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Everything posted by GoldFinger1969

  1. Sotheby's guestimate is $10-$15 MM for both the 1933 Saint DE and the Inverted Jenny stamps. Hard to believe the price could get to $20 MM for the 1933 but it is only 5% per year appreciation. Let the bidding begin !
  2. Bingo....that Mexican gold coin description you gave is SO NICHE that since all you need are 2 serious bidders (or 3 or 4 or 5) that if 1 or a few disappear, the price can plummet. At least with Saints and Liberty DE's you have a SOMEWHAT more liquid market. Not liquid like stocks, but you won't see prices for high-grade coins or rarities plunge overnight by 20-30%.
  3. Do you have a link to your Rooster Register, QA ? Like you said, enjoy the coins.....tha's why we do this. If you collect, when certain coins are available, you have to buy them THEN and THERE and not wait. You might not get another chance for years -- or ever. It's not like the stock market where you can ALWAYS buy that share of stock -- the only thing that changes is price.
  4. The portal blows...it's hit-or-miss. I'll keep trying. I keep getting Greg Weinman's 1933 talk with the word "stolen" highlighted. The attacks on poor Israel Switt continue......
  5. Unless you started collecting prior to a bubble spike or a long up-move in PM's (like pre-1974), coins just don't appreciate for the most part. I was looking at one of the most beautiful coins I have ever seen, the Duckor-Norweb Saint-Gaudens 1908-S MS67. David Akers bought the coin in 1988 (not an exceptionally elevated time period price-wise) for about $40,000 and then it was sold in 2012 (again, not a bubble spike price or depressed price) for about $160,000. That works out to about 6% a year, probably lower than CD's over that time, and behind bond funds and/or stocks or a balanced portfolio. I don't think that trophy coins like some of the 1907 High Reliefs or UHRs have made money over the decades, either. You'd have to go back to pre-1974 when the price of gold held all these coins down in price to probably make a great 40 or 50 year return.
  6. I hit the SAUDI book link but couldn't bring up anything on the 1928 double eagles. Even an excerpt.
  7. If this hobby is about collecting and you are done collecting, then what's there to do except stare at the coins, right ?
  8. To each his own. All I know is, I enjoy my type collecting strategy: Heritage....LCS......local coin show.....big regional show....FUN......Ebay.....Heritage....wash, rinse, repeat.
  9. I managed money for Global Crossing in the late-1990's. Drove me nuts with the 3-hour time difference or the Caribbean time zone they were in with the Fed Wire deadline at 3 PM !!
  10. Even if I had the $$$, what's the fun in that ? I want to find the coins and buy 'em on my own time and dime. If I had the money and could somehow complete an entire collection of Saints within a month, what fun would that be, right ?
  11. Harvey wrote in for the Comments section of the 1933 Saints-Sotheby's Coinweek article earlier this month.
  12. I've worked on-and-off in midtown Manhattan since 1984 and I've never stopped in at Stacks or the other places. On my "to do" list, though !!
  13. I see no ethical problem here, TOS problem, or anything similar. Go for it ! Let's see how much interest is in them.
  14. As with the SAINTS thread, if there is interest and you are providing information via back-and-forth posts, I think this community is that much better for it. Even if you benefit from any incidental sales of the books -- something you said was NOT the case with the SAINTS book -- I don't see a problem with that unless every other post you do has a link to Amazon or Wizard or the publisher. We SHOULD support other posters here who are publishers and/or authors. If someone has a book or article or piece of research, I want our community to be aware of it. JMHO.
  15. Yes, they just got in the 2020 show by a few weeks. It was right after FUN 2020 because I was still worn out from that show and trip so I didn't get into NYC for 1-day to see the NY International Show.
  16. Easier to have it in the 'burbs. But the NY International Coin Show (Waldorf ?) is held in Manhattan. But that's a pricey niche show.
  17. Eventually I want to goto ANA and Long Beach. For now, given my resource$$$, locals, regionals, and FUN is enough.
  18. Is Rosemont just outside of Chicago ? O'Hare ? When you think about it, we have 3 Big Shows on the East Coast (FUN), Central (ANA), and West Coast (Long Beach). Nice diversity !
  19. Stacks wants you to call-in with an appointment. Not sure about HA, I am a registered bidder for their online I get the feeling they are a bit more low-brow than Stacks and you can probably walk-in off the street. I'll know in a few months.
  20. Sounds like a great catch, congrats. You might want to check out high-priced coin sales @ HA (or other online sources) and check their archives for commentary and information. It not only might be new information you weren't aware of, but you can cut-and-paste into a Word/PDF document for your smartphone/PC if other sources aren't available that way. I can't get online/PDF formats for any the Saint books I have. So having the detailed commentary + Akers Comments from the HA archives is a good alternative.
  21. Yup, good find Conder. It was very good, but I'll wait for another free airing. I don't understand how PBS no longer has broadcast rights -- unless they want to sell DVDs. It was THEIR program and this isn't like "The Wonder Years" and the song copyright fiasco. Maybe they're selling a bunch of the DVDs because of the Covid tie-in and don't want to run it again on TV or online. Dunno.........oh well.
  22. By "he" you mean David Akers ? Someone else ? I went into the HA archives and punched up every sale of the Duckor Saints -- and some other premium Saints from other sales -- to not only get the descriptive information on the coins but the additional solo commentaries from David Akers. With all of my DE and Saint books NOT in PDF/smarpthone format, I am able to cut-and-past them into Word and PDF formats for my phone and PC.
  23. Where'd you get it from, WC ? Norweb I know of, Sellshopp -- never heard of it.
  24. I want to check them out, along with Heritage, once Manhattan opens up again.
  25. Their headquarters is now in CA ? And they moved from 57th to Park Avenue so I doubt they are saving much $$$ on the Manhattan rent. Wonder why they moved.