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Henri Charriere

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Everything posted by Henri Charriere

  1. Well, what have we got here? Sounds like like that life insurance commercial: Price! Price! and Price! I still don't know if you have a Set Registry, but moving through the rarefied air of select circles, I am sure you are amassing a very special collection. Malheuresement, I am in too deep to turn course now but can claim a tribute from the Great z himself. He begrudgingly had no choice but to concede my compilation at the # 1 spot elsewhere, was top shelf. All the white noise that has issueth forth from his quaters since cannot negate that. I am very impressed with your thread and ability to relate the all members, whales and.minnows alike, and your greatest coup: to develop an easy, invaluable amiable rapport with RWB as well as your skillful ability in drawing out E.C. It's not easy to draw those out who thrive under the radar to the blinding, all-revaling light of day . Kudos to you on effecting that.
  2. If anyone were to ever suggest they need mintage figures as well as certification figures to acquire a coin -- never mind asking price or photos, that would signify a certain king of professionalism that transcends the albatross around my neck. As a Set Registrant, once you've made your commitment, all else are academic considerations. You have no where to.go but forward, and if after considerable scrutiny, it develops you bit off more than you can chew -- you've got to put that big H on your chest and handle it.. There was a time I suppose I could do my due vigilance, but my approach was we"ll crorss that bridge if when we ever come to it. Mintage figures? That's like picking up a Racing Form, studying the stats, and making your decisions accordingly. That's a sophistication limited in my series G20FR to just the two rarest in the series and the two most common. Thanks for divulging your working agends.
  3. I do not know what the Mint's policy is on returned merchandise, but if we are talking gold, no way I am going to possess a disheveled coin I am going to have to go through life with explaining flaws on its surface, and more particularly, a glacial moraine that was left behind when the ice masses retreated.
  4. Surely your areas of interest as. evidenced by the coins you collect, deserves a comment, and here is mine... First, congratulations on your achievement. Every one of your coins is remarkable in its own right, the floral collared coin from 1806, especially so. Thanks for sharing your eye candy!
  5. While I certainly admire the effort and extent some coin collectors expend in pursuit of their collections, and have marveled over those who insist on in-hand inspection, detailed photographs, price, etc., I have come to the realization that, without a single exception, I have compiled a collection, wholly sight-unseen, and as of now, with nothing more than three requirements: TPGS involved in the certification, Mint State grade assessed ( NO photos necessary) and of course, approximate cost. That's it. What I would be curious to know is whether beside myself, other members share that similar potentially consequential trait that allows them to engage in such activities, regularly. If you don't, but were forced to throw all caution to the wind on at least one occasion, but made out okay in the end, what prompted you to embark on the risky undertaking to begin with?
  6. [I believe the word you were looking for was not "comprehend," as written by you and emphasized by me above, but either "comprise" or "contemplate."] 🤔
  7. Relying solely on now receding memory, I believe Hoving's tenure and demise preceded Avon's acquisitions spree, but as always, defer to you -- and do so politely.
  8. Hard to believe the two lighter elements on the Periodic Table are both gases: hydrogen and helium. So Li reacts with H2O and becomes explosive. Hydrogen, in and of itself is simply a buoyant gas, but mixed with Oxygen, it becomes explosive. Prior to the current rash of Lithium ion battery fires, its use was only mentioned in the connection to the treatment of bipolar depression.
  9. First time didn't count for me and my wife as we we were both asymptomatic. This time, onset was Monday. I received my first dose today, Friday. I hope I am okay.a week from today. So what constitutes taking Paxlovid "early enough."?. One source provided a time frame of "from 3 to 5 days" To tell you the truth, there's not much I can do about it now. What I would like to know is, with my wife in close proximity to me these past 7 years, how 🤔 was she able to avoid infection?
  10. I am afraid I do not have the time and am not well enough right now to investigate this matter further. There were two sled teams and fairly or unfairly, Balto made it across the finish line first. Togo's team was running late to the meet-up point, and the gentleman mushing Balto's relay had a judgment call to make. He chose to press on. History is full of little-known heroes that didn't make it into the headlines. Columbus is generally given the credit for "discovering" an already inhabited land. One fact either overlooked or forgotten is it was his navigator who insured the success of the mission. There were some forty dogs involved in delivering the life-saving antidote to Nome. It was a team effort. All did their part. Today it seems everybody is a Hero for simply doing their job. In the annals of history, I believe Ernest Shackleton rises above all the rest for stamina, endurance and perseverance against all odds. I have never read a story quite like his.
  11. Polishing is one thing; scrubbing is another. This looks like the work of a switch-hitting scrubber. Would I be getting what I paid for -- me, the "proof is a proof is a proof-guy"? I don't think so. I'd want my money back. Fat chance that'd ever happen.
  12. The following comment was prompted by today's reply by RWB elsewhere regarding sculptors and metallic artists who felt mirror-like polish on medals for coins was "cheap and suitable only for tawdry tokens and baubles." Reminded me of Walter Hoving, Tiffany's "no nonsense leader" (1955-1980) whose "uncompromising standards of taste" sharply fueled his company's increasing profits. Examples: he "refused to sell diamond rings for men, stock silver-plate -- or provide charge accounts to customers who had been rude to his employees." He deemed the Hunt brothers' attempt to corner the silver market in the 1980's "unconscionable," as extreme a term he used rarely and only sparingly. In reply to Pres. John F. Kennedy's request in 1962 for 32 Lucite calendar mementos to be presented to close aides who had worked with him on the [1961] Cuban missile crisis -- the precise wording varies with the sources consulted -- Mr. Having stated, in substance, "We don't do plastic." (The order was later executed in Tiffany's signature silver.) -from The New York Times' obituary, Nov. 28, 1989, as well as other sources. [Posted at the discretion of Moderation.]
