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Everything posted by Coinbuf

  1. I would be genuinely interested in seeing photos of one or two of the errors that you found and sold.
  2. Draped and capped type coins are tough as so many have been abused or messed with. Some will consider me a bit of a coin snob in some ways as I dislike lower circulated grades and damaged coins. I can appreciate the history those coins represent, and why many collectors like those coins, the places those coins have been and stories they could tell. But I just don't enjoy owning or viewing coins under the grade of XF most of the time. When I'm looking for seated or earlier type coins I appreciate a CAC sticker as I know I have not seen and cannot be an expert in every series. Knowing that the coin has been seen by one of the very best set of eyes in the industry is helpful. That doesn't mean I like every CAC beaned coin, but it does add some reassurance and helps to avoid problem coins. Originality and eye appeal are the key points when looking at circulated 18th century coinage. These are the factors that are the most important for me when deciding between two or more coins of the same grade.
  3. While you make some good points and I agree that (imo) the forum format facilitates discussion vs photo sharing. I can also see how the mycollect site with its specific groups could make networking easier for those really focused on only one area of numismatics, just as Neo mentioned above. Everything has its positives and negatives.
  4. Everyone has to decide for themselves what price to put on whatever ethics and morals they may have. Personally I put a higher value than a few bucks on mine, but I think I'm more the anomaly than the norm in today's world.
  5. Maybe, maybe not Ian, I certainly could be jumping to conclusions. But I've watched several of the members of your new site while a member of this and other coin forums over the past 20+ years. So, while they may not be doing those things now while the site is in startup mode, some of those individuals have been less than accepting of forum members who don't align with their beliefs and thinking. Tigers don't change their stripes, I'll bet that most will return to how they have acted towards anyone that they disagree with. Especially as they now have power over the group they have started in a way they don't have in a forum setting. I get that my comments sound very negative about your new site, I'm not trying to be. I also get that this IG, FB style format is one younger collectors have come to appreciate so it makes sense that you and your team set the site up with this format. But I truly dislike the format, it's designed to segregate, fragment, and compartmentalize the community. Plus it is a total time suck as you have to review each group, then scroll down to see what is happening, it just isn't a format that I like. The forum format like here and PCGS is far easier to view, I can quickly scan the threads and read those that interest me, simple and easy. I also dislike that many, well over half in some groups, of the posts are dealers spamming coins they are selling instead of using a central selling group. But again even if you can stop the spamming and get all that into a central selling place the need to scroll endlessly to see what is for sale, ugh. I'm sure it will be successful and I wish you well with the site, it's just not for me. I'm not interested in likes and followers, for those who enjoy that your site will be very enjoyable.
  6. Welcome to the forum, I'm afraid you have been misinformed or mislead about what is rare or valuable. I've been collecting Lincoln cents for 40+ years and I wouldn't pay anything more than face for your coin. What Bob wrote above is correct, the mint extends the life of dies by reconditioning and polishing them. That can result in some loss of fine details like the roof uprights. The missing initials could be from that or a filled die due to grease. Neither of these things is rare or valuable, unfortunately less scrupulous types of dealers and collectors have hyped these as something of importance and equally unfortunate is that newer collectors have at times bought into the hype. As a result you might be able to sell this coin on sites like eBay or social media for a few bucks assuming you can sleep at night doing so.
  7. That is the question, unfortunately there has been no clarification from either NGC, PCGS, or CAC as to what or where the issue is. There are threads on all three forums on this problem with nary a peep about what or where the problem is. You are correct that any individual can do a cert lookup on the CAC website, so why not the TPG's. There has been speculation that the problem lies with the recent website name change at CAC, however, that domain name change would be a very simple programmer fix, something any entry level programmer could do in a very short amount of time. So is it as simple as allocating the few minutes to change a line or two of code at the TPG end; or is there something else going on. The continued silence by all parties is rather frustrating and only leads to more speculation.
