ant11's Journal

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i have recently aquired lots of foriegn coins. huge amounts. and am enjoying the time going through them. im going to be filling some books of type coins. much funn! also i have working on my 20th type set( money spent in the 20th century) and the hunt for the fh 25c slots is going good and not over 1000 $ spent yet. by next yr i hope to have 7 complete regestry sets. going well so far! i have learned that in the last yr i havnt been paying enough atention to the grading standards. and i h



re:cleaned or not cleaned 2

i and probobly all of us have gone through cleaned coins. i was right where u r @ 1 point. i baught some 21 and 28 peace dollars which all came back cleaned(u dont wana know what i lost)so now i work with very few ppl on raw old coins. 1. once u find a place tha cleans there coins add it to a bad list and dont go back. 2. find a trustable dealer/seller that will help u find a nice coin. 3. once u find a trustable person stick with them and find out who they trust. and most important te



hours, days, yrs and memories

ive been spending lots of time collecting i have been spending countless hours on ngc boards,,and other collecting forums trying to get my sets complete. maybe i am rushing into things,i dont know. my life was changed when my father died and handed down a coin collection not even my mother knew about. he was always putting things aside to make sure we would be covered in time of need. he had stamps,coins,bank notes........ my collecting has helped me remain close to my fath



done,so close ,and a few more

i have been focused on 3 sets lately! first i finalized my proof ike dollars. it is not the best top 10 but im syked to have finished it at rank 36. second is my small type cents set where i need only 1 coin the flying eagle in au-ms(low ms) that set is ranked 22. again not top but for what little time ive spent on it i think it is turning out very well! and finaly my brother and i's birth yr set 1979 proofs. this set i just started but have all pr69 dcams so far and just need a few more



2 weeks

in 2 weeks i will have been a member for 1 yr thinking back to the begining i didnt know what i was collecting. the exitement took over and i swapped out my sets over 13 times. now i have my focus and does it feel good! my ike proofs are 1 coin away from finalization. and my peace dollar set is coming very nicly! but my fave set has to be the small type set that i only need a ngc flying eagle cent!!!! i hunt and i hunt ( which is the most fun part) for the final singles i need with no prevai



my thaughts on regestry

i for 1 would love to see only ngc slabs in the regestry. pcgs has its own site for there regestry why do they need to be here. is ngc making money by having them allowed here. i think that if i owned a company and there was another like it competing with me i wouldnt want there product in my area. lots of ppl collect just to collect and others do it as a compatition.comptition ruins things sometimes.thats why i only collect to collect,my sets r not and probobly never will be top.and i don



finaly 1 set down

i have finaly finished 1 set the set i have finished is my proof ikes. even tho it is a small se and no where neer the top set i feel gr8 being that i finished 1 set. i have been working an many sets at once and got no where fast so i sat back and stuck to one set for 1 month, and bingo i did it. i am waiting for the final 2 coins to come in, but it is done i know i can finaly when they get here put into safe. the next sets are going to be much harder to finish: ms peace set ms franki



re:interesting predicament

i for 1 have every single coins in my sets or at least put on a regestry. i feel much more cumfertable knowing that the coin i sell is the coin they will get or i will refund for. it is a safety feature that i love. : i sell coin- coin reaches customer/trading partner-they then regester"try to" i get a mesege saying that some1 is trying to put the coin in there set-bang double the delivery confirm and i even have the email for my records : i know some people dont swap the coin to the buyers



wrong pricing on wrong slabs

i read a post talking shortly about the pricing of slabbed coins...... i get frustrated daily looking on ebay and seeing a ngc or other slab( not pcgs) being priced using the pcgs price guide. this is like buying a kia @ a benz price. if you are selling a coin in a ngc slab and dont have a account to check verifacation it is easy enough to find some1 that can for you. i never buy a coin in a auction that has been priced by anothers guide. now if it is a pcgs coin then pcgs is the right



re:time for discounts

i for 1 have held off on giving them the extra money to get coins faster. if i(being the buyer)cant get recognized as the most important person in the sales game i figure why keep giving my money to the people not giving me the recognition. i believe that it is not the sales people but the people buying there product that count the most.and when we get a raw coin that we believe should be in there holder we r giving them the popularity they need to continue there sales. where would pcgs and



