about the date n history.. Any opinions are appreciated

    Welp, idk anything about Morgan's and only have 3, 1 of which is counterfeit. What I do know is the PCGS CoinFacts App. According to it 1886 was a year for substandard coins from New Orleans and many millions were made. Yet, one in MS 65+ graded and stabbed has garnered $265,000.00. Sooooo.... I guess beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.


    Check out this 1886-O $1  on PCGS CoinFacts!

  16. 19 hours ago, Lisae228 said:

    Mrs Karen, I think u have an awesome outlook, an your attitude/personality seems to be knowledgeable, understanding and way more valuable than someone with years of experience. Forums are meant to help  beginners and others who have questions in their hobbies that they enjoy doing, not meant to discourage them from them.. Everyone has different reasons n pursuits in what they do and how they get there..I joined this last night. But doesn't seem like it's very friendly.. Almost seems like Facebook drama but a tad bit worse cause u don't truly know all of the people on here...

    Well, I had entered a big long response and all of a sudden it was just gone. Maybe I wasn't meant to say publicly what I had written. The Universe is hard at work on me tonight. Anywhooo...please don't allow one lonely old dude to run you off. The guys in this forum are truly the best of the best and idk what I'd have done without them. I like my FB Groups too but these guys are top of the line and most of the time very patient and helpful, but everyone has bad days and I've noticed one of them is MIA for about a week so maybe that is on their minds too. So don't run off! Hey, stick around! (You gotta kinda sing those last 2 lines)You will learn much and if you can take the criticisms that are sure to come your way, you might just make some friends while we're at it. Just remember, always post both sides of your coin with a clear question and close up of the questioned area. It makes all our lives easier. Easy=Happy -Karen

  17. Well, imho, the 2 dings are merely 110 year old bag marks, the coin is definitely not red-idk anything about fat fingers and late nights. I also don't think it is even close to MS63 and I only zoomed in on the obverse. I doubt NGC or PCGS was the grader. All that said... I absolutely love it. I think it is a very handsome coin. The mix of colors on the reverse just do something for me, plus I've always been partial to the dark brown Cents as opposed to lighter or even red ones. I also totally dig the brushed finish. Ok I went back and enlarged the reverse as well. Those are some fairly deep scrapes above the O of ONE, so definitely 60 to 62 tops. Still a grand example though. I'd have totally bought it too.

  18. So after looking at what seemed like 5000 photos I finally figured out what the coin my Best Friend gave me for my birthday is-not the counterfeit one, smh. This is an 1820-1821 Silver 1 Dirham from the region that was Morocco before it was Morocco, I think. I have been unable to find one online that is as old so if any of you can help me value it that'd be great, as well as any more information about the era and area in which it was made. If there is some resource that I can look up and research I'd love to know it. After looking at all these different type of hand stamped coins I know these are what I am meant to collect. I am amazed at how this coin, as small and as thin as it is has survived for 200 years. So have a look see y'all!

    *that's a nail file in the photos for reference








  19. 2 cents coming at you, only because mine eyes are tired so I can't see my coins and I am bored...

    I wonder if you Emicoins is still following this thread as you fellows go at each other about a whole lot of nothing except who can be pompous than the last. Lighten up, will you please?

    We know you guys have 100+ years in the hobby and likely lnow more than the rest of us combined in whichever area you have chosen to concetrate on. So I shall judge you equal on knowledge of the coin. But only on your respective areas. So egos are a wash.

    Errors are cool. I just got an Attribution for Wexler's/Ribar's Doubled Die website listings and am absolutely on top of the world. Anything that makes a girl feel this good cannot be bad. I have cracked/crazing skulls that would blow your mind and sometimes I like to look at simple Die Chips like they are clouds in the sky and I am a little girl lying in the grass making pictures of them. Tell me, Sir, how reliving a childhood joy can be useless or a big lie? Errors aren't only DD's. There are many different things that can happen during the minting process that can create a coin that is really cool to look at. Take ole boys 76 Eisenhower as an example. Is that not the coolest tidbit of Numismatic mystery you've heard about for quite some time? I know it has many of us scratching our heads. So, now error coins bring people together too. People who would otherwise be bored and lonely now have a common interest in figuring out how the spoon did that Ike wind up on the wrong metal when the weight matches nothing. 

    Yes, youtube videos are bunk, for the most part. But what about the ones that deal with the processes a coin must go through to become a coin? Those are informative and show us all how these errors occur in the first place, except for that Ike. So yeah, stay away from BJ's whoever's page and any like it, but don't cast them all down to Hates, because some of us are not wealthy or even 'doing ok' enough financially to have ever had gone on vacation much less to an actual Mint Facility and see the workings firsthand. So please be clear with what you say and don't group things together that should be kept separate. 

    Am I rambling again? I tend to do that when I'm tired. And I apologize, yet will continue on...

    Making the same point repeatedly doesn't make the point any more acceptable. I get that, like my Dad, people get set in their ways and in how they think, but even Dear Daddy-O enjoyed sitting and watching videos of Rodney Dangerfield and Rockabilly Shows.  AC/DC and Nervous Norvous. He even listened to Cake and Lamb Of God. You wanna know why? Well ima tell you anyway...because as old fashioned and set in his ways that he was, he still saw the value of broadening his knowledge base and thus his horizons, because staying stuck in one place makes life monotonous and boring. And if ones life is monotonous and boring then so is that one. I'm sure none of us wants to grow old and cratchety. So get on your media device of choice, be it a PC or a CherryPickers Column and broaden your horizons. Because being narrow minded will leave you out and away from everyone else, all by yourself and lonely. And nobody wants to be alone, for real.

    So let's am click this link ima sharing here, and stop this arguing and have a good laugh together instead. Ok? How about it? It'll be fun, just you watch it and see.


  20. Welp, the letter was a giant disappointment and sucked much of the joy right out of me. Smh. I guess that's the femininity in my coming out. I've really wanted an Attribution ever since I knew there was such a thing and it just "ain't all that". I am still happy just a little disappointed. Rant over. Thanks for your attention. I won't do that anymore. Lol! Here it is! I mean he cut my name and address out of the note I enclosed and used it as the address to return it to me. Who does that?!

