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Henri Charriere

Member: Seasoned Veteran
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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. This just in. My pcp I've met only once, called to say my cholesterol level was high: 167. I attribute the elevation to indulging in seasonal treats like egg nog, eggs, and a whole slew of sweet pastries. So... it's back to basics for me. Now there's an unsolicited resolution that was tailor-made for me! I want this obscene figure reduced to under 100 by the time I see my cardiologist in April for my semi-annual check-up. On the numismatic side, I have to resolve to limit my internet searches for Roosters to 23 hours a day. 🤣
  2. By dictionary definition, I have reason to believe I may be a piker. And all the while I thought this was a reference to people who fish pike. 🤣
  3. As the least informed member of this Forum is painfully aware, I am in [desperate] need of a 1913 French 20-franc gold rooster. But not just any rooster. Only one that has been certified MS-67. Presently featured on eBay is an example of the obverse of a purported raw1913 which I peg as a shoo-in for the exalted high-tier slot. Only problem is, while the seller claims the image posted front-and-center is not a stock photo, I am beginning to have my doubts which I have taken the liberty of reporting to eBay. I cannot allege fraud but I can describe behavior that is dishonest and deceptive. Briefly, while the primary photo of the coin's obverse is crystal clear, the five accompanying photos, all of the reverse -- is reduced in size, its features obscured by a near-transluscent plastic flip. I politely inquired as to why the reverse could not be similarly photographed unobstructed by a holder. For the next two days, I was assured [in carefully-worded language meant to assuage the concerns of eBay reviewers] that another photo would be put up shortly. Some 48 hours later one was of the purported reverse -- "encased" in hard plastic. It is virtually impossible to discern surface topography which would enable a viewer to determine whether the coin was worthy of an MS-67 assessment. It is fairly clear to me that the seller is hoping to snare an uninquisitive buyer. Seller's reviewer rating: 91.7% Note: Last I checked, NGC had certified only ONE such coin. If you, gentle reader and fellow hobbyist, feel I overstepped my bounds, I will surrender forthwith my Rising Star status and submit my resignation as a member, again.
  4. But, but... you flat out conceded you were observed speaking to a rooster before a live studio audience! 🤣 Note: The demise of OP, IGWT, hasn't stopped anyone from posting on his long-running thread.
  5. I have a simple rule of thumb when it comes to "doubled-die".coins, which will undoubtedly infuriate some members: Unlike the famed 1955 Lincoln cent which needs no explanation or directions or arrows, if it does not fully involve the obverse or reverse, or occupy a significant slice of the proverbial pie, or worse, if it has to be pointed out to me, sorry, now we're splitting hairs. Ideally, you should be able to hand a disinterested party and ask them if they see anything odd. If you have to provide me with a road map, you've lost me. This, of course, does not apply to related phenomena and the damage which results therefrom. If you feel constrained to tell me what it is I am supposed to see, we're off to a bad start. Now, if you hand me a '78 Morgan dollar, without being told I will instinctively count the tail feathers. Likewise, if you show me an 1863 Indian Head cent, I will note the color is off and the planchet used was thicker than usual. The Red Book is your friend and an indispensable guide. Familiarize yourself with its contents and keep it close at hand. It will become the keystone of your numismatic library. Good luck in your hunting!
  6. With the OP's indulgence... To Messrs. @EagleRJO and @J P M : Speaking as a former thread retread guy, it has been my experience that 99 out of 100 threads are resurrected, inadvertently, by fairly new members who jump right in, without malice. The sole exception is me. Recently, I barged in like a bull in a China shop and the Grand Msster himself, trying to make a point and unamused by theatrics waved me away with a curt, "stay away." When Oldhoop announced his departure in a post entitled, "Outta here," just last year, the esteem in which he was held was demonstrated by the 250 posts that followed over nine [cell] pages. I reactivated the thread a week or so ago to declare my own departure. (Ricky, 🐓, my faithful sidekick, now speaks for me.) Not all resurrections are bad. My unsolicited advice: if it is not related to your area of expertise, let it fly. The membership is always evolving whether by attrition or addition. You wouldn't want a biting comment to stifle a Newbie's exploratory activities.
