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Posts posted by CoinJockey73

  1. This'll be my last post. You guys got me, the jig is up. 

    There's nothing special about my "finds". They're from a local coin dealer's cull box. That and an old family junk drawer. Hope you all don't feel too deceived, but due to the shame of all this, i won't be back.

    Big mystery over, and i hope my little 6 week stint was quick. Sorry for the horrific charade. I'm really a terrible person. Oh well! Bye!

  2. This'll be my last post. You guys got me, the jig is up. 

    There's nothing special about my "finds". They're from a local coin dealer's cull box. That and an old family junk drawer. Hope you all don't feel too deceived, but due to the shame of all this, i won't be back.

    Big mystery over, and i hope my little 6 week stint was quick. Sorry for the horrific charade. I'm really a terrible person. Oh well! Bye!

  3. On 9/29/2022 at 9:28 AM, Quintus Arrius said:

    [Probably the one and only time members get to see this coin the way they saw them in their youth.]

    I think I've found about 20 of those in my local cull box. Does it make sense for a coin dealer to have 1943 steel cents in their cull box? Sure, why not. Right? Anyway. As a kid you notice things are different, and i noticed a wheat back and kept it. And do that till this day. When i started finding stuff in the worst cull box ever, i noticed that some cents stick to a magnet for some reason. Did a little Google research and walla, steel cent. I had actually had one in my collection from childhood. Funny how that works. 

  4. On 9/28/2022 at 11:20 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    Out there.  See, this somewhat rowdy gentleman presents a dilemma to me, in real time.  I left the hobby when they took silver out of coins.  There was nothing left to be found in change.  @CoinJockey73effectively turned my decision on its head.  In a sense, I feel by example he is gently mocking me, perhaps teasing is a better word:  "Hey Q.A!  Whadja leave for?" [What did I leave for if someone is finding silver every day?]  Of course, he can't really be teasing me because he does not know me.  But I sit there shaking my head and everything he posts leaves me incredulous.  Hence, my post stating "I do not believe for one moment you are just finding that stuff wherever you say you are."  The stash, or cache, is a classified secret. As long as we don't know the source, we cannot shrug him off.  Oh, members ignore him, but clandestinely monitor his thread.  I appreciate the entertainment factor.  With this kind of spunk, there is no Sleepy Hollow. Besides, maybe there is room for those who march to a different drum.  We got a great deal of negativity from the NVS&G guy; with CoinJockey, we get a healthy dose of rambunctiousness. There's room enough for all, and as Burgess Meredith said, Time Enough At Last.  🐓 

    Very sweet, thank you. That being said, as we all know, I'm no longer posting pictures of finds from the worst cull box on the planet, cull box? Really? The desperation is palpable. Anyway, very kind. No pics, but I'll leave you with more words of wisdom from the site's once most exciting poster...

  5. @Quintus Arrius, I'm starting the "ignore me" movement. It's similar to a bowel movement, as it flushes the offal. Mine included, if my jive isn't your thing. I'm also encouraging members to follow my "ignore guidelines". If anyone has the audacity to comment on anything of yours, and they don't post a pic of their own to back up their big mouth claim, ignore them! Anyone who posts that doesn't show a coin they own by themselves, ignore them! It's amazing to see how streamlined my reading is. It's truly a blessing. One thing i could thank NGC for, but I've ignored them, as well. 


    Notice, no coins? I'm going to have to ignore myself. 

  6. On 9/26/2022 at 7:07 AM, Quintus Arrius said:

    The use of non-verbal emoji is the purest form of speech possible. Shades of "Je suis Charle Hebdo." Imagine being silenced for simply depicting an ironic religious figure in a cartoon! Many members who do not follow this thread regularly will undoubtedly say, Q.A., finally got his deserved upcommence. The gentleman who "liked" me can sit there and gloat. My many detractors are ecstatic.  I was put in my place by the unlikeliest source:  a man not given to outbursts much less pointed commentary, who posts his exquisite coins regularly.  It's what makes these chat boards great. No offense given; none taken. Man I love this place!  🐓 

    Going back to hieroglyphics, are we? Fine by me. 

  7. On 9/25/2022 at 10:14 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    [Meanwhile, up in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital...

    🐓THERE YOU ARE ! Lookin' all over for you! What happened?  You fell again?

    Q.A.:  Worse, Ricky.  Did you see the last post?

