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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. [I still don't understand a word of what anyone is saying. As it is said, "ignorance is bliss." Maybe some day but not to day.] 😉
  2. Allow me, please, to take a shot at this as I have been mulling over what you've written pretty much since you'd posted it. Firstly, I am not qualified to pick up the torch--and do not have any desire to do so. Secondly, and more importantly, as it was explained to me in some class I took in college, nobody can upset you. You can, however, allow yourself to become upset. I most assuredly would not give any member the satisfaction of knowing something he had written truly upset me. Ain' happenin'!! Lastly, the member always has an option. Moderation once cited me for "contentiousness." Rather than dispute the characterization, I reviewed my conduct and decided if a post had the potential of bringing out the worst in me, I would simply scroll away. Had I felt the OP was anything but unobjectionable, I can choose to engage him knowing full well a firing squad awaits, or PASS. I choose the latter. Are there any true victories to be had on a Chat Board? I think not. [I hold you, Neophyte or not, in the highest regard.]
  3. Before we abandon ship, a gratuitous, unsolicited observation... there was a member who scoffed at a claim I once made, responding: I thought you said you were being held on "a short leash by NGC moderators?" I was and I still am. I re-assert my claim and pose a simple query: To what do you attribute the sudden appearance, literally after the passage of years, of the website's coordinator who [coincidentally] brought along a helpful, accurate, do-it-yourself guide to "ignoring" members one no longer feels the inclination to interact with? I believe her special appearance had my name written all over it. As always, I do not believe I deserve to be lavished with such an honor and attendant attention.
  4. I was wholly unaware he was not only published, but a prolific writer.
  5. Where ever did you get the idea that you can simply pick up and go? You need authorization and the only way you can get it is to file a requisition form. And I don't have to remind you the only way you can get a requisition form is to file a requisition form requesting one.
  6. [Note to viewers: I haven't the slightest clue as to what these gentlemen are talking about, but can only hope one day I will master their dialect] 😉
  7. [I am by no means a gold guy. My first love is copper, and this chocolate-brown baby is right up my alley. I love all the coins you showcase. Thanks for sharing them. (Nice denticles!)
  8. Hi Dena, It's me, Quintus! Always a pleasure to hear from you! Remember the day when you declared, "THIS STOPS NOW!" ? I am completely rehabilitated. The Chat Board, once with enhanced moderation, has reverted to the way I remember it. You have done a great job, not to mention save my life. I am eternally grateful and shall sing your praises for the duration.
  9. @VKurtB: I cannot stay long... The OP engages in a little mischief. He embellishes. He embroiders. He exaggerates. Nothing we haven't seen time and time again. Maybe it's just me, but this type of extracurricular activity does not rise to the level warranting condemnation as a Troll. What, exactly, has he deprived anyone of? Absolutely nothing! Nothing insidious. Nothing under-handed. Much ado about nothing. My assessment may have differed from yours but nobody had any trouble sizing him up and delivering their opinions. Our mutual friend, speaking on behalf of the Forum, has read us his verdict. So ordered. 🐓
  10. Your wish, sir, is my command. I am humbled, and awed that you would take time out from your busy schedule to honor me with your comment and presence.
  11. [As I am constrained, by Law, to defer to both you and VKurtB, I will take my leave without further comment, allowing you both to have the last word.]
  12. @zadok: I'm speechless! The Rooster procession was rudely truncated at the 1910th parallel. All the "originals" were discarded. How could you? And the remarks about U.S. classic coinage [though somewhat true in certain respects] were entirely gratuitous. One can reveal a great deal about one's self in casual comments!
  13. There is absolutely a story line here somewhere. [Incidentally, the parking meters--first introduced in Oklahoma in 1921, are all gone from New York City. Every business block features a machine which takes your dollars and issues you a receipt which you then place under your windshield wiper.]
  14. @RWB: [And to think schools dispensed with teaching kids how to write! No penmanship is being taught at all. The newer generation produces chicken scrawls much like doctors. Very likely these records were made with a fountain pen and sepia ink. Marvelous!]
  15. The most I have ever brought to a CoinStar was $700. worth, but I can assure you NONE of it was silver.
  16. Hold on, the City of Brotherly Love? What happened? [I don't want to hear anything about Bruno and his gaping, wide-open mouth in a car[.
  17. The gentleman may have been overbearing--in Japan they employ people to push people onto trains, but obnoxious? Nah!
  18. These things from a bygone era are rarely seen, think about it! We're always exposed to the upper strata where the air is rarefied. The OP says, Hey guys, remember these? There's nothing anyone can do about it. I have unabashedly carved out an exemption for him and he is free to post to his heart's content (with Moderation's nod).
  19. "Circulation" does not begin to describe the precise location in which they were found. I guess the mystery sounds more exciting than saying... "so anyway, my aunt Mae said I am more than than welcome to explore the old attic and help myself to whatever I find." Voila!
  20. @CoinJockey73: Not for nothing, but I believe I am the only member still left standing who had the unmitigated gall, the CHUTZPAH, to accept member Nevada S&G on his own terms. I still don't understand what that brouhaha was all about!
  21. When I am pressed on the matter of photos I remind members you can't expect much from a phone you find in a box of "Cracker Jacks." It's all good.