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Henri Charriere

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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. If by "penny," you mean cent, weight tolerances differ by date. Always best to provide date and any observable anomaly in condition or appearance.
  2. If I may, I should like to add one salient observation. I have not for one moment ever believed the accuracy of a formal census or population count relies on a member's return of a dethroned encapsulation's data insert. (Am I to believe this simple act of courteous reciprocity between TPGS, essential to accurate record-keeping, is left to the whims of their respective members?) I have never received such inserts accompanied by a polite but firm order directing the return of such bric-a-brac. I, for one, ain't buyin' it. But I digress... Salient observation: I believe, when a coin is "decertified" by a TPGS following a formal cross-grading exercise, it also follows that its "current finest possible [registry] set rating" is revised downward. If I am wrong, I shall adopt your words of wisdom in reply as gospel truth.
  3. For the record, and with the OP's indulgence, I hold NGC completely harmless in any activity I choose to engage in knowingly and voluntarily in the absence of coercion and duress, physical or psychological. I attribute my participation in a Set Registry as merely one manifestation of mental disease or defect, no different from those who obsessively and compulsively collected baseball cards (buying boxes of cards to snag the few elusive ones) glass Coca-Cola bottles from each and every bottling plant, or any other collectible, in its entirety. Why would anyone risk his life to seek to climb the tallest peaks on every continent? One of the more interesting studies I have read was written by a psychiatrist who advanced a theory as to why one gentleman's urge to remove classified gov't files had, as its likely basis, experiences dating from his childhood.... Some people, and "collectors" generally find the impulse to assemble unto completion, simply irresistible. Money and greed do not figure into the equation and, if they do, are incidental and coincidental. My advice: collect with your head, not over it. Moderation: Feel free to delete as you see fit.
  4. No. Let me put it this way. Rarity is fluid. I forget the coin, but it was unique... that is, until several thousand were recovered from a wreck in the 1770's. Rarity? Pfft! Grade scarcity is what I have to contend with. With every certification, the value of my high Mint State grades is affected. Lately, some of my Roosters have lost their grade scarcity. Not much I can do about it.
  5. True. I lost a top pop recently when an MS-67 ➕️ was certified. If an MS68 is certified and added to a Set Registry, the "current finest possible set rating" changes accordingly. 🐓: It's amazing what you can learn from someone who knows what he's talking about... Q.A.: ... hence the honorarium, The Great z.
  6. Changes are never made willy-nilly. "SP" sounds, well SPECIAL. I smell a financial motive at work here: invent a diagnosis and back it up with a plausible, credible story. That's my take.
  7. still trying to interpret... ok, here we go... something about central banks... china... russia... buying in gold up 16% over last year.... stock market at its highest levels... okay, what with houthis on the loose... goods costing vastly more taking the longer route around africa... hamas/hostages... lebanon... a lot o' countries in turmoil.... too close to call with the stock mkt doing well and the world in an uproar. FINAL ANALYSIS: GOLD TO DWELL A BIT LONGER RIGHT WHERE IT IS. (I don't see $2300 in the cards this year.) SILVER? $30 ain't in the cards this year. ...say, anybody know if this twa comes with rabbit ears?.. too many tall bldgs... too little clear reception. 🤣
  8. My understanding (perception) of the application of the terms rare and scarce -- and the Great z and Numisport may correct me if I am wrong, is the former is commonly used in connection to comparatively low mintages. An 1909-S-VDB and an 1894-S dime are both rare, in their respective series. The latter term is generally used in describing a coin's formal grade. Now, the '09-S-VDB may be rare in terms of numbers, but is not scarce in Mint State grades. The problem becomes ever the more confounding when terms used by the numismatic community are applied loosely and irresponsibly in cheap ads. Silver coins and Wheaties are no longer commonly found in change but that anecdotal evidence does not give eBay listers the right to use the terms with free abandon. (Uh-oh... here comes Sandon with his dictionary... Time to beat a hasty retreat.... Feel free to BUMP the thread, Mike.)
  9. Congratulations on your # 1 ranking! I could not help but notice that, like my F20F GR set, your set is comprised of 16 coins. I also noticed something else that lends credence to what another member had suggested elsewhere regarding the Set Registry, and that is a pattern of awarding points that is incomprehensible. Case in point: Your 1964 and 1965 Canadian quarters were graded by our hosts as MS65. Both were awarded identical points: 288. So far so good until we take a closer look and discover one is a Top Pop! No extra credit for that? Unless you, or someone else can explain this anomaly, guess I'll just have to wait until the matter is declassified. Great set! 👍
  10. I always wanted an 1837 Feuchwanger, "cent," but was too young and couldn't afford one. I suppose I could afford one now, but the allure of ownership, once strong, faded over time. I am too old now. There are members here who own fine examples they post now and again. I am content with that. How about you? (If you've ever wanted to proclaim to the world you've always had a secret crush on those $4-dollar gold "Stellas," now's your chance.)
