Michael Byrne

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About this journal

Hi everyone just to let you know I don't have a clue on what I doing but I will Give it a shot. About five years ago I bought what was called a Conder token. The seller was very nice and actually sent me a book to help me. Coder tokens come from England and were made during the 18th century. I found a particularly great die sinker and designer named P. Kempson. He had two sets , one of England's buildings and one on Coventry England. He decided that he would do a set of 19 tokens. Now they say half penny or penny in the England set. They were made for collectors. They new these were special so did Kempson. People who collected them took excellent care of them. In my set they are all MS ,some red  brown one Proof Like.. Now these go back to 1797. They didn't have the tools they have today. Yet you can count every brick every window and cobblestone in the street. Some of these buildings still stand today and were built long before 1797. Some were built in the 1300's and before.Now some were made allot earlier to sustain regular life. England had gone thru three wars. Ours for independence one with the French and there revolution.. The monarch would not realize silver or gold. They were near bankrupcy. So farmers and store owners had these copper tokens made to pay workers so people could by food and clothing. Like our tokens from the civil war. Many were used extensively. But the great die sinkers were collected for there workmanship.. Now.I believe this is the first step no clue were to go next. I could go on for hours but I think you get the picture of shark will be putting up. I hope you enjoy them five years is a long time to put a set together. Two years to find one. But my friends at the ANA helped out by looking. They looked on line hundreds of sights and every major show in the U.S. Nothing. I thought of throwing in the towel many times. I had made deals with the big sellers auction houses. Nothing. The answer was three this and miles away. That's were I found a gentleman named Merfyn . He would see one tell me I would bid and win. Never lost one. Finally it was completed in December of last year. I felt so happy and such a release of pressure I couldn't believe it. They are all graded between MS 63  to MS 65. I have bored you enough there are books on the and I don't feel like.writing one if there are questions I don't know but if there are I will try and answers them. Thanks.Mike

Entries in this journal

Condor Tokens

Hi everyone its been to long. For that i apoligize. I realized what happened to me, i got old. After 27 years of studying sets complaing about the mint. Studing sets and putting them together time has caught up to me. I know it was the Condor tokens that took the most out of me. Die sinkers plachants,designs detail reserch history. The Soho mint the Birgmingham mint all has caught up to me. The Coventry set did take allot i mean five years looking for P..Kempsons wonderful art on copper was amaz



If There Is Anything To Get My Irish Up It's The Mint

Well like I said in the title I'm upset again with the mint. Now I know they have put out some wonderful coins. I can't say they haven't. But I just found out that in 2020 were going hunting again. Or should I say your going hunting. There doing the same thing with the 2020 quarters as they did in the flop of 2019. There is a spin. A privy mark celebrating the end of world war two. Now I followed last year very close. So far I believe four percent of last year's have been found.There are two tho



Well it's Been a while But I'm Back.

Hi everyone. It's been a while but I have been very sick. Starting in May with surgery to six hours in September to six  in December. I figure you have a right to know. First get P.C.G.S. out of here. There very liberal with there grading. Check the records. It's a disgrace. What I think is this is the first move in a take over by N.G.C. of P.C.G.S. They have had so many problems even giving our rewards to those who supposedly found The first W  quarters. A cry of please send us your submissions



Conder Tokens Art In Copper

My friends. I'm sorry I have been away from the site. I have had a run of bad luck. Surgery in May and I broke my hip a month and a half ago. So with rehab it's been tough.. I have written allot about these little gems. That's what they are. Underrated here in the United States. Well some.if our coins are underrated. I want to change that. Why kids and collectors are missing out on some of the most beautiful tokens you ever saw. Recently someone read my writings and decided to write an article.



Good Afternoon May I Help You?

Hi Mike here. I am a member of the ANA. You every get a chance to call NGC customer service. I have many times. And every time they take time to help me out. I call for a problem I may be having with a coin. Every time they take care of it. There all very good and all very nice and very knowledgeable. I don't call because of a grade because they don't grade. They will tell you what to do it you have that problem. I don't call because it was improperly cleaned but they will tell you what they can



1609 Jetson(Token) County of Flanders

Well I tried a few times to get this coin up. Well it's here.. Won it At an auction at a great price. Looked up the history there was so much it actually confused me. I did recognize the different countries on the shield.The Feur di Lis. England, Scotland,and and also on  the shield three Irish Shamrocks. This was something England did. They would put the countries they owned.. It also has the sheep hanging for shearing and for eating. It has the names of Elizabeth and Albert. These were made.at



PCGS. Paying For 25 Cent Quarters With A W!!!!!!!

