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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. I think all will agree a greater light source is needed before an opinion can be offered.
  2. @Oldhoopster I had a feeling that was you peering over my shoulder. Dena's watching too, so I will be cautious in my words... Simply put, you go to the source. There is no way you see 🐓, , and not think, Q.A.; likewise one cannot be tempted to think basketball and not consider @oldhoopser. Twenty-four reples have been elicited; I accept some and gloss over others. Now I would like to hear from @cladking. If he claims "errors" are not his area of expertise, so be it. Personally, I fail to see how this could have happened. I am not interested in WHAT happend; I want know WHY. P.S. This is not to impugn the replies of others. (However, my only "complaint," however unremarkable it may appear be is: I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO SEE THE EDGE. After all, wasn't that the point of the posting?
  3. @ronnie stein In my opinion, there in one, and possibly two people, who know "precisely" what imparted that bright, tangerine color to your coin. In all my years I have never seen a coin presenting that color -- and, barring the white tape on its mouth, (I assume to resist Covid-19) would venture to say the very novelty of the coin, it's composition, overall condition and color more than justifies it's price -- and then some. I like your coin, unconditionally (unless @VKurtB dispenses with the matter by simple staing: "it was immersed in Kool Aid, Quntus! You kiddin' me?" No one can account for taste; I still like it. 🐓 Yes and No. In 99.44% of improper cleanings, the cleaning agents or solvents were not subsequently rinsed off with distilled water. Even alcohol leaves a residue. And patting down with cotton cloth is verb oten. An example of "improper cleaning" would be using acid, hoverever briefly and a brillo pad which I used to ground down two miserable looking coins to a planchet-like appearace. I want to go on record as saying I truly like @ronnie stein's orange coins irrespective of the nature of the affliction and color.
  4. It is none of my business why @GoldFinger1969 would want one of those, but when the thrill is gone, pop goes the weasel.
  5. I Would love to hear from @cladkingweigh in on this. I've got a feeling, if anyone knows, he knows. I know no one more passionate of these underappreciared innovations than he does. 🐓
  6. Just what is it you or others like so.much about?
  7. If that's all you want, you have nothing to fear. Every one of these practically unique coins which, when available, are auctioned off with massive publicity. None will gavel off in my lifetime, but a whippersnapper like you stands a chance. There' not much you can do with one exception: look at it. I hope you don't develop myopia from prolonged examination. Note: I get the joke. live like the guy carrying a tin cup and a sign reading, "Alms for the poor," but if fortunes change on my end and I win a lottery or something, I've got both you and @RWB in mind. I like enuthiasm and understand the importance of serious scholarship.
  8. @Woods020 Very kind offer! After @Walkerfan announced the completion of his set, and gave a sigh of relief on a tedious job well done, I appraised my own standing elsewhere and was reminded of the actor who wanted to become the top pool player on an old episode of the Twilight Zone. He did, but overlooked the fact that winning is just the beginning. Now he had to defend his title... Few collectors get to complete a set with top pop; none finer, and I was very pleased to hear @Walkerfan is satisfied with what he has. But, human nature being what it is, the runner-up behind me at #2 lags by only a point or two at PCGS and there is no doubt the #3 here will amass the finest collection of 🐓 known to man, ensconced as I believe he is, in a major California coin outlet. I am "retired" to some extent. If a 20-franc gold rooster comes along, I will acquire it only to cement my standing. @Walkerfan may publicly state the same thing but, like me, the concept is buried deep in his subconscious and there is no telling what he or I may acquiesce to. I don't think that there is anyone anywhere who is unaware of The Rooster Guy. Nevertheless, I thank you for your generous offer of keeping fellow collectors in mind.
