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Everything posted by GoldFinger1969

  1. General creditors are screwed. I never understand going for broke. Just spoke with a friend/associate I know from my investing circles. Apparently he lost a ton of money when Covid tanked the market and he got a huge margin call. I didn't know he was on margin; I knew he traded options but figured he was playing them conservatively. This guy is pretty savvy financially but he must not have seen a 6-sigma event and must have lost most of what I believe at one time was a $1 MM portfolio. Guy now works for UPS part-time, downsized his apartment by 50%, and hopes to make some money back via a restaurant chain.
  2. We should all be a bit thick-skinned here. You just can't let it bother you. I'm here to gather and accumulate knowledge and ask questions, if my butt gets tanned every now and then rhetorically, so be it. I see more people in the NEWBIE section the last year or so, but with gold sucking eggs the last few months, I think that is why our section US COINS is a bit off.
  3. Got it.....and the Satin Proofs were the closest thing to today's Mirror Proofs, right ? I think you said mirror proof technology came in the late-1930's or 1940's, right ? What causes the mirror-like finish and reflectivity in today's proofs vs. those 70-100 years ago....is it polish, better dies, improved metallurgy ? I do realize that you had a mirror-like finish on the 1907 EHR Saint-Gaudens but that was a result of the annealing process which left gold on the surface and removed copper.
  4. These crypto losses are tens of billions...even hundreds of billions when you throw in the price declines in addition to the bankrupticies.....wonder who's been getting hit ? Not sure if it's alot of Little Guys....or a few more big ones, like Three Arrows Capital ?
  5. You happy with the coins ? You like looking at them ? The price was OK and within your budget ? That's ALL that matters, Eagle. Congrats on the coins !
  6. I like anchovies, especially on a pizza !! Broccoli isn't bad, if you have some lemon on it.
  7. QA is an acquired taste, like someone who talks in rhymes or pentamic whateveritscalled. Seriously, his off-beat method of posting is akin to William F. Buckley, Jr. talking to his political opponents. However, do not confuse his erratic, eclectic, unique writing style for trolling....there are kernels of wisdom in his posts, just look at the RWB Saints Book Thread, for instance. And of course, there's Roosters.......
  8. Dave, do you have any general thoughts on "gradeflation" and/or the role of CAC ?
  9. I still am a bit confused over how "sandblasting" -- I presume that is hitting the coins with micro-particles of sand -- was able to not ruin and actually improve the coin's features or appearance. I didn't think the technology for this was even around until a few decades ago. Time to hit FMTM again I guess.
  10. I think that is mostly over, RWB, at least in alot of the larger gold and silver coins where most stuff has been properly graded and/or already re-submitted. I still see threads over ATS and elsewhere about a particular U.S. coin -- the Franklin Gradeflation Thread being a classic -- but I don't think that MS-65 Saints are getting MS-66 grades in any quantity. And if that happens.....well....then CAC is our best friend.
  11. Well, the TPG grades in theory reduce that likelihood. If gold is unchanged in price from some fixed time a while back, then MS-65's and MS-63 generic bullion substitutes for a 1924 Saint shouldn't have moved materially. I see a SLIGHT premium in the weekly auctions I watch, but nothing dramatic. I don't see MS-65's getting MS-66 money.
  12. If supply is short, raise price to meet demand. Economics 101. Maybe supply was artificially cut in 2020 since coin shows and even visits to a LCS were kaput.
  13. Thanks for the links.....I never "sold it short".....I just haven't seen as much media focus as on other high-end collections and/or purchases.
  14. I haven't seen as much in articles and the media/internet on Tyran as I have with Simpson. Just sayin'........
  15. Their registry is under "Elite Collection" over ATS....and EC has posted a few times in the RWB Saints Book Thread.
  16. We just know him/her by their registry name, "Elite Collection." Has made some interesting posts and very courteous, hope he/she sticks around and posts more. But no, we have no idea who their real identity is (Clark Kent ? ) since they do not want it public to arouse bidding problems for coins they seek out. I do have the Justice League working on their secret identity and will report back....
  17. Yeah, I believe the EDIT function allows that...but don't worry if the most recent posts are different than the earlier ones or the OP/title.
  18. There are 1907 MCMVII High Reliefs.....and 1907 Arabic (1,2,3,.....) numerals. https://coinmintages.com/saint-gaudens-double-eagle-mintage/
  19. I was unaware of the seller fees since I've only been a buyer. But if sellers are ALSO paying a commission, that RAISES the price to the buyers.
  20. Maybe....but if it took 30 years for Greece's Socialist nonsense and fiscal gluttony to metastasize, how long will it take for a global financial reserve currency superpower to hit the debt wall ? You and I won't be around to see it.