  11. Very respectable grade with a lovely green emarald!
  12. My way's simpler. In big bold red block letters, I print, R E F U S E D, diagonally across the envelope. In black marker, I print, R.T.S. (Return to Sender) with an arrow pointing to the addressee. Works every time.
  13. An article posted on 1/5/2024 and entitled "Congratulations to the 2023 NGC Registry Award Winners," explains everything in detail.and may be found by accessing it under NEWS via the NGC Menu tab on the home page. The third paragraph reads... ""Winners in ...major NGC Registry Award categories receive a personalized plaque, an icon of recognition next to their [virtual] NGC Registry Set and a $500 NGC grading credit. We awarded more prizes than ever for 2023 with a total value of more than $36,000!" I would urge every member/guest/lurker who hasn't done so already, to read this article, in full. On a more personal note, congratulations on your tenth-year anniversary as a member at NGC!
  14. That ain't it. I think the real reason is two-fold: a). the real fear of being told, by a sitting Federal district judge no less, that you've got to be pretty obtuse to be unable distinguish an authentic coin from a man's artistic flight of fancy; and the main one: the humiliation of being laughed out of, or thrown out of court, on a frivolous case lacking merit which never should have been brought in the first place.
  15. Is it just me or is anyone else waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one? * * * The last time a [consummate] gentleman challenged me to show him where he allegedly condemned my choice of topic, "Off-Topic," stating in substance, bestowing that caption doesn't make it any less so and if I had nothing of a numismatic nature to contribute, I should do it elsewhere, he dryly observed, in substance, being dismissive was by no means being condemnatory. I am sad to say the [distinguised] member who addressed my talking rooster who declined to retract his response, posted his parting shot, "Outta here," departed, and was soon followed by the [consummate] "Off-Topic" gentleman. Lore which suggests otherwise continues to circulate to this day. I miss both members dearly and want everyone here to know while feathers were ruffled I steadfastly remain on good terms with everyone.
  16. I suspect this heiroglyph has meaning. 🤔
  17. 🐓 : All this uproar, over what? Q.A.: That's why I toned things down. I spoke up for Ratzie33, and was promptly excommunicated. I stuck up for NevadaS&G for no other reason than feeling if a fellow member feels he got a raw deal, he's entitled to vent. That got me deported to Vladivostok -- the last stop on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. They gave me a bowl of borscht, told me to sit down, and shut up. There're an awful lot of people with some very strong feelings on this Forum who, for lack of a better word, "vibrate" at a certain frequency. They are inflexible and view any manifestation of humor as a weakness and deviation. A chink in the armor. They won't yield. Not one inch. My views on this topic (Carr/Fantasies/Squared Quarters) are well known. I live in New York City where real crimes are committed. It's going to take a lot more than artistic license to get me worked up. I have no opinion on the products posted at the head of the thread. My crowning achievement: Getting one former member to direct his comment to my talking rooster 🐓 who responded prompting the member to demand a retraction!
  18. Is this an old "rattler" I keep reading about? For argument's sake, let's say you get the coin exactly the way you'd like it, now what? There are only two people to whom this ought to concern. Obsessive-compilsive types who.insist on having things, just so... and those preparing to sell who, rightfully, want to present their merchandise in the best possible light. There is nothing wrong with following the advice of the gentleman above, but theirs is a temporary solution. If you look at your collection regularly -- I assume this is not the only coin you own -- then you can expect to tinker with this holder for as long as you own your coin. More permanent solutions, which may not be cost effective, is having your coin re-holdered at PCGS which will now come with Near Field Technology, with an embedded security chip or cross-grading it here at NGC.
  19. Specifically, by name, No, but I had always thought the image used was a composite. "Black Diamond" was the "model" for the reverse but it's never been satisfactorily explained how they got him to stand still so long.
  20. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR TEN-YEARS (10) AS A MEMBER OF NGC! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Now what's this I hear about your making a basic inquiry regarding the Set Registry? Am I to believe you have never investigated the matter personally? I am absolutely flummoxed. Gobsmacked! I ought to hit you with the late, great Oldhoop's signature rejoinder: Look it up! Sheesh.
  21. The answer is a resounding YES! Then again, when I suggested my wife was subject to sacrifice, Moderation overruled me in its own inimitable manner. That closing quote is deep.
  22. Based on a preliminary diagnosis relying solely on the symptoms self-reported, I am inclined to suggest Set Registry would not appeal to this contestant. 🤣