  7. You see, we have something in common! No, not an affinity for half-cents. Rather, not doing anything at CoinTalk! The secret of my success is simple: I have a blemish-free record there because I have never spoken up. Never, not once! My resignation here was prompted in large part by the harsh though completely accurate criticism lodged by members of substance like you. Tho I may be gone, I allow 🐓 to speak for me in my absence. Due to a drought in my series, I do not have a coin to submit so, right now, I am merely a dues-paying entity with a proxy voice. It is my fervent desire that all the members who fled return to this Forum to restore it to its former glory and legendary greatness.
  8. WHAT A COMPLETE SET MEANS TO ME, IN THREE EASY STEPS... 1. Every hole is filled. 2. Every hole has been upgraded to the extent possible. (There are exceptions such as low-balls, etc.) 3. If the collection resides on a Set Registry, in addition to the above, every coin must be certified in the highest possible grade awarded. Best set is not equivalent to best possible set. It is my wish to own the best possible set by any means necessary. That necessarily means should such a coin materialize, the house, the car and the wife must go. I call that the Patton standard. When advised Congress had not yet approved additional stars be placed on his military dress uniform, he leaned back, smiled, and said, "I have my schedule, and Congress has theirs." Nothing but the finest for me until death do us part.
  9. Two points, if I may. 1. It was Hollywood that changed the original "vodu," as it was known by oral tradition later set down on paper as voodoo. It is, again, one of the officially recognized religions of a nation I dare not offend you by uttering. 2. If you were to suggest gold will rise no higher than $2350 by year's end, I would accept and respect that prognostication [and hope that sits well with our Great z]. All of the people scammed by Madoff received very optimistic statements couched in impenetrable but encouraging money-speak which held them in good stead -- until it no longer did. Like the old adage goes, there are lies, damned lies and statistics. If the countless variables involved in technical analysis remained the same, would the results be as expected? I believe weather forecasting would be more reliable.
  10. [Aside from the edge shot, kindly display your wares as one would a picture on a wall.] 🤔
  11. My feeling is the hobby is top-heavy with what one CT critic referred to as "geriatric" folks. Be that as it may, it is older, knowledgeable investors that are moving the hobby along. A lot of experimental stuff going on what with the development of NGCX and CACG. Even the U.S. Mint is trying to broaden its appeal with the introduction of a wide variety of subjects beyond the usual mainstays, proof and uncirculated mint sets. There is no telling what may catch the fancy of the younger crowd. That may very well explain why "Follow the Lead" remains the most popular thread on the Forum which has inspired a number of off-shoots like silver and gold. As much as I like the appeal of older coins and the idea of finding them in the back roads of the country, the younger crowd's introduction to coins are increasingly being fueled not by storefronts, which are far and few in between, but the internet. The future lies with the young. Lose them and the hobby becomes one giant Member's Only club.
  12. Complexity occurs when every defendant chooses to exercise his right to remain silent from the time of arrest.
  13. I do not wish to share any trade secrets or divulge any prized proprietary information, but as the member who arguably holds the world's record for being disfellowshipped permanently from a single site in a relatively short period of time, the only information I am permitted to divulge lawfully is begin your trek at customer service's door. Every browser, search engine, entry thru a common publicized thread on a site like Google poses its own problems. Preliminarily, I would guess your problem can be traced to the use of more than one device. A big no-no! On some sites that alone makes you death-eligible. It's been a week since you encountered your problem and chances are it's since been cleared up. If not, there is hope. Whatever you do, do Not adopt a new user name and password without prior permission. I do hope your time here, knowledge shared and attained, your overall experience exceed your expectations and your tenure here be a long and fruitful one.