  9. To my knowledge, everything has ground to a halt. The prime mover, Tommy Thompson, has been in a Florida jail for 6 years on contempt charges for refusing to divulge the whereabouts of the bullion extracted from the ocean-floor with the help of a cutting-edge submersible outfitted with special equipment bankrolled by investors who apparently were never compensated. The percentage of the bounty lying on the sea floor most recently (just last week) was cited as amounting to about 20% of what was shipped. The lion's share remains inaccessible to the vast majority of people who lack the funding and expertise to retrieve it. The entire expedition was meticulouly planned, carried out and recorded and as one of the owners of a small sample of actual 49's gold nuggets distributed by Monaco, I was very disappointed with the outcome. Is there anything stopping anyone else from mounting another expedition, or has Thompson, et al. claimed their stake. I have no idea. 🐓
  10. @zadok Proposal: If that continues to be the case, maybe coin grading ought to be limited to the five most popular features on a coin, scaled 1 to 5 -- e.g., strike, preservation, luster, color and attractiveness "eye appeal," totalled up with the number established as its universally accepted, objective, grade. Right now, the grade assigned does not provide with specificity precisely what it was that accentuated or detracted from its overall value. IMNSHO. 🐓
  11. @Woods020 And let's not overlook the fact that only a small fraction of the gold bullion on the S.S. Central America was ever recovered. Tons of gold remain on the sea floor. As I recall, one of the Red Books had a special section dedicated to bars hitherto unknown to numismatists like that giant 866.19 oz Justh & Hunter gold ingot being auctioned off. Lots of ancient hoards being discovered lately. If, as the saying goes, you can't take it with you, then there's a lot of stuff being left around. @GoldFinger1969 is right about one thing. It may not be top shelf grade-wise but it's out there, raw, and yet to be found.
  12. 🐓: See, boss? This guy's got a real passion for coins! Q.A.: Tell me about it. 😉
  13. @rrantique Nice fasces! (Yeah, let 'em look it up!) 🐓
  14. [Is it just me or does anyone else get that uncanny feeling that @RWB is speaking not from research but personal experience? Either way, he looks great for a guy that's a hundred nineteen years old.] 😉
  15. A curious comment. 🤔 Evoking the Duke Brothers yelling, "Sell! Sell! Sell!" in the movie, "Trading Places." Comment: I seriously doubt all those collectors who jumped on the bandwagon early on did so in eager anticipation of seeing their investments go down the drain.
  16. @GoldFinger1969 Ever the optimist; you always have an upbeat outlook. They're out there alright. My schnozzola has picked up the scent! 😉
  17. @Hoghead515 Thanks! The photography is phenomenally good ! 👍 I just cannot seem to process an admonition or ideation that commands anyone not to see more. I want to see it all! MORE not less! Clashing dies and all we get is "maybe" "idk" "could be" "might be something else" watery, non-committal replies. Gentlemen, put the toys down (5x/7x) and get yourselves a real lense! Great job, HH! (And your writing has improved immeasurably. Keep up the good work!) 🐓
  18. @Hoghead515 Those photographs in your opening post are incredible and I am very curious as to the actual magnifications used, if known. The views depicted are up close and personal, just the way I like them. I know you are satisfied with them and I have never heard any member criticizing the routine use of megamagnification of coins on this Board, so what gives? Your photos lend credence to my suspicion that there appears to be a double standard afoot. This matter can be put to rest with transparency. What are we talking about here, low wattage is required in the privacy of one's home, but the sky is the limit when it comes to posting details? 🤔
  19. Mindful of the seemingly extraordinary number of encapsulations undertaken by all TPGS, both here and abroad , I believe it to be infinitesimal when compared to the universe of all coins ever minted and the precise numbers which remain unaccounted for whether by loss, surreptitious melting, or theft. 🐓
  20. @VKurtB & now @MarkFeld . In my heart I know you're both right, but I have had this relic since 1971 and it is impossible for me to conduct a proper autopsy or post-mortem without it. 😉
  21. I have had my share of disappointments but the very thought of resubmitting never occurred to me. I accept the portion dealt out to me and try to view the coin from the grader's perspective. I set aside the attributes and examine the deficits more closely. That's how I learned everything I know about my series. 🤔 [And I still feel my 30x loupe is not equal to the task. 😉]