Hi everyone. Well I received my New Numismatic Magizine. July 2,2019.. They had an article in there that I was shocked with. If you find one of these quarters and it gets to P.C.G.S fist you get Paid!! How dumb is that. I find one the same day but because I live further away I lose out on Two thousand dollars. I saw prices of 667.00. In was so disgusted I stoped reading it. How low can a grading company go. They had corporate problems. Graders left. There very liberal with there grading. Just Lo



West Point Cents and Quarters

Hi everyone. I have been out of commission for a while. But I'm back just allow me some time. Let's me ask you what do you think of this wonderful progarm? I will tell you what I think. It's simple it failed. The mint in West point has been making our coinage from the 1970 's till present day there were no mint marks.. How can they with all there knowledge pack a cent than didn't stay in the packaging. They made billions of cents and put them in the mintages of the other mints. Now they make a n



Why Are Conder Tokens in Such Good Shape

Hi everyone. This is a question that people ask me all the time. Well the circulated ones are not. Face it they were used to buy food and clothes. You can see the red and brown and also the proof like. Why is that?. Well Britain has been around for centuries. They learned fast. There are tokens uncirculated that would shock you with there value. Now many of these great token were collected by professional collectors. They were kept in a wooded chest with drawers. I have seen them for sale in Her



West Point Quarter Give Aways?

Hi my friends. Well as most of you know I'm a member of the ANA also. I catch some.heat but that's because I like a fair playing field for all. And we know we will never makes everyone happy. When this was announced something in my gut felt funny.. It didn't seem right for.a.reason.. I was right. You want one don't go to a store and buy something. Go to ebay. That's the only place I have seen them. There grading between 63 and 65 for the most part.  If you can find them. Now the public knows not



Awards For Journals And Sets

Hi everyone. I new here. So I just learned about the awards. I have received many in my lifetime but never for journals or sets. You see I'm collector not a dealer. I don't sell any of my coins ,tokens,or medals. There for my kids. I chose non competitive  sets. So that leaves.me out. One thing I don't understand do we collect the coins we like it are we now doing it for an awards.? I'm confused that's not hard for me. But I think it's more that we collect because we enjoy it it's in our blood a



Changing Our Coinage

Hi everyone. I'm also a member of the ANA. We have some very good and smart collectors. We have kids that you don't have here with I believe is good. Now I have been there a while. And I  have read fifty blogs here there journals. And fifty forums that's were you ask a question of ask for help. Now these one hundred combined blogs and forums all what to change this and change that. Well here are some figures according to the Treasury Department of they made a dollar coin they would lose 23 milli



Mistakes With Tokens And Labels

Hi everyone. Well I just received five tokens back from NGC.Let me tell you I'm happy there slabed. However if you thought the Franklin Press was bad you should see what they did to my Newgate token. Don't get me wrong they do an excellent job. But when they make a massive one like this it causes me problems. I'm disabled. I can't go to shows there is no club by me so I do English auctions. That's the best quality.      Now I just can't get up and go to the post office. Someone has to go fo



Why Do I Slab Conder Tokens?

Hi everyone. This is probably the most asked question concerning Conder Tokens. Some reasons are justified why they should not be. Let's go there first. The big dealers and sellers and experts will tell you that the grading companies do not know allot about these. There right. P.C.G.S. Does not even mention edge writing. This is important concerning rarity. Some labels are wrong even here in NGC. I wrote a journal on the Franklin Press. They have it down as a colonial. It was not made here and n



Collecting in Dansco Albums or Any Albums

Hi everyone. Well the first proof set has been released and they have a special gift. It's nice but there is no place marked for them. These albums depending on which ones you like perform a great service to collectors just beginning  at any age. Now where do you get the coins to put them in. I get mine from the mint. One reason the proof, and proof silver, are untouched. The uncirirculaded sets P& D also are important.  Now many of you think there not worth anything. There not valuable



The New Silver Good or Bad Idea?

Hi everyone. Well my sons started collecting the state quarters. He likes them so he continued. Well we came to The America the Beautiful Quarters. Now for the first eight years there was never a problem. Always the same. He likes MS 69 and bought the silver proof coins. We get to this year. It seems the ATB quarters are made with the new silver. I said this should be good. Well they came out and no one had them. Except the mint sets. So I started to ask why. I contacted my regular seller who ha



Franklin's Press Token

.  Hi my fellow collectors . A while ago I won an auction of a token I thought I would never own. It's called Franklin's Press. The press is in the Smithsonian Institute.. When he was eighteen years old he went to Great Britain in search of work. Well he found it printing. Now there is discrepancy about this token. It's in the Red Book book and"The Provincial Tokens -Coinage of The 18th Century. By R Dalton and D.S.Hamer" those are the D& H number you see on every token but this one doe



British Tokens of The 18th Century.

Hi fellow collectors. Well some.of you are saying there he goes again with these tokens. There is a reason for this. Like myself I know.many of you have never heard of these. Now.They made thousands of these. Some with large mintages some.with very low. By the way they were measured by ton. Not as individual tokens. There is a token I just read about only sixteen were made. The current bid is over a thousand but will go hover before the auction.. Now I just put up a set of twelve. Remember the d



Collecting Coin,Tokens,Medals

Hi fellow collectors . I'm writing this today basic simple collecting. Why? Why do we do it? Why do we spend money to buy money? Some do it for an investment maybe an I.R.A. Some do it simply because we like it. That's me.I like it . Because not only is this hobby enjoyable it's interesting. We have a saying at the ANA. knowledge is power. I be live that four year of college I have learned more about world history and our history researching what I collect. Everything tells a story. I look down



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