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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. I'll take that to mean you are knowingly and voluntarily relinquishing your claim to that highly-coveted term of which few on the Forum know the etymology of. I am going to take it, slap a copyright on it, run with it and make me a mint doing so. A tribute to your friend and mine, the 'bama bulldog.
  2. There was a run on them, but the Royal Mint reportedly has no plans to discontinue minting coins with her likeness on them.
  3. [I was hoping to catch the gentleman I quoted, with my hook. He ignores me big time--going all the way back to the time I committed an unpardonable offense: defending what others here dismissively referred to as a troll. Ah well, the perils of coin collecting.]
  4. [What a difference a generation or two makes. Hard to believe coin collectors talk about acetone like it's no big deal. So important was acetone in the drug trade, that it was specifically placed on the DEA's list of chemicals prohibited from being exported to South America. I believe the term used was "precursor" chemicals. I don't believe I would have the guts to ask for it by name, anywhere: DEA: This you? Q.A.: Lemme see dat... Yup! DEA: What do you use this stuff for? Q.A.: Coins. I am a coin collector. DEA: FIVE GALLONS! Q.A.: I got a lot of coins. You know. Patina, Verdigris. DEA: Crime associates? Co-conspirators???] ๐Ÿ“
  5. I accept that, Learned One! I rocketed to the top and I am retired (and out of action). If anyone bests me--entirely possible--he deserves the adulation you've heaped on me. I should change my user name to Q.A., S.A. ... Significant Achievement. I like the way it sounds! Much obliged. ๐Ÿ“
  6. No, not gaol (an old British term) or the 500 smackeroos. He cryptically "chose the ladder." This is slang or shorthand for something I am wholly unacquainted with. The important thing is he's, ba-aaAK! Welcome back! "Whatcha got? Watcha got?" as Popeye would say. (Man I love this place! There's no telling who'll show up!)
  7. To be honest, no I couldn't. The reference to Linotype was my hook. Only a person old enough to remember what one was would know a Linotype is not a teletype. It does not receive messages. It cannot clatter to life on its own. It composes messages with hands-on input. But, alas, nobody took the bait. Drat! No matter. You extolled my accomplishment to the heavens! That's the pivotal moment when I became a somebody on the Forum. I don't need an expense account or a big shiny new car. I've got your imprimatur on a review! I am a force to be reckoned with! I AM A CONTENDER!
  8. I would imagine the gentleman left them in there "long enough." When you don't see immediate results, you tend to leave them there until you do. My experience, of course, may differ from yours.
  9. I don't know how this slipped by me. (They named a soda pop after you in New England!) I believe you are correct but the reason I wouldn't know is because the Coq Marianne series began in 1899.
  10. You are correct, of course! That is the proper pronunciation, but apparently not the one used here in America, or England according to Google (which provides a pronunciation feature) and Wikipedia (which doesn't). [Several years ago, the journalist Jimmy Breslin wrote a piece on the ritzy designer boutique, Henri Bendel, on West 57th Street, off Fifth. What he found were customers who effected an air, noses in the air, pronouncing it, on-REE Ben-DELL. The proprietor told him the name was pronounced HENry BEND'l. Go figure.] BTW, how many people know the correct pronunciation of viscount, boatswain and coxswain? ๐Ÿค” P.S. Did you catch member z's write-up about the Roosters? Man, I love this place! Thanks for dropping in!
  11. VER-di-greaze. [I am sure the French pronounce it differently.]
  12. [Your opinion carries a lot more weight than mine. I will be sure to relay it to the orthopedist when I see him on the 5th, two weeks from today.]
  13. Go down the block? I am behind a two-wheeled walker: Lift, Clunk, Step, repeat. Easier said than done. Let's see now, a newspaper? Out of the question here in this neighborhood. A book? Oh, I remember those... Visit other sites? I cannot believe you would try to steer me wrong! That's conduct unbecoming a member here. VHS? Virtual Hydroplanetary Syndrome. Yeah. I heard of it.