  13. 🐓 : I am inclined to agree, unreservedly. Q.A. But you're overlooking something. 🐓 : And what might that be? Q.A. Only the Great z's opinion counts -- and it's backed by a whole slew of well-regarded members here, and apparently nation-wide.
  14. You, sir, are being too kind. This is a vicious, virulent [possibly multicultural] variant.. Onset was immediate with rapid progression. A plague of.locusts descended on the city. Who knows, maybe one or more brought "the gift that keeps on giving." The prescribed choice, PAXLOVID ®️, which required restructuring of my regular meds, was unavailable at my pharmacy. Maybe tomorrow.. I don't expect to venture out until February. Sorry you missed FUN; who knows what you'll find in Berlin?
  15. It is not money, but the LOVE of money, that is the root of all evel. These crypto crooks did everything they possibly could do to evade regulation. Nowadays, these "cryptic" currencies will be subject to increasing scrutiny. Can the industry be cleaned up? I believe so. Nobody likes having a powerful searchlight focused on them when they are trying to fly under the radar. Frankly, I was surprised a bunch of schlubs were rounded up and turned out to be unremarkable otherwise in every respect. At least Bernie Madoff had some class. I don't care for people who show up in court without a necktie. That should be an actionable offense right there.
  16. ... much about his-to-ry... don't know much about phi-los-o-phy.. The extent of my knowledge about the Government's abandonment of large ornate bills, is two-fold. One, using less paper resulted in less costs, and Two, while I do not know the precise decision-making involved, it was felt those ornate designs made the bills look "busy" and by extension facilitated counterfeiting. Being an old dinosaur, I post this comment for what it's worth.
  17. Not to worry. This year will be better than. 2023. I personally guarantee it. Then again, maybe I ought to wait until after the elections. And then 2025 will be a whole lot better than '23 and '24.
  18. Some sad news... I believe I caught Covid-19. On impulse I used a test kit you can use at home. The insert said wait 15 minutes for results.. After three to five.minutes, I was hit with sirens and blinding neon lights and directed to seek help.immediately. I prepared a test for my wife. The non-essential top "bar" just stared back at me. My only consolation is both tests had expired a year ago. But that's only part of it. The last time I was asymptomatic. This time I had a blindinng headache, and went to bed to lie down. I was disoriented fell, and wound up lying next to the bed on the floor. I refused to call for help and engaged in a nine-hour episode battle to get up and lie dow. My legs collapsed under.me. Every bone in my body was sore. My nose never stopped running and my throat was parched. Finally, summoning what little strength I had I slipped and fell hard against the dresser.The floor was wet and slippery -- with my blood. Every bone in my aching body hurt. I finally did get into bed and fell out. I tell you it looked like a crime scene. My face was bloodied bruised. I am too weak to have myself and my wife tested formally. I had been vaccinated three time and "infused" with an experimental.drug once. I got a bivalent booster It's cold and moderately snowy out. I got the vaccine when I wore a mask religiously. Now I got it w/o wearing one. My suspicion is I have tuberculosis, the flu and /or Covid. I've got to go back to bed and lie down. My wife has been very helpful. By week's end, I should know where we stand.
  19. Can I.help it if he is a prolific writer? He is seeking, hope against hope, that after trawling the internet, he will find an opinion he is comfortable with. His bio indicates he has been a MEMBER for nearly six months. There is no indication he has ever used an alternate User Name. The gentleman lives along a temperamental volcanic archipelago.. I say we cut him a little slack. Who knows, maybe somebody will come along and negate everything that's been said? It has.happened. There are wonderful members here who adopt a charming tactic. They let everybody have their say then quietly step forward brandishing the heavy artillery: a contrary view backed by irrefutable evidence accompanied by photos, links, and footnotes. Checkmate!
  20. [Impertinent question: Would you call a woman with this hair color a redhead?]
  21. As it is against the Law -- worse: a violation of the written Board Guidelines -- to, as Shakespeare put it, wag thy tongue in noise so rude against [another member] refrain from doing so. After several expulsions and deportations from the Forum, I ceased to be, in the word of the Website Coordinator, "contentious." She also cautioned members to, "Be Nice, or Be Gone." Let's look at this from the viewpoint most favorable to the OP: There is no denying he feels he has something in hand. He has held it a faraway land for upwards of twenty years. Nothing anyone has said has dissuaded him. My feeling is, running out of options, he will submit it, but may very well disagree with the opinion rendered -- and pay a pretty penny to do so. He is not the first, nor will he be the last, to present the membership with a question concerning features of a coin he feels is unusual. Passion is to be expected when you summon up the nerve to display a coin publicly for comment. Unfortunately, this is not my area of interest and any available information information does not appear to be forthcoming. My only suggestion is treat this new member the way you would want to be treated. Any personal criticism should be assiduously avoided. It may make you fell better, but bottom line, it doesn't add to the conversation much less solve the problem.
  22. I only regret I am unprepared to make you a very attractive offer for your washer. If you can see your way clear to lowering the price below $25,750, we might have a meeting of the minds. 🤣