stuck in a zone

i have once again started too many sets at once... i wanted to finish the proof ikes i had started but finding them in pr69 i guess is more of a chore than i imagined. the hunt is slowed to almost a halt i have also started a 1 of each denomination set....which also has come to slow trickle. i bounce arround from coin to coin in hopes i will soon find what i realy need and not what i want. so far i have gottin a 1999 pr commem of washigton in gold 1/4 oz which i will picture here. i ne



update on peace set

i have recently scanned my coins for peace dollars. they are up and ready for viewing. i enjoy taking the time to get photos on my coins so every1 that views the set can accualy see the coinage i have obtained. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do. there are many beautiful sets to view on this site and i spend hours a day viewing. some have spent what looks to me like millions of dollars and many of there days collecting which makes me a small timer keep up the good work all!! and ma



collections coming along smooth

as of jan 1st 07' i have a few sets which are coming along nicely first there is my peace dollar collection, it is only ranked 86 and i still need 11 coins to finish but the set was started by my father and now that he is not here with us i feel he would like a complete set ( not the top set) so that is the goal. to have a ms60+ set not the greatest but a ms none the less. second i have a small cent type set, onlyranked 25 and i need 3 coins to complete set. i came into this set running. i o



gsa coins

just to let u all know no matter what ngc grades gsa morgans faster than any so save u some money that doesnt need to go to ngc and use a cheaper teir. also dont send in the box with cert, they will keep them.



1928 p peace fresh graded

graded au58 just stopping in to show off my new addition. it took me 5 months to pay off coin and get graded but now its home and in the reg set. not the greatest but still wonderfull to get it out of the way. 2510980_00



long wait

sent in 2 different orders and they botharived on the 18th of july 1 group(the peace dollars) made it to the first stage and stopped. the second order 7 morgans has still got received next to it. like it was never even opened. comming into aug. and 1 week in there hands i still see no movement. i had to call on the first one to make sure everything was alright, but dont want to chance making the gods mad by calling and asking if the morgans are ever going to be opened. all coins sent in were



re: new to ngc

hot lips i to have a hot lips morgan, it is in f condition if im lucky. just knowing i have 1 is enough for me. gr8 find tho on the others for less than 200$. way to go!




wich one of these would be a "variety" when sending into get graded.and what is the variety? thank you much.



what is wrong with this pic

is it just my being a "new fish" or does this morgan have the chicken pox. what is the cause of this "sickness" and does it make it a body bagger? morgan wit




what does a dipped coin look like i have the extra "hair marks" down when brushed. but if a coin has been dipped i dont think it would have those marks. what is the dipped look.



re: questions also

some of us unlucky collectors spend our money on collecting and cannot just go out and "buy" a email account to ask questions with. to join the "chat" it clearly says you may not use "free" emails such as yahoo and such. wich is kind of inconsiderate to those who have used yahoo and such for many many yrs. i pay yearly to join in groups such as collectors soc. and such, i have learned many new things about collecting from using the "journals" and if you think about it "journals" are used



cleaning...what it looks like?

i am way to new to notice the imperfections... that appeir when a coin is cleaned. i know only 1 thing that if they use a rough item to clean it will show extra "hair bunches" like if you use a brillo pad on a pan. but what am i looking for if it has been dipped and other forms of cleaning. i have many coin books but none that explain or picture a cleaned coin. this is a big issue only on the full sets i have ae: peace dollar and morgans. is there a good book with photos and close ups on wh



found this penny in a jar...

and dont know if it is a "mint" error or a "personal" error this is a 1944 d penny. obv. is regular. but the rev. is this photo. if i could get some feedback on weather it is an mint error it would help b4 i get graded. thank you all!! 1944 error



celebration time!!!

what a gr8 day this is.... went to a local collectors shop(i didnt even know was there) and asked for the infamous 1928 p peace silver dollar. he looked and said let me call my dealer, when he got off the phone he said "is ms 60+ good?" my eyes lit up(is this guy serous)who wouldnt want that. i told him that i wanted it and to get back on the phone and get it. he said it will cost you 450.00 can you afford that? i laughed (cause im wearing 20,000. in gold and diamonds arround neck and in tee



recieved what looks to be a ms walking

got this coin for 10$ ... and i think it is wonderful. i dont know if it has been cleaned but even her face and dress still are well visable. even if it comes back body i will be happy with it. i dont know what exactly to be looking for when looking fot cleaned coins.but im sure i will learn as time goes by. im a collector and not a coin"racer" out to win. i still dont like "losing" but the coins are on display at my house in large lighted display case for all to see and even the dirty