    🐓 :  Biting commentary... very unusual. No words spoken.  Just emoji.

    Q.A.:  Think that's something?  Did you see who "liked" it? 

    🐓 :  You're kiddin' me!  That's payback, you know that right?  That's worse than being banned. That's the kiss of death.

    Q.A :  Tell me about it.

    First, hoping you're not really in the local ICU.

    Unfortunately for me, i went through my preK-12 during the 80s and we were still taught to communicate via spoken or written word, not something that tries to look like the emotion you're feeling. I took those emotion representations as "defecate or get off the pot". But again, i really have no idea, as neither really represents any true emotion I've ever felt. Sigh. We're doomed! 

    Again, hope you're ok. 


  8. My dearest NGC,

    Oh how i long for thee, how i miss thine delicate touch on mineth hand whilst preparing for joust ...

    Is there a way to block people from seeing you and your content in it's entirety, individually? Like, since I've ignored all these members, shouldn't it block them from viewing my content completely? After all, I'm ignoring them, which means i want nothing to do with them, which means i want my content to have nothing to do with them. Makes sense, doesn't it? Stinks I'm the only brains around here. Which is pretty scary. Trust me. 

    I thank-eth you-eth in advance-eth on this morrow of this morn. 

    Yours fondly and longingly, 


  9. On 9/25/2022 at 1:21 AM, Quintus Arrius said:

    You may have been, but no longer are.  Most of the underdogs assume defensive positions; you've asserted yourself and hold your own well. Me thinks you do not need a sponsor or corner man. Post your finds and accompanying commentary modestly, avoiding repetition and abrasive assertiveness, and you will be accepted.  Not universally--it's impossible to please everyone, but with a view toward supplementing the memberships' body of knowledge. I made it, to an extent; so can you. Guidelines are the playing rules. I review them to refresh my recollection. Are you aware Guidlines rules mandate you sign out every session?  I didn't and wouldn't for fear of not getting back it, but no longer question it anymore.  I just do it..


    Thanks for the tips. I'll just keep doing the new stuff I've been doing. Zero pics of coins, and complete nonsense for written word. Seems to protect most members, so I'll stay the course. Much less work for me. Happy Sunday, everyone! 

  10. On 9/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, Quintus Arrius said:


    No, not this site. On the left coast, as the crow flies. My short-set is posted here at NGC. The complete set is posted yonder.  I am afraid VKurtB is right: prizes, where awarded, are given to owners of the best sets.  My highest graded set is by no means the best possible. Any Rooster fanatic can consign me and my set to the "been there, done that" category--in an eye blink. Me thinks the #1 ranked set here at NGC is superior to my compilation at PCGS--and was assembled, if memory serves, in just a few moves with lightning speed. [If I am not mistaken, NGC provides a feature on their Set Registry that allows you, and interested parties, to view the "construction" of your set, on a coin-by-coin, date-by-date, basis.]  To be fair, one of the TPGS encourages the building of low-ball sets and even advises it is a lot easier said, than done. Honestly, do any of your finds--excepting that 1934 quarter Dillinger kept in his left vest pocket when he kept his date with destiny--rate submission?

    I was building my collection here coin by coin, day by day. Oh well. Back to the inane comments. Again, all opinion, 

    It may snow when cold enough. 

    I prefer hardwood floors to carpet. 

    We're all clones, all are one and one are all, all are one and one are all. 

    Many wars have been started by

    As if.


    Enjoy the weekend, everyone! 


  11. Hey @Quintus Arrius, you say you're the top rated golden French roosters on this site, right? How much money do you win every year? It says they give away 20k in prizes to the top rated sets! I'm well on my way to best cull box finds, so i wonder how much of the kiddy I'll get to take home? Hopefully a big fat chunk! 

  12. On 9/24/2022 at 10:16 AM, Quintus Arrius said:

    The topic IS ignore.  The OP, bless his soul, took a powder a long time ago. This member complains he has availed himself of the "ignore" button, but still sees the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune aimed at him. I provided him with an explanation for his information and edification.

    I believe you were on bust halves; why do you bust chops here? :baiting:  :whistle:


    This place can be a little strange @Quintus Arrius. I was staying on topic, in every thread. Especially the ones i started, which if anyone is paying attention, are the only threads i frequent and/or contribute to, so who gives a hoot? Do you give a hoot? I give a hoot, i don't paloot. 

