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Everything posted by Coinbuf

  1. Hopefully someone will out bid you on those MS68 graded coins, I have always felt that the nickels do not get enough love and points for how rare they are at the MS67 and MS68 level. And the minimal points change is one of the reasons I have never wanted to spend the money to upgrade my MS67's.
  2. In the current market grading that PCGS uses, luster and color are far more important than surface hits or condition. While I cannot really see it in this photo the op posted I'm betting that the luster is very strong under the colorful (as many would call it) tarnish and that those two features carried it to that loft grade. Also this is a 1964 coin and the mint quality in most of the 60's was dismal at best and while I do not think that aspect should be a factor it does seem to sway some graders. Personally, I would not pay much for it as I need the surfaces of the coin to be in much better condition to pay 68 money, but I have no doubt that a heavy hitter PCGS registry player will/has paid up for this.
  3. The 1807 has a very unnatural look and is without a doubt 100% not original. If you like it and you did/do not pay a premium for this type of AT look that is all well and fine. I would suggest that you note in your files or inventory that this coin is AT.
  4. From the photos it looks like a badly cleaned, damaged coin which also has no; or extremely limited; collector value or interest from knowledgeable collectors. Just because something is old does not automatically make it valuable, value is a function of condition, rarity, and demand. There are lots of rare items that have almost no demand and thus are cheap relative to how rare it is, and there are lots of things that are not so rare but have high demand (because of exceptional condition in many cases) and thus high value. Your 1913 UK penny is a neat item, but just not valuable in that condition.
  5. You do not have a coin struck from doubled die, the rev die was very slightly misaligned something we call MAD (misaligned die). It is very minor, happens often and has no collector value or interest unless some portion of the design or letters are missing.
  6. Damaged, looks like someone may have used some type of tool, belt sander maybe, in an attempt to create an error to sell somewhere like etsy or insta. Not a true mint error and as hoop noted now that the coper plating has been removed the zinc core is eroding to dust.
  7. Good for you and glad that you are using the knowledge you have learned to good use.
  8. No such thing exists to my knowledge, and I see no signs of any sort of true doubling.
  9. I would never even attempt to assign a grade, details or otherwise, to a polished coin, this is what I call ungradable. As to your question why, perhaps as already said it may have been a clothing or jewelry item, also quite possible it was polished to remove a very deep/heavy gash or mark and marketed to the unknowledgeable. Like it or not shinny sells to non collectors, look at how many people show up here every week with "shinny" (or gunky coins that they want to know how to make shinny) coins and what to know how much their treasure is worth.
  10. The way that travels up the O of dollar it looks to be on the coin.
  11. Reholder is only to change the holder, not for grading and variety attribution. To have the VAM on the holder you would have to have it regraded and pay the grading and variety fees. And you will lose the old holder, so unless that VAM is very rare and adds considerable value you will be spending a lot of money you may never get back. Obviously if having the VAM on the holder is more important to you than the money then you know how to proceed.
  12. To the best of my knowledge NGC will review the coin for strike designations under the economy tier just the same as any other tier. I am not aware of any bias by any TPG to note or not any strike designation because of the tier it is sent under. The only change you might see is if the strike designation adds significant value to the coin then NGC might automatically change the tier level and charge you the difference. This can happen with some dates/mm; as an example some FB Merc dimes have quite a value change vs a same grade non FB example.
  13. What you send to a grading company is up to you, in the scenario you suggest I would expect that as hoop wrote you will receive the coin back in a details holder at best, and having it sent back as ungradable is highly likely. I personally would not send in a coin like the one you have described, but it's your hard earned money so how you spend it is your choice.
  14. Yes, I own a vending machine company so I see a few "oddities" now and then like the confetti nickel. But most of those I actually did find on the ground, the dime is the weak link so far, that one looks much too good for the set. I'm still on the hunt for a "better" dime and of course the half and dollar, just a fun set to keep the juices flowing.
  15. Your Late!! I put this together a couple of years ago, but you are correct that the half and dollar are hard to come by.
  16. Because the Denver mint was not supposed to make any copper cents in 1982 only zinc cents. The two that have been found were likely just a couple of planchets from 1981 that got accidentally mixed in with the zinc planchets. While it is possible that there could be a few others floating around, you have a better chance of winning the lottery while arm wrestling an alligator than you do finding one searching your change or rolls. There are lots of youtube vids that make lots of money because there are tons of suckers who believe the get rich quick hype. The truth is that the guys with the vids are the one's getting rich off all those suckers clicking on their vids.
  17. As JP said there is nothing that we can do to help you with the limited information you provided in your original post. We are happy to try and help but if you want help you have to help us, I suggest that you review the post at the top of the newbie section.
  18. VG or F12 at best is my call, but as already noted this coin has issues.
  19. Some collectors would appreciate having that documentation with the coins, some will not. If the person you received the collection from is important to you perhaps finding one or two and framing them along with the coins (or photos of the coins) would be a cool family keepsake.
  20. If it was just taken from a bank roll that had not been opened before it is possible that the coin may not have seen enough circulation to have any rub or evidence of handling from circulation. If so it could very well grade as uncirculated even tho it was found in pocket change. A grader has no way to know the travels of the coin he grades, the coin in front of the grader may have seen very minor circulation or have been plucked right from a mint roll or mint set. I have a complete set of ATB quarters that I put together form just change finds and I would bet, if I wanted to waste the money, over half of the coins would grade as BU or better if submitted. Many unc coins have seen some minor circulation, the term and distinction is less literal and more subjective. As an example, if I went to the bank and asked for a fresh roll of 2022 dimes and submitted all the coins in that roll most if not all would come back as unc not AU. And to be clear, the 96 Bill posted may very well be AU, the photo has some dark shadowy areas so its not real easy from that photo to see if the coin has any circulation "rub" or not. That is why I said MS64 at best, it could very easily grade as AU with a proper exam.
  21. What you have is a regular everyday clad dime that has been environmentally damaged. It may have spent time in the ground, exposed to heat or chemicals, I am not sure from the photos alone, but I am sure its nothing special and worth exactly 10 cents.