Mokie's Den

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The collected thoughts of one Malcolm Johnson.

Entries in this journal

Abe and Ben = F.U.N.

As many of you are aware, the upcoming World’s Fair of Money will be held in Pittsburgh, PA from August 4-8, 2020.  Education and outreach to YNs are of prime importance to both the American Numismatic Association and this year’s host club, the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists. During the most recent F.U.N. show, Dennis Boggs (who plays Abraham Lincoln) and Pat McBride (who plays Benjamin Franklin) worked in tandem to create a remarkable attraction for show attendees.  YN’s flocked



My Most Favorite Island

Whitman Folder #9088 is a remarkable little folder, a typical 3 panel folder, that has transported me back in time to a wild island off the coast of North America. 9088, the Newfoundland Coin Type Collection consists of 7 denominations for 1 Queen, and 3 Kings of England.  Her Provincial coin collection starts with Queen Victoria in 1865 and ends with King George VI in 1947.   In 1949, Newfoundland joined Canada and became her 10th and last Province.  As I may have mentioned in previous



A Great Little Show Coming Soon

My Pittsburgh Area Numiez, the South Hills Coin Club of Bethel Park PA will be holding their 60th anniversary coin show on February 1st and 2nd.  I believe it is important, even in the age of online auctions, to attend shows, even the smaller ones.  By attending smaller shows and supporting their bourse, you are keeping many small part time dealers in the game and you are stimulating the local coin community.  The South Hills Coin Club show will have approximately 40 dealers and will also h



The Best Darned Fall Coin Show in Pennsylvania

Nowadays, a lot of us, including me, buy most of our coins via the internet.  This is way different from when I started collecting back in the late 1960's.  In those days, even Department Stores had a coin and stamp counter, Heck even the local Woolworth's had a section of the store where you could buy a Red Book, a Lincoln Cent Folder, and all the other associated supplies.  Local coin shops, at least in the Pittsburgh area, were plentiful, and there was always mail order through a dealer you m



The Weight of Nine Thousand Cents is Considerable

I am getting really excited as October nears and the PAN Fall Coin Show beckons.  We had a planning meeting last night and I presented some things I am planning on doing ifor the KidZone, to include our usual auction with our newly minted auction dollars.  Last May, we could not find our auction dollars so had to use carnival tickets instead.  We also could not find our Wheat Cents and had to scramble to find sources on the bourse.  .  So we now have a whole new batch of auction dollars that I h



20 July 1969

It's hard to believe it has been 50 years since Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin first landed on the Moon.  In the summer of 1969, I was an 11-year-old living in Mt Lebanon, PA and feeling the excitement of the impending Moon landing.  Back then, the Space Program was a really big deal and dominated all 4 TV channels, Mad Magazine, and of course our two daily newspapers.  There was no internet, there was no social media, or YouTube, or all the other things we expect in our daily lives toda



Deja Vu??

As a result of a recent post, I did some research on the ATB Quarter Series and found out that when it's completed in 2021, the legislation requires the return to the original Washington Quarter Obverse (I wish it were Laura Fraser's Washington Bust) but changes the reverse to depict General Washington crossing the Delaware River before the Battle of Trenton.  This all sounds wonderful until I was reminded that Washington Crossing The Delaware has already appeared on the reverse of the 1999 New



An Interesting Comparison

Revenant's recent post about FUNKO POP figures has me thinking about the many parallels between the current numismatic market and the comic/pop culture market.  Earlier today, I saw a press release from Coin World about plans to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Carson City Mint.  According to the Press Release, on 01 August, The Carson City Mint Building will fire up one of its Coin Presses and mint 200 copies of the 1870-CC Half Dollar (with the word COPY stamped in the field, in pure sil