  14. This coin deserves a comment. Here's mine... If I, a traditional coin collector, were warned I would be charged with sedition, or some other High Crime, for simply stating publicly here i/f/o God and every member, that I like this coin, I would do so unreservedly and unapologetically, come what may. You've breached a few barriers here, YouTube, being one, and breathtaking photography and presentation, being another. I LIKE THE COIN! I am prepared to receive my punishment. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. @zadok: Here I am sitting at home, minding my own business and all of a sudden my ancient Linotype in a corner of my living room, bursts into activity with a 13-second banner headline, and spiel I could not believe: member zadok had apparently spotted my #1 ranked set registry, "Rooster Roster"--three years in a row now on the left coast--and paid me homage saying it was a "significant achievement"! I cannot hold a candle to true numismatists like D. L. Hansen, who won awards for at least a dozen Top Classic Sets just announced within the past 24 hours, but to put one's credibility and reputation on the line to endorse a coin compilation by a mere Roostermeister toiling quietly cloaked in anonymity, is mighty humbling. Thank you for your tribute! I am deeply honored.
  16. [I feel the need for some comedic relief... This is neither here nor there, but I believe it is ACETONE that was an integral part of "rinsing," as it were, unadulterated powder cocaine of contaminants like gasoline due solely to lack of suitable smuggling alternatives. The source, if memory serves, was the standard reference on the subject, titled: "The Cocaine Handbook," available under-the-counter in the 1980's at headshops everywhere. If the Strand Book Store had a copy it would be in the Rare Book department. It goes without saying that, if you see this highly irregular post, it simply means the mods haven't seen it first.]
  17. [Gentlemen, I accept at face value everything that's been said, but I'd like to throw this out for what it's worth... I have heard of "bag" marks; we all have. But I do not believe I have ever encountered the term "keg" marks. All in favor of officially acknowledging and adopting this hitherto unknown attribution, say Aye!] Great stuff! ๐Ÿ‘
  18. Just your luck they'll be found in the Republic of Haiti! Are you ready to take on the Tonton Macoutes? Don't look at me for help. I'm retired.
  19. Just your luck they'll be found in the Republic of Haiti! Are you ready to take on the Tonton Macoutes? Don't look at me for help. I'm retired.
  20. [Ain't that the truth. Now I know why this is so cringe-worthy. Thank you Ronnie Stein, again, for bringing my, by far more impertinent, remarks to my attention a few years back! Man, I love this place! ] ๐Ÿ˜€
  21. @rrantique: [Love the way you pivoted that '35, strategically, so as to bring out the best features it has to offer.] To the lurkers out there... when's the last time you saw reeding on an encapsulated coin? Creative genius at work here!
  22. [I wish I could experience, just once, the luxury and thrill, of frequenting other chat boards, but I cannot. Every time I so much as think of doing so, I sense Dena's presence behind me, peering over my shoulder, wagging her finger and mouthing the words: "I knew it. I knew it! A flagrant display of reckless eyeballing, entitlement and disloyalty, if ever I saw one! How many points have we assessed against him? 21? Give him 8 more!"] ๐Ÿ˜‰
  23. More like a case of "moderator's revenge." But for which of the innumerable indiscretions [correctly] attributed to me? ๐Ÿค”
  24. @Oldhoopster: I am going to preface my remark by saying you will undubitably find it to be annoying and/or offensive. Ready? Here goes... The reference to Greenland, and the topic heading, are what print journalists refer to as "the hook," a wholly gratuitous device employed to hook a reader, and reel him in. Apparently, the hook worked! Then, having achieved my objective, I very deftly moved on to the main course, what I termed, and I quote: the "Real Topic," capitalized, as hereinabove set forth, before formally introducing two terms, verdigris and patina, which I maintain I haven't seen used in some time. Now, your experience differs from mine. I am inclined to pay credence to what you say, not because I am a functional illiterate, but because you are evidently well-read--and "get out more." Your mercurial temperament, and the pointed advisories I have previously received from top management, prohibit me from saying a word more.
  25. Nothing that I know of. It's a term I no longer hear used the way I used to.