  8. Sadly cash is almost dead as a medium of exchange, everyone wants electrons now.
  9. I would not get your hopes up, these are not going to be found in circulation. The few that are known were most likely made by a moonlight mint employee and smuggled out of the mint. Yes small date. but look at the damage to the rim and bottom of the bust, notice the silver color, that is the zinc showing.
  10. I believe that JP is correct that looks to be a long linear plating bubble. I guess there are some people that are willing to part with their hard-earned money for something as minor as a die crack with a cutesy name like spike head, I sure am glad that I am not among them.
  11. That was the goal of the ANA registry that NGC was working on providing. Sadly, I suspect that when NGC was bought by wall street that was scrapped as too expensive with no positive impact on the bottom line. It is too bad as I would have loved to see how that would have looked and worked.
  12. I fail to see the correlation between these two issues, CAC is not PCGS and PCGS is not CAC. And given the problems and backlash that NGC received the last time they paused the use of PCGS graded coins in the registry I would really doubt NGC would repeat that mistake again. Plus at the winter FUN NGC announced that CAC graded coins would be allowed to be used in the NGC registry, if NGC were to once again disallow PCGS graded coins then by default they would also need to backtrack that recent statement and disallow CAC graded coins too. Honestly none of that would be a good look for NGC.
  13. I agree @Fenntucky Mike I too cannot find a central forum or whatever that might be called in this type of format. This seems to be formatted like FB or IG where you have to search the site to find the specific area you want. And it seems that the individual that starts a group is in control of that group so if that person decides he/she doesn't like a member (new or old) he can simple boot that person out of the group for any reason. This feels very clickish and not in any way inclusive, it seems to me that this will end up with a ton of individual groups of just a few people being active as any dissenting opinions or replies will be shut down really quickly. One example I found, there is a group called toned coins, but a member started another group called attractively toned coins. Attractive is somewhat arbitrary and while often many will agree that is not always true. So my assumption is the person that started the attractively toned group has the say on what is posted and will delete any content that he/she doesn't like or feel fits with his/her idea of what is attractive. That feels very cult like and exclusive not inclusive, yes men only need apply it would seem. I guess that is basically how FB or IG work so the younger generation are fine with that, just not my cup of tea. I also am not a FB or IG person so the format is difficult to navigate, not that I cannot find my way around or understand it but simply that its a clunky design imo. A forum like here is easy to read, just go to the section and scan the threads for any that interest you, open and read. The mycollect site requires you to search around for a group and then scroll down to see replies and any replies to those replies, clunky with lots of extra clicks. Meh, I might sign up but only for access to the buy/sell area, the rest of the site is not what I would enjoy.
  14. Its a new website that launched today, created by Ian Russel of Great Collections. From what I have read so far the site is an all in one site, social media/forum mishmash, but supposedly also includes some stolen coins reporting component and a coin registry as well. I visited the site briefly today but could not find a way to navigate the site past the main login screen (I did not join so that may be the issue). My impression from reading a thread about it on the PCGS forum is that it seems geared towards the twitter/instagram crowd, but again without being able to move around the site I'm just going on what I have read. www.mycollect.com
  15. If so what are your thoughts on it, I looked at it breifly but there seemed to be nothing to see at the home page.
  16. No need to write NGC, NGC is aware of the problem See Here the real issue is that there is no way of knowing yet how it will be resolved. Nice to you see you active with your set again, congrats on the 40-S.
  17. Good luck Hog! Hope you find something nice in those jugs. Edited to add: after I wrote that I realized that my words could be taken a completely different direction.
  18. Very nice find in a circ roll for sure, not wasting our time just remember that we cannot see the coin only the photos you supply. The better the photos the better the opinions. From these photos I can only see it grading as BN. Should you decide to submit please come back and update with the grade it receives, I've been collecting copper for 40 years so I'm always interested to see how my prediction does against the grading room.