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Everything posted by GBrad

  1. Dip this one, or let it soak for a few minutes, in pure acetone and see what happens. It may very well remove whatever is on this coin (if it is on the surface).
  2. I think you meant to say a 69 S DDO........ Just a typo I have no doubt, but just wanted to clarify it if I am correct in saying so..
  3. I agree 100% with Woods, this is damage after it left the mint. There are a host of things that could have caused the 'rippling' effect on the reverse you are seeing. It could be from heat damage (most likely), it could be acid damage, or it could even have been place in a very powerful vibratory/ultra sonic cleaning machine which I have actually experimented with and have see comparable results. It did not leave the mint this way for sure. Nickel dies do quickly deteriorate faster simply due to the extra hardness of the Nickel planchet metal/material itself as opposed to a softer metal such as a copper Cent. This would not be anything that occurred during the striking event.
  4. My first thought before reading any of the post was a struck through hair being as tiny and small as it is. Who knows....?
  5. Thank you and you're welcome. I did notice the Prestige set boxes have been taken down from the Ebay listings. Didn't know if you knew this or have they already been sold too? Just FYI.
  6. I perused through your listings @Mohawk and you have some very nice coins! Your prices are well inline IMHO too. If I had the spare change to buy some of these things I surely would. Good Luck on your sales!!!
  7. Thank you for posting pics of your coins, I love old copper coins. They are beautiful. I have often thought about dabbling into Half Cents but once I saw the rarity and the prices of some of these jewels I had no other choice but to think otherwise...... lol. I appreciate you posting the one above. It made me do some research on the 1905, which I just learned there are three different types. I learned something new today which I strive to do each and everyday in this great hobby. I see that this is the small 5 no stems type. I had no knowledge of these different types (for the 1905) but I do now. Thanks again for teaching me something new in a roundabout manner!
  8. That is one great observation @Just Bob. I would have never thought about this, very interesting and informative. Thank you for bringing that to attention here. I do know that a lot of the dimes I look at do have that very mushy rounded look to a lot of their letters but never equated it to different dies, learn something new everyday. Any chance the op's coin is just a result of a slap worn out die thus causing the extra thickness and fatness on IGWT?
  9. Especially after a long day at work but I have found it to be even more true after a few.......
  10. No doubt this is just a damaged number in the date as previously mentioned. IMHO, I don't think it is a 5. It looks like the damaged number resembles a 9 more so than a 5. Either way, it is just damage and not an error.
  11. "So hard to see" is an understatement. Not sure what that little bright dot is in your pic. If that is your coin then even my 20X loupe is useless.
  12. I'm not seeing any oars, paddles, or even a racing vessel in your pictures. Sorry.
  13. Evidently someone put a dime in the machine and hoped to get change back...... Regardless... that is one cool old candy machine for sure!!
  14. @J P Mashoke If I didn't know better, I'd think I lived next to the Canadian border. I find so many canadian coins in bank rolls, both Nickels and Cents, it's crazy. I found one of those Canadian beaver Nickels in a roll of Jeffersons and then one of the Centennial Cents in a roll of Linc's just this week. Both coins were darn near MS condition. I've probably found literally hundreds of Canadian Cents over the years. Found two of the "hanging 3's" Cents (I believe they were 1963's, and I think that's the correct term for that Canadian variety) in the same Lincoln roll earlier this year. Both were immaculate. Pretty cool finds just floating around out there.
  15. Thank you very much for your kind post. I truly appreciate it. I do the best I can, when I can. In all honesty, the members on this forum got me to where I am today. Without them "lighting a fire under my a.r.s.e....." I may not have taken the interest, nor the time to delve into my own constant research to learn what little I know, had it not been for the extremely experienced veterans on this great site. Thanks!
  16. Ok, I'm clear now on the topic and understand (not really) about his outlandish comments. I've noticed, maybe I'm wrong here, but there seems to have always been that sort of mentality between the different branches of Service, we're better than you..... Much like Firefighters and Police Officers. We always 'jokingly' called the fire guys "Hose Draggers" and they always called us cops "Blue Canary's". Long story but if you were in public safety you know what I mean. However..... despite the differences in thinking which Armed Force Branch is better than the other..... The bottom line is this- They always have, they always will, and they always must work together in times of conflict and war in order to aide each another, within their respective capabilities and capacities, in their quest to accomplish and to ultimately complete the task and goal at hand.
  17. OK... sore subject here, and I'm not trying to open a can of anything, but I will thrown in my view in complete support of the author of this thread. Without knowing, or really giving a rats A.R.S.e, who this 'ex-anything' is.... if he, or anyone for that matter, comments negatively about our Marines an/or any of our Military, that would be more than enough to turn me away from this guy immediately (I will bite my tongue now while keeping my language polite and just say 'this guy'). I don't think there is anything at all wrong with you bringing this up in your own thread Kurt! I can pretty much guarantee you I will gladly broadcast my thoughts and opinions about anyone who degrades our past and present Troops! Ok,,,,, I'm done venting now......😤 Now.... WHERE WAS MY INVITE TO MEET UP WITH YOU AGAIN @VKurtBMy feelings are deeply hurt😞...... That show was less than an hour from me. Dang it!!
  18. It's hard to hide that money ain't it Kurt......!!! And them are some really nice coins @Mr.Bill347!
  19. Thank you very much for taking the time and looking all of this up for me JKK along with Hoopsters comment last night too. I really appreciate your expertise and knowledge surrounding these types of coins. I learned more about Aurelian and these RIC’s (learned what these letters stood for too… lol) last night and this morning than I imagined possible. Very neat and interesting history behind all of these old coins. Any idea what the B in the field stands for? I was starting to think maybe it stood for Bronze since Aurelian transitioned from Silver coinage due to several factors that I learned about while studying this Emperor. Just a thought about the B, no idea other than that. I’ve found several matches online, albeit a bit different placements of design elements here and there, but I have not found a match to my reverse with this letter B. Thanks again @JKK!!
  20. Heck, it very well may be! haha. These ancient coins are really beautiful and interesting to me but I don't think I would ever have the patience to decipher them. They almost seem to have a story to them from what I have been seeing as they progress in years. From a sun god standing on captives to what appears to be peaceful reunions amongst people. Very neat.