  14. A bit of an update... it seems 103 reviews were received by "Trustpilot" with a notation that cointalk does not solicit reviews. What caught my eye was the line-up of 5 stars, only one of which appears to have garnered attention: the one marked "1 star" with a solid black bar followed by "100%." That is to say, the three negative "cherry-picked" reviews cointalk apparently chose to showcase, averaged out to a more palatable 2.8. The 103 unpublished reviews average out to 1.00. No 2- 3- 4- or 5-star reviews were received, period. I thought the following review captured some of the frustration and ire I have read on this thread: "Abominable forum run by ban-happy hypocrites." Abominable forum allegedly run by racists and hypocrites who ban everybody indefinitely for any reason. Don't waste your time going there and avoid posting there if you wanna continue reading the posts. (Date of experience: Dec. 31, 2021.) I hesitate calling the site an outright scam based solely on the strength of the calibre of members here, who I found to spend quality time there. Would they tolerate a member with his talking Rooster there? Most certainly not! I believe this is the first time I have encountered a site, active for a number of years, that has managed to garner a single, solid 1-star rating.
  15. [When in doubt, defer to the Great z. There is nothing he isn't privy to and hasn't lost a dime to any investment he's committed himself to.] 🤣
  16. This may be an embarrassment to the Royal Mint which is known for their rigorous standards, but it is to their eternal credit that they responded and chose not to hide behind bureaucratic double-speak.
  17. You are asking some prominent members to scratch their snap judgments. That's a pretty tall order. Then again, the Third Branch (the judiciary) does it routinely across the land when new information comes to light. I am curious to know why the mugshot of the obverse was withheld. Isn't that where all the angular features are as opposed to the fluff of the reverse?
  18. Well, I tell you, you're making it very difficult for me to rule out going to a show at least once in my lifetime. The photos taken by Flying Al are incredibly beautiful! Thank you @RWB for sharing this with the membership here.
  19. FWIW: Your dang[l]ing 4 (which you chose to deprive us of seeing) if presumably of a 1964 Kennedy half dollar, has a silver melt value of $8.3949. Today's NGC price guide lists such a coin in pristine UNC condition as commanding a price of as much as $5200 on the open market. Mind you, this is exclusive of any coin deemed to be a SMS. That, and a dangling limb, normally would command a hefy price. Fortunately for me, my only regret is I would have been unable to meet your $2.37M asking price had it been the real McCoy. The scriptures say, "seek and ye shall find." Accordingly, never stop looking.
  20. Question: if a "tuppence," is British slang for a 2p, why is five new pence and "two bob" a 10p.?
  21. 🐓: Put simply... What was the grade the coin received? What was the grade you sought?
  22. 🐓 Astonishly shameful that members, breaking with long-standing tradition, introduce miscellaneous extraneous references that bear no relation to the subject under hand, desecrating a thread ,at will. Divulging [one of many secret sources.which is why 83% of Set Registrants and collectors are unable to complete their sets] is a rarely performed act of public service which many would regard as against interest. I can indulge, because my life's work is over. I do not regard competition as a threat. Back on Track, gentlemen!
  23. 🐓: NOT FOR FRENCH 20-FRANCS GOLD ROOSTER SET REGISTRANTS ONLY... If you are a collector of the above series and have experienced difficulty in locating the "Originals" (1899-1906) you may or may not know that many reside overseas, primarily in France (try: cgb.fr) and Germany. if you choose the latter, try searching for "MA-SHOPS - Gold Coins." In their internal search space, type in: Coq Marianne. An entire page of listings for 10- and 20-Francs roosters should appear embracing the entire series in a variety of available dates, grades and prices (usually euros). As noted in an earlier post, it appears as though European dealers have quietly abandoned the Sheldon scale (and certification) deferring to the scales used by their respective countries. Malhereusement (unfortunately) English is of limited utility and making matters worse, if you do not type in the key words and phrases some dealers use, you will be stymied in your search. "III Republic" is one, the other is "Dieu Protege France," or God Protect France. I have navigated the listings of several countries and some are more accommodating than others. Certified, encapsulated coins by four TPGS continue to be listed and sold, but it appears the stock now being sold is predominantly raw. If the aforementioned information I have provided helps one fellow member to take the initiative and carpe diem (seize the day) my efforts over the last five years will have been well worth it.