The Forgotten Eagle

There has been a tremendous amount of excitement associated with the West Point Mint in recent months due to the release of the FIRST EVER W Mint Lincoln Cents and the release, into the general economy, of 10 Million W ATB Quarters.  But there is a largely forgotten W mint product that has been slowly dwindling in mintage. Back in 2006, the 20th anniversary year of the silver eagle, the mint started producing, what they describe on their website as the American Silver Eagle One Ounce Uncircula



A Curious Strategy

I have been following a lot on EBAY for several days and waiting to see if their would be any bidders or if it would simply timeout.  I sometimes use this method to monitor a lot I might want, but am not willing to pay the price, for one reason or another. Well, this lot of three irradiated dimes caught my eye, and I almost pulled the trigger at the original price but hesitated because the only Dime I was really interested in, was the Dime in the Worlds Fair holder, the other two were nice, bu



An Accessible Type Set

If you are like me, one of your favorite things to collect are type coins, particularly those type coins from the 19th Century.  Well, unbeknownst to many, the Mint recreated some of the most beautiful type coin designs starting in 2007.   These coins were the bronze corollary to the First Spouse series of 1/2 ounce Gold Coins differing in their size and with the mottoes, denomination, and gold content information removed.  The reason they exist is because the President at the time of his Presid



Senior Momentum!!!

Have any of you had this experience?  You are searching for your sunglasses and you find you've been wearing them, pushed up on your forehead the whole time, Or, you can't find your wallet and you suddenly realize it is in your pocket.   If so, you can probably understand how this happened.  About a week ago, I started panicking when one of my prize chop marked coins could not be found.  I looked EVERYWHERE, I even spoke to a friend on this board about the lost coin and thought, maybe I left



National Money Show Musings.

The weather was great, despite a forecast of some rain, the walk from the trolley station to the convention center was pleasant, and the ANA National Money Show turned out to be all that I expected. I had two purposes for attending the NMS. First, I had signed on as a volunteer for Saturday but knew the heavy lifting would be at the end of the show, when we had to pack up our considerable amount of "local sponsor club" stuff for storage until the next show in May.  So, I had duties to be sure, h



The Age of Manufactured Rarity

As you're all aware, the US Mint is giving us all an incentive to purchase their proof sets, and uncirculated set in the form of 3 different Lincoln Cents with a West Point Mint Mark.  One of the W Lincolns, standard proof, is already in the wild and will soon be slabbed by the tens of thousands, the other two, a reverse proof, and an uncirculated version.  This is a very smart marketing decision by the Mint, they have guaranteed themselves higher sales for each of the three sets and they have a




These items which are often seen in nationally distributed magazine ads seem to be creeping into Daniel Carr Land.  What do you think?



Looking for Some Feedback

There is a gentlemen doing business in Colorado that makes amazing reproductions of US coins. Even though his copies are exquisite, he gets away with not affixing the word COPY anywhere on his coins because he creates Fantasy pieces.  I own two of his Peace Dollars, one dated 1918 and one dated 1965.  The 1918 is in high relief (like the 1921) but also includes the infamous broken sword that caused so much controversy before the Dollar was released.  The 1965 Dollar is obviously meant as an homa



The Type that Keep Growing

So, I had put together a little custom set of the 4 Lincoln variations from 2009 , the 2010 Union Shield Lincoln, and the Lincoln President Dollar.  But, as I was putting together the set, I decided it should be a Lincoln Type Set.  At first I thought, add the Lincoln Illinois Half Dollar, the Proof Lincoln Bicentennial Silver Dollar,  along with the Wheatie Proof and Memorial Proof (just ordered).  Now, I am thinking I also need a VDB, a Steel Cent and a Lincoln Memorial Zinc Cent (Since I alre



Back Again For Keeps

I used to frequent the NGC site about 8 years ago.  Back then I had a different handle.  I just found my old journal entries and they are interesting reading as I see the things that concerned me back then.  I will be gradually adding new content to the site as a thought or two strike.  In the interim, glad to be back and happy to see some folks from that time are still here. Mokie  