  13. On 9/23/2022 at 11:38 PM, Quintus Arrius said:


    Ehhh! C.J!  Comment ca va? Ca va bien? Ha!

    Well this is a startling event!  Looks like the mods are out on st*Ike.  No matter. There is nothing wrong with the "ignore" button. I don't know if it was early--very early--on in this thread, or some other (didn't expect to find you here) but a member was kind enough to put me on "ignore" long enough to illustrate the point he was trying to make which was the "ignore" feature, for lack of a better word, was/is impotent, by design.  You can still read the writings of the person you've "ignored," as they are simply low-lighted in gray. Some of those folks that had relegated me to that sect--"your name will be stricken from every pylon, every pillar, every pyramid, et al."--acted in concert! One member even launched a fussilade of shots which caromed off everything on the Board, disengaging me, lobbing r.p.g.'s, and disengaging again. Great stuff! So, anyway, have no fear, there's nothing wrong with your optics!  Everything's hunky dory!  I have to admit that "accent aigu" definitively separates the minnows like me from the whales like you.  I guess I don't rate.  No matter. Like that commercial goes:  "We'll leave the light on for you." Man I love this place!  No mods! Who'd've thunk?  Un-be-liev-a-ble!  :roflmao:

    Hey thanks @Quintus Arrius, i only had to look up 6 words in that post. Who'd've thunk you and me would be chumming it up on NGC. Two of the most detestable members, bonding via this site. Dare i say i actually owe NGC a debt of gratitude for bringing us two very like minded individuals together? Nah, i won't say it out loud. But you know I'm thinking it. 

  14. Dear NGC,

    I finally made it back to the liberry, and there is a few flaws in your "ignore" function. 

    While wonderful to no longer see meaningless posts from meaningless people, to me, of course, meaningless to me. I'm sure they have meaning elsewhere. Anyway, i digest, while wonderful blah blah blah, i can still see the posts of the ignored persons, multiple multiple ignored persons, when they're quoted. Can you please, PLEASE work on that? I thought I'd be rid of the mountains of dreck these people pour from the safety of their keyboards but alas, i still see the dreck. 

    I'd appreciate if the matter could be handled forth-haste, por favoré. Notice the accent on the "e". That ought to give you a little idea of my 

  15. On 9/23/2022 at 12:22 PM, Quintus Arrius said:

    I posted [re-posted] the Guidelines [elsewhere] because everything in them is spelled out.  I don't know that posting coins, per se, is a violation of any kind--excepting inordinate volume, but it is more the commentary which accompanies your posts. I did PM a member who took to the airwaves to emphasize post content which he felt may be offensive, but that only serves to give what he felt objectionable, wider exposure. If anyone has a problem with your postings, I would hope they would do for you what one member did for me: bring it to my attention straightforwardly and non-judgmentally--and privately, via PM. The problem with social forums, for me, is my brand of quirky humor doesn't translate well over the wire--unless people have gotten to know me.  Many viewers, I know, wish I would dispense with the theatrics and non-numismatic forays my posts take.  NGC, in their infinite wisdom--per the Guidelines!--has given me some latitude with the tacit understanding that I accept that I do not enjoy unconditional immunity. The thing is we have to be mindful of is an audience we do not know the true nature and scope of, so the best approach, I feel, is one taken with caution ever mindful that members may find what we have to offer to be of limited utility and interest. The membership was ready to accommodate me and I can only guess my eccentric posts have found some favor with top management. I would advise caution and eternal vigilance. That's the safest way. Good luck, CJ.


  16. I just wanted to thank NGC for my little forced attrition last week. It really gave me time to observe the forums and see how people post around here and what's acceptable. It looks like you're supposed to post no pictures and useless comments. Ok? I get banned for posting nothing BUT pictures, while everyone else just scares potential clients/readers away. Ok? I can do that. Sad, because i have new junk from the cull box every day. You should see what garbage i found in that cull box, literally the worst cull box on the planet. Some very cool junky stuff. Oh well. Seems that may get me banned, again, and the good lord knows, we don't want that (that's not religious). Sorry, no pics. Only innocuous comments. This is all opinion,

    The sky is blue, today. 

    I like turtles. 

    Call me Ishmael. 

    Water freezes at 0°c.

    I want to believe. 

    Hope that was as good as what i usually put up because that's about all I'm givin...

    Peace out, homies.